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Everything posted by Jaesun

  1. If that trailer was showing actual in game play footage... wow. That does look pretty cool.
  2. There ARE companions who can join you. We don't know how many of them there are though. And since the party cap is at 4, I *assume* that if you have the free slots, you can then bring them along. There *MAY* be a new resting system in SoZ, but they are still testing it out. I assume if they don't like it, we would just have the same rests system that was in MotB. ?? I do not remember any changes in resting from NWN2 OC and in MotB, other than you could now rest until morning etc.. It was the same? As in you could not rest if enemies were near by, and a few areas (not many) were marked as you could not rest.
  3. Source According to Todd PEOPLE ARE STUPID!
  4. I agree on Dragon Age but no DI. For the love of all that is holy, you cannot be serious on looking forward to Fallout 3. Seriously. You have always mirrored my like and dislike of games, but please... Fallout 3?? D:
  5. Blue - The Birthday Massacre I love this song. <3 <3 <3
  6. Krzysztof Penderecki is my favorite classical composer. Pure. Brilliance.
  7. I love beer and am drinking beer right now. ANd I would like you all to know, I love you all. <3
  8. I still have never played The Witcher for the very reason in that I wanted to avoid the whole b00bie cards and romance in the game. I'm sure there is a good game in there somewhere though. Though, from personal experience I have had the ""ladies" jumped his bones without asking permission." though in my case it ended with "Honey, that is NEVER going to happen" in real life. Anyways, not to derail/gay up this thread... I am still interested in AP. Maybe... I can get the courage and play a straight guy in a replay.
  9. Glad to hear at least one of the devs would have liked a Gay romance. Though I don't think it would have fit the scope of the project. I can always hope... someday...
  10. SO I'll assume there is no Gay romance option? Not that I had any hope that Obsidian or SEGA would include a gay romance... I am not really Obsidian or SEGA's target audience though, I am still interested in this game. Since I will be (for obvious reasons) be avoiding the whole Romance/sex0ring thing with the ladies... can we at least be... friendly maybe flirty and still get a few of these collaborations with them? I can understand that some of them may have ulterior motives, and well no, you will have so possibly sex0r them to win their attention. I know they stated "And although the women are integral to the story, there
  11. I'm hoping that is a typo? Obsidian doing a RTS game... is kinda weird.
  12. Well it seems Funcom at least released AoC in a more working condition than Anarchy Online. THAT was such a horrible mess at launch. *shivers*.
  13. FPS view. That is Next Gen.
  14. If more cRPG's did the whole "You get XP for finishing this" like Bloodlines (in that you can a finish a task/quest ANY way you want) would be nice. If AP adopted this, I would be very happy.
  15. Tell us how you really feel Xard. As for the spell fixes, I don't understand the whole OMG MAKE THE SPELLS EXACTLY LIKE PNP!!!11! I *can* understand spells that are just bugged, but some of them have been altered so that they don't make the game balance un-breaking.
  16. If they would finally implement say just the NPC AI and enemy AI from Tony K's AI, I would explode with joy. NWN2 is a completely different (and very enjoyable) thanks to Tony K.
  17. No amount of mods with fix that you are the Nevarine.
  18. BWAAAAAAAAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAAAAAAAAAA! That's worse than my werewolf incident. I used the default Recommend on the companions as well. Here, let me serve you a nice cup of shut the ...
  19. Having survived the 12 levels of hell within the sewers of Waterdeep, our brave adventurers venture forth to Darkmoon (Eye of the Beholder II). Here is my level 7 Paladin missing with his +5 Long Sword and with bless and 18/25 STR. Next, our ever adventurous party sumbles upon a trove of sweet sweet PHAT LEWT! I quikly save my game. HOW AWESOME IS THIS!!! Oh wait... oops... HARD CORE OLD SKOOL!
  20. I DON'T have anything against you Hurlshot You made a "blanket" statement "and there's a good deal of guesswork involved" which is not the case where some ACTUAL data is gathered. Following the statement you provided, it implies that all the data on the site is guess work (which it is not). I guess that irked me. Anyways, we are getting way off topic. Just play/buy Age of Conan, you can ride big friggin ELEPHANTS!!
  21. Did you even read where he gets his analysis, or is it easier to just make up statements? I agree, the charts look horrible, though at the time when the site first launched, there were very few MMOG, so this data was easier to read. Now that there are so many, it is crappy to try and read and see which MMOG is which according to it's color. He needs to do a different format.
  22. Er, it's the Jedi, isn't it? No, that was the Vanguard class in Mass Effect.
  23. It was not all EA's doing alone. Even Gariott and Spektor admitted it was also the fault of Origin themselves, and other matters. There is a very long read here. I am not at all happy that Bioware is now apart of EA, but I am a bit concerned. But I guess we shall see. CAN I PLAY A JEDI!!??
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