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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Hm, I really can't see how dlc would work well for this game. One of the key features is the choice and consequences and how choices from one hub can affect the others.. DLC won't work that well with it. Hm, I mean, sure they could have it so choices from the "normal" game hubs would affect the DLC stuff.. but nothing in the DLC would affect the rest of the game. So unless the DLC is designed purely to be stand alone stuff that runs outside of the games story.. (which I guess could be possible) there wouldn't be much point to it... But hey, that might just be me.
  2. It's nice to see a new trailer.. but to my mind, it looks like a trailer for the next season of 24.. or the Bourne Generation Film X rather then a computer game trailer... I can understand why they went that way, but eh.. I'd like to see a new computer game trailer for it
  3. Hm, I never did get into consoles.. I skipped from the old Amstrad 6128k with a tape deck to a low powered ibm compatible generic pc with a 40MB harddrive It's always seemed that most of the console games were overpriced compared to pc games.. and until the last decade didn't really have the wide variety of game genres.. (wow.. being able to casually talk about a decade like that makes me feel old..) Ah well. I guess I'm a pc gamer through-and-through.
  4. It's that awkward balance isn't it.. I'm really interested to see how the c&c actually turns out.. and the whole concept of modern day spy rpg twitches my deus ex nostalgia... But after all these delays there's that feeling that all the excitement/longing for it is going to be seriously disapointed.. which is a little worrying. Ah well, Amazon are going to be shipping it to me on the day of release.. and the pre-order's been in existance a little over a year now...
  5. Raithe


    "To say that I met Nicholas Brisbane over my husband's dead body is not entirely accurate. Edward, it should be noted, was still twitching upon the floor." Now that's a fun opening line to a book. Silent in the Grave, regency era mystery/detective style. Entertaining read with some humerous twists. Makes me think what might have been produced if Jane Austen had been writing Sherlock Holmes..
  6. I never could bring myself to finish the first Far Cry.. I think I got about 6 hours out of it.. then stopped playing for some reason and never got the ooomph to get back into it. Pretty graphics, but no real pazzow factor in the storyline or gameplay to keep me going..
  7. Raithe


    Try the Liaden Universe books by Steve Miller and Sharon Lee.. space opera with some fun dialogue.. Described by certain criticts as "a cross between Star Wars and Pride and Prejudice". Michelle Sagara has a series, Cast in Shadow, Cast in Courtlight, Cast in Secret, which have an interesting mix of fantasy and detective/mystery thrown in together with mysterious powers in the background. Also, if you can still find them Deborah Doyle and James D Macdonalad did the Mageworlds series, which is a quite good space opera collection. A mixture of roguish adventure, hunting a parents assassin, high political shennanigans, conspiracy, set with the potential for a galactic wide war in the background..
  8. Because if people enjoyed a certain game/licence, they want more of it.. Who doesn't want more Nolf or Smac? Going with the "I loved this game, it would be great to see a followon to it where they tightened up the odd flaws in it" seems a fairly simple way of suggesting what type of games you'd like to see in the future I mean, sure, I'd like a solid rpg with heavy storyline, snappy patter, lots of choice and consequence, and something other then a "save the world from the big bad" ending.. as it is, I'm just going to have to wait a couple of months for Alpha Protocol to arrive and see how that satisfies my cravings for that sort of game.. And it would be nice to see a few decent rpgs made that aren't purely fantasy based, (or even when non-fantasy based, don't have people doing the "that's the equivalent of the fighter, that's the equivalent of the mage..."). Genres that would be interesting would be a Victorian adventure/detective .. the cyberpunky near future... a space opera or even fairly hard sci-fi.. Of course, the more "modern" you make an rpg, the more "shooter" elements you'd have to put into it because I don't really see the console section appreciating the old Fallout 1 &2 style of handling ranged weapons..
  9. And that's why I'm glad to deal with straight English. It might be a mixed bastard of a language, but it's fun.. "We are the Anglo-Saxon collective. Your cultural and linguistal distinctiveness will be added to our own. Your biology will adapt to service ours. Cultural identity is irrelevant. Lower your pants and prepare to be boarded."
  10. That's always the trouble.. "honor" is defined by the culture...
  11. "For his weapon is choice.. choice and a pistol. Yes, for his two..two main weapons are choice, a pistol, and an unnerring sense of......"
  12. But yes, will there be bonuses for people who've already had the game on pre-order for over a year?
  13. to paraphrase.. "I am shocked, shocked to find that an actual release date has been given!"
  14. Raithe


