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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Apparently there are 7 specific locations involving tech to some degree.. as soon as you visit 3 of them her quest will kick off. Also, if you mean the pulse gun in the armory of the vault.. it's possible to pick up the key for that lockbox at Nellis.. (at least, I found a key with the "transfer" order and that let me unlock it without having to pick the box..) And I will say..the Space Suit is vay useful for exploring Vault 34.. or whatever that radiated one is
  2. It's a monday... and it feels like a monday. Attempting to find some enthusiasm for the day...
  3. Apparently Sneak also comes into a check if you want to try hiding some "small guns/weapons" when you go in the Casino's... And yeah, the moment I walk in either the Atomic Bar/Brothel or the main Casino rooms.. I suddenly get moments of judder.. smooth as anything outside those..but within those it gets all temperamental.
  4. Well ED-E's side quest opens up when it overhears certain conversations and unlocks some old recordings.. Currently I have radio messages from the Brotherhood of Steel and the Followers of the Apocalypse wanting to disect the bot... Anyone have an idea on where you can pick up a "pretty dress" for Veronica? I kind of assumed I'd be able to find one in the Strip..but so far nada...
  5. He was part of a caravan they attacked.. and he actually fought back and killed a couple of the Powder Gangers. So they basically decide to make a firm statement on "killing us is a bad idea when we want to take your caravan goods" and try to hunt him down to make an example.. and then its "hey, there's this small community here, let's bring it under our influence."
  6. Death Claws are nasty with their Damage Resistance up there at around 30.. .. I don't think I have any weapons that do over 22 damage yet.. "Take that face full of shotgun at point blank range, yeah!.... Oh..crap.. it didn't do any damage.. Claw!!"
  7. Yup,. those invisible walls are a pain.. I'm trying to get to a Ranger Outpost that's right by the Black Mountain ..but for the life of me I can't find a route there... the couple of places that looked possible had the invisible walls stopping you... Edit: And then the game crashes, when I reload.. there's no mission marker at that spot.. it looks like its been moved elsewhere.. tres weird.
  8. That's okay Wals, I gave my folks orders to make sure you get an invitation to the funeral if I drop dead this weekend.. But seriously, my head feels fine. It's the way my neck's aching either side that's a pain. Has that stiffness like I pulled something, ah well, I am sure it'll settle down. Still, I'm going to have a quiet night and either read a bit or get in some more FONV.. haven't quite decided yet.. No wild parties tonight..
  9. Raithe


    I've been meaning to section off some time at some point to skim-re-read through the Wheel of Time.. since the penultimate book is out this November..
  10. First impressions are.. New Vegas looks a bit prettier then FO3... or maybe those brown tones feel warmer then the grey/green of the Washington wasteland.. And one crash-out to windows...
  11. Going to try to ignore the rest of the family and spend some fresh, quality time on New Vegas today..
  12. Well woke up with a little bit of a headache, and an annoying neck ache.. and now I am going to make time to sit down and play some Fallout New Vegas dammit. I has it, I wants it, and I'm going to goshdarn play it.
  13. Well back from the physical labour.. it turned out to be dismantling and moving a Myford Lathe. A rather large and weighty piece of equipment. Still, things seem mostly settled, just the background headache. And I do appreciate the concern and wisdom of all. The trouble is getting an appointment with my GP will end up being in two weeks + (if the standard runs to norm) and if I go to Casualty (A&E to you colonials) since I didn't lose consciousness or have any blood pouring out, I'd be sat there waiting for about 7 hours. (Seriously, I did part-time work at the Hospital some years ago during Uni and with a hospital uniform and a bleeding headwound I got sat in casualty from about 20:15 and didn't have a doctor to see me until about 0730. That was a fun night.) But I had no blurry vision and the slightly sick feeling passed very quickly. So I'm just going to take it easy for a few hours now and see how it goes. Plus I've spent way too much time dealing with hospitals with family. I'm.. resistant to the idea unless I'm halfway to deaths door. It's irrational I know..but it's something that's developed over the years.
