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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Maybe it's just my age and how long I've been playing computer games.. But I didn't see any real issues with the graphics shown.. It amazes me the comments that have shown up on some of the sites showing the developer diaries and walkthroughs complaining about the graphics.. It's a freaking rpg, it's not meant to be a Crysis/Splintercell type of game.. Personally, it mostly looks smooth and from what I've seen, seems to fit the mood of the levels they've shown off. So it works for me so far. Of course, I still hold the right to change my mind on how well it handles when I actually sit down and play it for x many hours
  2. Pre-built characters that were all designed to fit several "extreme" character types from the sound of it. Which is one way to highlight the differences in the skills use.. What was it, the tough/shooter guy, the sneaky/martial arts guy, and the slightly sneaky/tech/sabotage guy from the sounds of it... Not exactly balanced characters but if you have limited time to show off concepts to a previewer it's one method of handling it.
  3. I restarted BG a bit ago... finally reached the city of Baldur's Gate and just haven't been able to get back into it to actually progress beyond that point.. Going to have to sit down and make a firm attempt at it again..
  4. I like the way they suggest that Mike can sound mental if you keep changing styles of conversation.. I mean, major concept.. a spy who acts differently in circumstances depending on the people he's talking to and how he wants them to react to him.. Yeah, I can reaalllly see why that would make him seem mental.. It gave some interesting snippets of information , but it does seem that the guy who wrote that article was expecting something that was more splinter-cell then an rpg...
  5. Trust the communist-wannabe to follow in certain bloodstained boots to stand on a pile of dead bodies..
  6. I liked the Mako.. I just really didn't like the worlds/terrain you had to drive around on... That was the key fault to it.
  7. Killer Tomatoes did it well.. but Bond did it best
  8. There can be good story reasons for there to be some form of respawning enemies.. or situations where there's a constant stream of them until x is achieved.. (whether that's a plot point hit, or just reaching a certain point on a map). Things where you move from one map to another..and then several days/weeks later in game time you move back to that map (like a lot of rpgs have you do), it can make a certain sense that new creatures have moved in (as long as they're not in the exact same spots that you previously killed creatures in...) to simulate that even if you depopulate an area over time there's going to be regrowth... But generic respawns on every single creature is just .. no.. Pointless grindfest. Frankly, if you've killed everything possible .. you really should have reached a point where you move along in the storyline. Hell, you should never have to kill every freaking thing possible to find just to move the story along (well, okay, again there can be story specific reasons which would make sense for some areas..but not every point in the game).
  9. I do have to say, Snowblind wasn't a bad game if you were just interested in the shooter aspects... DX2 was more disapointing because they hyped up the "choice and consequences" aspect of doing jobs for different factions and how they'd react to you after... and then when you played the game there was bugger all reactions to it.. Even if you shafted a faction in 3 missions, they'd still turn round and ask you to do an important mission.... There were elements of DX2 I really enjoyed.. but that let down, and some of the gameplay just sucked it down to an average game. If it hadn't been following in the footsteps of such a good game.. it might have actually been classed a bit better then average. But comparing it to DX made it seem so much worse then it was.
  10. Some amazingly unaware comments on gametrailers.... It's always bizarre. Makes you wonder if there's some seperate universe holding the people who make them..
  11. Frankly, until there's more info out, there's no point in getting up in arms over the fact that someones "daring" to tread on the Deus Ex cult. I'd rather be optimisic that it'll be a good game and see what actually happens then just say "no, it's crap" before even seeing how they're going to set it up. It's a prequel, they're aiming to have the whole "transhumanism" aspect along with the usual conspiracy story, and there's apparently going to be some renaissance elements to the visual look of the game because that's where they feel the first ideas of transhumanism started.... Apart from that.. it's all guessing games on how it'll go.. so no point stressing, cursing, or even praising the heavens yet...
  12. tsk.. playing the demo, keep getting the Military Base north of the start point to the 95% mark.. but just can't find whatever it is that will push it over..
  13. They did say there was another PR firm taking over the advertising didn't they? So there might be reasons to consolidate all the various media for pr/marketing purposes...
  14. I don't know about the personality change so much.. I mean, they always had that she was that very young Asari who was a touch naive.. but who also had killed pirates and scavengers who'd attacked her dig sites before.. So she wasn't that total innocent. Then she gets involved with Shep and the whole Reaper/Saren thing, see's a lot more death and destruction. Then her friend gets killed, and while trying to find who steals his body she establishes another friendship with someone who gets killed off.. The desire for rip-roaring Revenge can have a significant shift in the way people think and act...
  15. Hm, now did I miss something.. or did they not have pc versions on that list? Ah well.. still, interesting to see how the console pre-orders are set so far..
  16. Oh I wouldn't say Deus Ex was perfect, as has been said it had it's flaws. But the way it blended story and gameplay methods was damn good. The individual parts might not have been the best, but the combination of it all seemed to work superbly. I got pulled into the story and wanted to see how it evolved. Hm, and I can't say I really had that much issue managing resources when playing it.
  17. 10 yrs later and we are still saying that. Because it's true.. I'm not quite sure whether to say that it's unfortunate that it's true that no-game since has managed the blend that well or better.. Or just think that Dues Ex was just that damn good. Although I do look forward to any game that might be comparable or better.. I hope it comes out some day.. and at the moment, from the looks of it AP might be reaching towards it.. but we'll have to see just how it actually plays rather then base it on the pure teaser trailers seen...
  18. Forumites - Firm believers in the concept that winning an argument over the internet gives you possession of your enemies catgirl...
  19. As Harrison Ford once said to George Lucas.. "You can write this stuff, you just can't say it." Video games tend to emphasise a certain.. overblown, over-the-top cinematic events.. and it's very hard to develop dialogue that can be taken that seriously when the events are a touch..beyond the fringe
  20. The new style of play for Alpha Protocol.. James Bond - Jack Bauer - Jason Bourne - Agent Smith..
  21. Sacrilege! You're never too old for computer games.... Although when athritis kicks in on the fingers of your w-a-s-d hand...then you're in trouble
  22. Always good to see a few more interviews and get teased on what the games like..
  23. Although it's as much suggestions for possible DLC... As they have mentioned that depending on how well sales go, they would be considering possible DLC... Besides, people always like throwing ideas around even if there is no real results from it..
  24. I don't think humanity has the big overwhelming fear of AI that the rest of the galactic population has... The majority of the Council races have the big fear because they were around when the Geth first kicked Quarrian butt... which is why they passed all the laws.. Humanity just turned up 10 years ago.. and the only reason they don't do heavy AI research is because it's against Council Law.. but am I the only one who got the feeling that the Moonbase outpost showed that the Alliance was perfectly willing to skirt the edges of those laws in the shadows? And most of the Normandy SR-2 crew is humanity..so.. it does kind of make sense they don't have the uber-fear of AI that most others do..
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