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Everything posted by Jaesun

  1. Apparently the French mirror my feelings on Fallout 3:
  2. But then you wouldnt have the new races and fixes MotB provided, unless they are in SoZ I suppose. Hmm good point. How did Bioware handle their 2 expansions? (I never bought them). Did the last one require the first? EDIT: Apparently the 2nd NWN1 expansion did NOT require the 1st expansion to play. SO I'll *assume* you wont need MotB. I then will *assume* you can play SoZ with classes from MotB... if you want too.
  3. I kind of expected this. But, if the story is good I don't mind the whole Save the world from the sleeping evil that has awoken.
  4. As an expansion to NWN2... I an *assume* all you would need is the Vanilla NWN2. MotB should not be needed.
  5. Nope. Not at all. That was an actual quote from GameSpy, but they were incorrect (and removed it from the article, I just checked). That is my bad, sorry.
  6. Let us summarize how well Betheda has captured the "heart" of the Fallout series shall we? 1. You can shoot people with teddy bears. 2. You can play Barbie's Post-Apocalyptic house dress-up. 3. A FPS with Pause (cue up actions). 4. Level scaling. (Though a *bit* different than Oblivions). 5. You can fire a Nuclear missile at people 5 feet away from you and suffer no radiation/damage. 6. Shooting at people with patriotic music in the background is "funny". 7. You can wear hats. 8. You can use targeted shots.... with grenades. 9. People that think they are Vampires. 10. No one can ever leave Vault 101... except for only your Farther and you, of course. 11. Sputnik satellite things that hover above the ground spreading the word of the Enclave. 12. There is Jet in the game. Yes the same drug made only in New Reno by Myron. 13. The Enclave, the new government is ruled by President John Henry Eden (voiced by Malcolm McDowell) and its laws are enforced by the powerful Brotherhood of Steel. WAT? Yes, Bethesda has done an astounding job.
  7. Just like the awesome Ultima IX.
  8. What is sad is F:POS is *almost* looking like a better game than Fallout 3.
  9. A little over 1 minute into the video he uses a gause rifle -> http://youtube.com/watch?v=EYd59yMIDz8 He makes a targeted shot at the eyes but the enemy loses a limb and a big chunk out their torso. heh I guess I never noticed that. Amusing.
  10. That is true about the Enclave. Why then are the BOS there? (Tactics is not canon). Anyways there is more debate on this at NMA. No I know they had the bloody mess perk, but people explode by being shot by... teddy bears? what? And It has been a while since I played fallout 1/2... but with a targeted shot to the head + bloody mess... people would explode and body parts fly off? That I don't remember.
  11. Here you go! http://e3.g4tv.com/e32008/videos/26939/Han..._Fallout_3.html See, I was not joking.
  12. I take it you get your kicks from being bitter, then? Find another hobby man, you'll live longer. Well lets see... Play Barbie's post-apocalyptic house dress-up. Completely ignore Fallout canon. Teddy bears that make people explode. Bethesda thinks killing people with patriotic music on the radio is "funny". Bullets shot at peoples HEAD, causes arms and legs to suddenly fly off and explode. The BOS AND the Enclave in WASHINGTON? The Enclave radio station? WTF. I could go on and on. I will say... I think it's a pretty game. But it is no where near a Fallout game. At all.
  13. There is really nothing to be positive about Fallout 3. And sadly no, I am not making this up. Actually if you get G4TV, you can watch the first todd demo now.
  14. I'll assume G4TV website will have the video up shortly, and you can see for yourself, how they are making this abomination. Also shooting people IN THE HEAD, causes people to Blow up in a bloody mess (Arms and legs somehow... get blown off... by the bullet you shoot to their head). BETHESDA ARE SO FUNNY! hoho!
  15. Wow. I NEVER expected that to happen. What next? Final Fantasy 13 will be on the XBox 360... oh wait.
  16. Also, if you shoot enemies with teddy bears... THEY EXPLODE IN A BLOODY MESS! (There is a gun that shoots junk you have on hand, and todd was shooting a Raider with... teddy bears). I'm not making this up.
  17. O NOES! We're in agreement. That fatman weapon is the stupidest thing they introduced into the game. like WTF?!?! Oh no... it gets even worse: Barbie's post-apocalyptic house dress-up! I wonder if NMA will post a headline saying "We are sorry Rosh. You were right."
  18. The only word that comes to mind is "Abomination".
  19. Sand LIKES Mass Effect??
  20. For some reason I felt like playing the Eye of the Beholder Trilogy. I Just finished I and imported my characters into II. Weee!
  21. http://www.gamespot.com/news/6192703.html
  22. I decided to try the Killap's Fallout 2 Restoration Mod. Really liking it so far. But ugh... The Temple of Trials.. :/ In Kalamath now.
  23. Yea I just read that on the codex. AWESOME <3
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