    Just finished off Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn trilogy... Entertaining read, some original aspects thrown in. Although I do think book 1 (Mistborn) was the best of the three...
  15. Hm, I think I can agree on a couple mentioned.. Nolf 3. Majorly worthwile.. Kotor 3 - single player crpg wootage . The Old Republic MMO might be interesting, but I want my single player version. Alpha Centuari 2 - More smac... has to be a goodness Just to poke a bit at obsidian (well, sega as well) Alpha Protocol
  16. The romance effect will be interesting to see in ME3... I mean, if you romanced Ashley (or Kaiden) in ME1.. and you go through the bizarre behaviour they give you on Horizon in ME2.. It certainly sounds like breakup material. Although, you do get an email later doing the whole "maybe I overreacted, I thought I lost you, I don't want to lose you again." But really, does a single email make up for that whole rant? So if you then get into a romance with one of the ME2 team.. and you turn the picture of Ashley/Kaiden face down.. What sort of reactions are going to turn up in ME3..
  17. Limited ammo can add to the suspense of working your way through a level.. especially when it depends on what sort of play style you have..
  18. Arrived in Baldur's Gate in my first re-play of BG1 in nearly a decade.. Not sure if any of the Tales of the Sword Coast stuff is worth the bother... Of course, I've got to run through and then work on BG2 and Throne of Bhaal as well..
  19. Hm, I wouldn't say things were that out of character for them. Wrex used to be a leader of sorts within his clan, and he originally was a lot more..upbeat about things (at least if you listen to his stories it seems that way) it was only when his father betrayed him that he went off into the ultra-cynical, who gives a flying-crap-about-the-krogans... and depending how you played through ME1.. you could see how Shep brings Wrex back into less cynical way of thinking.. and Wrex goes back in an attempt to provide a "better" way of life for Krogans then just the "mercenary blow **** up". Garrus was always close to the edge of vigilante behaviour.. the constant complaining of red tape, the admiring of Spectres ability to act out side the law.. nothing really shouts out against him becoming a vigilante even if you encouraged a less "shoot 'em on sight" attitude. Lliara - Well, think how much people can change from their late teens/early twenties to having quite different world views by the time they hit the 30's. We meet her at a time she's still considered by most Asari as fairly childish, and she's the quiet type who's spent a lot of her time alone on archaeological digs (although, she has experience in stopping pirates/raiders at those dig sites). She has a close friend (Shep) , and she develops a friendship with someone else (the drell informant) and the Shadow Broker does some stuff involving them that hits the "I want Bloody Vengeance!!" buttons .. that's going to change someones attitude a bit.. but again, it can make sense... Ashely / Kaiden - That's the least likely out of it all. Sure, they tend towards the whole "Cerberus is Evil" viewpoint, and to them it might look like Shephard faked his death and didn't tell them..and now has turned up working arm in arm with the Evil Organisation . But you'd think they'd have more trust for Shep then to blow up and not really listen. Especially after the events at Horizon..
  20. Yes, I mean you had some of the logs you could find suggested that the Doctor had become increasingly disalusioned, mostly because he kept striking out on hitting on Miranda... and he saw all this money pouring into the project but didn't consider that he was getting enough.. But nothing to really say who he sold out to, or much of a reason except being spurned by Miranda...
  21. Well, Shep has a private toilet and shower.. The benefits of command.
  22. Well, the main places where they had crew working did have doors that clamped shut.. the big area of the main bridge.. okay, that was wide open'ish. And the mess hall.. again, wide open'ish. But even on modern warships, those two areas don't exactly come with ways to make them small or seal off areas within them.. They'll seal the doors leading to them, but that's it.
  23. Ah, but look at the diagrams of the ship during the loading sequences.. There seems to be a lot of volume around the rooms. I mean sure, that's all the pipework, electrics, space avionics and such go, but throw in the technobabble twinkie talk of material engineering....
  24. Hey, it's "comfortable" warfare. They've spent several billion on getting Shep back.. and probably about as much on the ship. They might as well give it a few luxury moments.. like the leather seats If you're going to send someone on a suicide mission, make sure they have first class flights... Why go economy?
  25. I had one bug happen once. Some point in the first.. hm , 2 or 3 hours of gameplay I had it crash out back to windows when it was about to start one of the cinematic points. Never happened again. Pretty sure the trash compactor is a twinkie humerous thing just for the background...
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