There is actually a good list here:
Of course you will have to ignore all the trolling. I had never heard of the NWN2 creature distant tweak. Sounds pretty cool, I need to try that one.
Yes. It is a modified Jack of Hearts that I put together. And it was made specifically for the OC and works quite well with MotB as well.
It is not SUPAR overpowered, but a lot of fun to play with. Plus you can 0wn Torio at the trial (high Diplomacy). <3
Since Bethesda/Zenimax handle the Marketing for this game, there is really nothing OEI can do.
Or Mr. Rorie could go pester Todd or something, and be allowed to share a juicy tidbit or something.
With how much Bethesda was going for over the top, like all the blood and body explosions (which thankfully can be modded out) you would think that they would have included groin shots. *boggle*
IIRC, this problem only happens to people with external DVD drives.
I however was smart, and bought the Digital Download of SoZ, which removes the DVD check, so I have no problems (nor did I ever have any).
Fearmongering FTW!
I honestly don't have a problem with this (nor will I play it)... provided they will be continuing to make a NWN type of game.
Basically another D&D game + Tool-set.
If they are abandoning that, I'll be pretty pissed. grrrrr.
Seriously, there is NO WAY anyone can look at Point Outlook and Mothership Zeta with a straight face and think "Wow! This is a wonderful DLC package that surely captures the feel of the Fallout Universe!".
At least with Broken Steel/Pitt/Anchorage they tried. Then it just all went into retardo land.... as they say.