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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. There's a reason it's easier to be a Tzimisce with a horde of ghouls, revenants, and fleshcrafted schlactza in the dark ages then in modern day....
  2. That's always seemed a bit dodgy to me.... technically it's accurate.. but that's just turning you into a catalyst.. drink his blood, filter it through your system...then let him have some of it back. It depends in just how you wrap up the spirit of it.. I guess it doesn't have to be quite as..clinical a relationship between Kindred and Retainer as it sounds. Edit: There's also the factor that if the ghoul uses any disciplines / blood abilities that require that blood point.. they're going to need you to replace it again quicker. If they don't do anything beyond the normal they only need the 1 in their system to stay "ghouled". So if you want them to be useful beyond the background.... It's going to turn you into a blood factory.
  3. You know.. if we're not careful this could turn into a total "when I was a boy, we used to live in a cardboard box, and have to wake up 2 hours before we went to bed" type of thread.... Still, may the gods of healing and luurv visit and clear up the throat spike issues Wals.
  4. For the slightly bizarre.. I've been poking around to be able to pre-order the upcoming Tron Evolution game.. but while the usual suspects have the ps3, the wii, the xbox versions.. they either don't show the pc version.. or just have a the "currently unavailable/ no idea when it will be" type of message... So is this just the UK, the rest of Europe, or Wold Wide I wonder?
  5. Managed to actually get to bed early last night... and then ended up waking up late with a cringing headache. Surviving, but now have to face the autumn weather to go pick up the milk and assorted groceries..
  6. Raithe


    Naked Heat by "Richard Castle" Heh, it's a fun read...very much in the style the scriptwriters use for the actual show. And all of the little nods and winks to episodes of Castle where he picked up "research" from the murders/events they investigate and how they've been worked in the "fictional" book is somewhat amusing.
  7. Raithe


    picked up a copy of the original Tron soundtrack.. techno music from '83...
  8. To be fair on the families side, they did ask the Americans not to go gung-ho and charge in, because they knew some people that were negotiating for their daughters release.. So I can understand why they're so pissed that the Americans went in anyway.. But yes, I'm amazed at the one-sided reporting again.
  9. So the big news of the day is about that kidnapped aid worker in Afghan.. and how the US Special Forces tried a raid to rescue her..and accidentally killed her themselves when they threw a grenade in the room. And the papers I had a quick glance at so far.. are purely about the US Soldiers screwing up, and no real heavy/critical points about the actual people who kidnapped her in the first place... While I think it's a bit dangerous in a hostage rescue to be casually throwing grenades around... You'd expect a little more reporting on the kidnappers..
  10. Well my comment wasn't aimed at you Wals, but since I live in a student city.. I'm forever stumbling over alcohol ganked up students around town on the weekends. After all, there's something to be said for quiet parties where you drink a bit to the merry side, and have a raging fire pit in the backyard while the guys sit back with some fine spirits and cigars brought back from mexico, cuba and points around there.. But I just can't get into the mindset of several associates who drink to the point of throw up/pass out.. purely for the sake of reaching that point and declaring it fun.. If you're trying to reach unconsciousness for other reasons, that I can understand.. but to say it's fun is something I just don't get...
  11. Internet fandom happened. .. Oh, and fan slashfiction. and the concepts of flame war. And the geek's belief that any difference of opinion and a successful resolution of an internet argument gives you the rights to the losers catgirl...
  12. That's one of those curious things.. now, as I grew up my parents were quite happy to let the kids enjoy wine with certain meals, and when we went off on the cruises they'd even let us try out ****tails in the evening.. very much in that "This is alcohol, there's nothing special about it." So both my sister and I never really thought of alcohol as that wonderful, mysterious substance to hammer as we grew up.. Although the tour around the vinyards of madeirra on the new year when I was eight and I managed to get hammered for the first time in my life wasn't something they reacted well to.. (I blame it on looking totally pure and innocent, and the mixture of newly married couples and old age pensioners doing the "aww, you're so cute, why don't you have one of these tasters?") But I've seen so many classmates and such react to it as if it's the be all and end all of a night out. Hell, I remember one time just after the christmas break when some 18 year old who worked the same part-time job came in and did this whole "Wow, I had a great christmas week. I spent over
  13. Lets see, traversing the joys of transferring bits and pieces from my mothers old computer into a new one..then installing the assorted software and needed things.. The vet says the cat has conjunctivitis..and it's been playing up.. oh.. and the dog got dive-bombed by birdcrap while it was out in the garden... It's had that joyful monday start...
  14. Raithe


    "For the ladies yield, and the ships go down.. or wait, is that the other way around? Ah-Hah, For I am the Pirate-King!" Some songs just stick to the mind and circle....
  15. But does it have the sheer chutzpah of..: "We're men, we're men in tights. We roam around the forest looking for fights. We're men, we're men in tights. We rob from the rich and give to the poor, that's right! We may look like sissies, but watch what you say or else we'll put out your lights! We're men, we're men in tights, Always on guard defending the people's rights."
  16. Keeping that regular supply line going when you have a handful of servants, then throw in blood bound fleshcrafted creations.. especially if that house plan takes off.. you'll need more then one body to stretch around there.... It all starts adding up... which makes hunting more important.. which can attract more attention...
  17. But yes, to return slightly to the original aspect of this thread.. one of the troubles with tzimisce is keeping an eye on that blood budget and keeping the fleshcrafted minions and revenant servants ghouled.... .. and Minions are so darn useful...
  18. Watched a rather good version of HMS Pinafore by Essgee Entertainment that was recorded back in '97... and ended with a surprise appearance of the Pirate King.. Heh, that's making me think about digging out that Pirates of Penzance with Kevin Kline in..
  19. We used to combat the long haul by alternating.. one session would be the long-term campaign, and then one session would be something different.. several different short term things, not even playing the same system. That might be worth a try, or at least talking him into trying it to keep the long haul going. Used to know a AD&D gm who was great for low-level campaigns..but he was never interested in fleshing things out when you got to over 8th level.. so he'd basically start another 1st level campaign every time we reached that plateu in his games..
  20. Now that's a bit shocking... 2 months is like.. a couple of adventures.. at that. Barely qualifies as a mini-campaign. Sure, there's a time and a place to run something short but still....
  21. Keeping a campaign flowing for a couple of years can take some enthusiasm...
  22. Ah, Switzerland.. always makes me think of the Harry Lime quote.. and Swiss mercenaries only allowed to work for the Vatican because the rest of Europe thought they were too dangerous to let roam..
  23. Needed to unwind some last night.. so decided to have a stab at Secret Files: Tunguska for that adventure nostalgia..
  24. I'm just not finding this one to be.. addictive. I'm managing to play an hour here.. an hour there.. but I haven't been pulled into some marathon session where I look up and go "crap.. its 7 hours later.." It's nice.. it's pleasant.. but something feels missing.
  25. Some years back I played a Tzimisce in a campaign that went from the Dark Ages to Modern day. The GM used the Transylvanian Chronicles with his own twist. He even mixed in some elements from the Giovanni Chronicles as we went along.. That was.. quite epic..and disturbing.
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