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Everything posted by Jaesun

  1. I found it an incredibly beautiful (I have a machine that could run it with all the pretty graphics), but OK FPS game. I was expecting it to be a bit like SS2, but it's more like SS2 lite.
  2. Yea the article reported nothing. I assume the delay in the announcement of KotOR III is the now wierd Bioware/EA and LucasArts... license. :/
  3. I'm at the point where I have Safiya, Gann, and Kaelyn and now the option opened up where I can have one more companion, but I'd have to kick out Safiya, Gann, or Kaelyn. *cries*. Dammit, I want them all! Oh well, I guess this first play through, I'll do the Safiya, Gann, and Kaelyn party. The new companions are so far, really well written. Since I am playing a Female Fighter/Weapon Master I'm looking forward to the Gann romance, *rawr*. Though, keeping Gann's influence up is, challenging (for me) so far. Damn Chaotic Neutrals!
  4. The new music is excellent <3 <3
  5. Just to re-fresh people's memories, EA has killed the following companies: - Westwood - Bullfrog - Maxis - Origin - Microprose It is sad that the employee's of Bioware will be added to this list. This is truly horrible news.
  6. I have my copy to. YAY YAY!!
  7. Make sure you d/l Platters AWESOME fix pack: http://www.planescape-torment.org/ <3 <3
  8. Wow... Volo speaking sense... I'm scared, in the same way I would be if I was surrounded by big black men in prision. Volo is actually correct. However no other gaming company has had the financial success of WOW. (Cost of development - Current subscriptions). He is some data, that sadly has not been updated in a year or so: http://www.mmogchart.com/ 6,500,000+ people paying.. what is it 20$ a month... blows... my... mind. o.O
  9. ROFL! Khelgar the cat. Maybe the gods got angry at him for claiming to be of Neutral Good alignment, despite the fact that he wants to beat the hell out of every living thing. It's actually Kelgar the hammer wielding weasel. http://img54.imageshack.us/img54/2028/nwn2...07105010zc9.jpg If someone in the NWN2 mod community does not make a mod based off of hammer wielding weasel's, I will be utterly disappointed. Seriously, Hammer wielding weasel's, it SCREAMS mod! <3 <3 <3
  10. Spend your money on Mask of the Betrayer. Way better spent money <3.
  11. You are indeed correct. No actually, most of the people that developed Arena and Daggerfall...and Morrowind have left.. out of disgust with Bethesda/Zenimax. ( i.e. the Lead designer of Morrowind).
  12. Interesting. However, exceptional creative design and thinking is going to be required to break the WOW bubble. Though, many thought WOW would be a flop, and Lineage/EQ would remain as the industry's leader in MMOG. oops. I will say, Asheron's Call had the BEST in game lore and game dynamics of any MMOG. Period. No one has ever topped that, but unfortunately, that just isn't something embraced by the general public. Sigh. I wish them the best, hopefully it will not be another "Fantasy" based MMOG *Jabs forks into his eyes* MAKE IT STOP!
  13. ugh, 2 more days till us U.S. people can play. I still don't know what class I will play. Finished NWN2 as a cleric. I think I may play Mask as a Fighter. Spirit Shaman does sound interesting.
  14. How about none of those choices. Make a stand and refuse to give money to Bethesda's/Zenimax' "re-envisioning" of the RPG (Really Pretty Graphics), and spend your money on better games. Like I did. /troll
  15. I have played only a few FPS, but I loved F.E.A.R. <3 Glad to see a sequel is on the way!
  16. Interesting? I did not know that. Doing a quick google image search, the guy didn't look the same. Maybe it's the hair. Thanks! I'll stop gaying up this thread. Carry on.
  17. Did they model Shepard after Vanderloo?
  18. Naw, he reminds me of someone else. I just can't put my finger on it. That or maybe it's a pr0n star.
  19. I am looking forward to this... when it comes to the PC. That and Commander Shepard is HAWT! <3 <3
  20. Trying to remember... Aliens is Project New Jersey? (Unknown if PC or Console only). That leaves Game 2 (Unknown if PC or Console only) That leaves Game 3 (Unknown if PC or Console only) I used to know all of this off the top of my head. I guess I have been away for too long. :/
  21. 100% feel the same way. Though, I would not mind a D&D 4.0 Baldur's Gate III done by Obsidian.
  22. Ultima VII Part 2 - Serpent Isle/Silver Seed in Exult. <3
  23. It only makes sense that at SOME point Obsidian make make a game console only, at first. Do I like it? Nope, but it is an eventuality. Anywayz, since this is only RUMARZ, I'll wait till more info is leaked, or an official announcement. SO this might be MISTARY Game 3 they were working on? :D
  24. The new Theme music is awesome. Love it!
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