  14. To prove my macho insanity.. (or my monty pythonism) I shall merely say "Hah. Tis but a flesh wound." But seriously, a cup of tea seems to be settling the sick feeling, and I'm not pulling any dizzy. Just that background headache and whiplash effect in my neck. Besides, if I don't provide the help, I just know my dad will go and try helping. Which will then mean we'll probably end up hearing about his back problems for the next week... Some things are worth the suffering. Some aren't..
  15. Technically I now have a shiny copy of Fallout New Vegas... I just don't have the time to sit down and play it at the moment...
  16. Gratz Wals.. To round out how my week is going.. Friday arrived. The doorbell went early. I leapt up to answer it..made it to the door of the room I was in..and suddenly, for no reason that I can understand.. I found myself falling backwards. I bounced my head off the floor loud enough to startle everyone in the house. My neck is now having a joyful throbbing ache, a quite amazing bruise on the back of my head, about three seperate patches of grazes along one arm (again, no clue how that happened), that headbang induced sick feeling and as I realise the pleasantness of Fallout New Vegas having arrived.. I find out the family has volunteered my services as a physical labourer to help a family friend shift things this morning...
  17. There's something to be said for a nice Balti with some Peshwari Naan...
  18. To go for the dark and twisty humour.. London.. so they were London Business People.. not exactly the most shining examples of pleasant behaviour gathered... But seriously, yes.. not helping is one thing, but stopping to just take pictures (possibly with an eye towards selling it to the news?) does speak of a rather callous and appalling attitude.
  19. Well.. to add to your worries.. isn't she ethically bound not to date you whilst you're still her patient? So to date her you have to lose her physio services...
  20. I don't know.. If you've seen repeated news stories of good samaritans who've ended up losing their houses because some idiot they helped save sued them for the manner in which they saved them.. You might start being cautious in providing aid... A couple of years ago there was even one where a policemen was sued by a woman he performed cpr on. Because he opened her top and exposed her bra to the onlookers. I kid you not.
  21. Kind of staggered into this morning. Managed a few hours sleep ..which is good , otherwise I'd doubtless be halucinating wildly by now.. Although some freaky dreams this morning. Got a few odds and ends done during the day. Even got to sharpen my mind on something this afternoon.. although after sending an email I was suddenly cursing as I realised my use of grammar was wrong... Of course, to add to the joys of the week I'd been watching an rpg book on ebay thats no longer published.. waiting for that finale moment to put in my bid.. which was right at the time I get called for in the loud emergency voice from family.. I dart out to find it's just some dinner related question. Of course, when I get back I find I'd lost the bid... Last minute snipes...
  22. The dangers of being sued for trying to help people helped push away the urge to be a good samaritan. Also, the heavy pressure of radical feminalism did its best to kill the chivalric urge.... Combined with the general desire of people not to get involved in things these days as well... All combinations that suck the life out of common courtesy and the willingness to aid a stranger. Heh, I know I've gotten a few comments from the girlfriends of my mates at times over the fact I'm one of the few guys they've ever met in their lives who will offer a jacket if I notice they're cold, or regularly hold open a door for them.. If even those basic attitudes have disapeared, the odds of people actually being helpful when theres possible danger?
  23. Needs more lines in sand. What happened to America's "we'll do it ourselves, go away government" thing? Thats been an iconic myth they've kept telling themselves for a few centuries now..
  24. There's the Imperial Agent - the dude with sniping amidst his skills from the looks of it.. and then Shadow Inquisitor to Sith Assassin.. So it's going to be your choice of whether to be an ass with a long gun, or an ass with a double lightsaber...
  25. Dang it.. that made me want to dig up a copy of John Tams rendition of "Spanish Bride".. but it's not on youtube.. I guess those old regimental songs from Sharpe aren't lingering around.. Farewell and adieu to you Spanish lady Farewell and adieu to you ladies of Spain For we're under orders to sail home to England But I know in some time we'll return once again
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