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Everything posted by Jaesun

  1. Remember kids, don't consume too much sugar at breakfast time! Are you sure it's sugar?
  2. Wow... they both look almost alike. o.O Bioware... recycling NPC's since.... oh nevermind. One wonders... is she your sister? dun dun dun...
  3. This has never really bothered me. Not even with Bioshock. *shrug*
  4. I ask because there was a small debate the other day about whether using aliens for same-sex romances was 'dodging the issue.' Personally, I can
  6. LOL
  7. This is my games drawer at home. Forgot to show off my signed copy of NWN2. <3 <3
  8. They haven't announced any of the new romances. If there was a M/M romance, would you prefer a human or an alien? I honestly would not care... human or alien. What is interesting is, I follow this one Bioware dev's blog, and he is VERY Gay friendly, in that he said he was trying to sneak in a male/male romance into the game he was working on, because the VO's were already done and other things... and so he could possibly sneak it in. :D . Later on he finally could mention he was working on Mass Effect 2, though currently he can't talk too much about the game until later (such as confirming he did sneak this in). Anyways, I'll keep my fingers crossed.
  9. RPG: Bloodlines FPS: Half Life (though Black Mesa may end up my fave, if they finish it) FPS/RPG: System Shock 2 Adventure: The Longest Journey
  10. Have they released there will be a Male + Male romance... ish NPC for ME2? Just wondering. Still need to play through ME1 and have no romances... now that I know WHAT explicitly to avoid.
  11. You missed the epic troll invasion on the Bethesda forums about this topic (ES:V == MMOG) which zenimax has bought all the rights to (MMOG) website wise. Good times.
  12. *summon Volourn*
  13. While not completely original, something along the lines of The Longest Journey would be kind of cool. In that you are happily enjoying your life... then suddenly you find yourself in another realm. *shrug*
  14. What? At best Rage will come sometime in 2010. oh ok, I thought it was coming out this year. Damn.
  15. This Year... Alpha Protocol Rage Borderlands Wolfenstien When they come out... Fallout: New Vegas Age of Decadence Black Mesa DoubleBear's Zombie RPG Cyclopean Half-Life 2 - Episode 3 Obsidian's SEKRET GAME Wait for bargain Bin... Dragon Age Mass Effect 2 D3us Ex
  16. Star Trek RPG. Come on Obsidian!
  17. http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/4news/20090814 It mentions that the next 4th Edition Campaign Setting will be Dark Sun. <3 Cover art looks excellent.
  18. http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/4news/20090814 One wonders if Obsidians SEKRET Project is perhaps this setting???
  19. Indeed. I never posted that much, lurked more. For you, Jae: Oh, and this one: haha! <3
  20. FYI Missy said the lair is gone for good, period. Gwai talked to her and let us know on #mistresslair.
  21. Indeed. I never posted that much, lurked more.
  22. PA Setting + FPS == WIN! No horrible horrible dialogues, and no looking for your middle aged father! I'm picking this up ASAP.
  23. They can start that after they finish my Star Trek RPG. I must say a Pathfinder RPG would be much WIN!
  24. I've never understood the whole Achievement thing. It means... utterly nothing. Maybe I am getting too old or something....
  25. Have you see the portraits for the game? I have not seen such excellent artwork since BIS games.
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