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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. The Rail Nomads.. the only time you can actually interject your own word into a conversation to have an effect on the storyline. Or least it seems the only one I've seen so far. By putting in one word in a conversation rather then selecting the choices they give you, you get to make peace between the tribes. And it takes a bit of odd thinking to get there. Or just pounding your head trying to figure it out.
  2. Enjoy the birthday time gentlemen.
  3. Went back to Wastelands 2, had to reload from before I arrived in Damonta and redo it all. Went through it in slightly different order, and then it fixed things so I was able to leave and exit to the wasteland again. So, no clue what was causing that bug. You don't seem to have any really good choices with the Diamondback Militia and the Servants of the Mushroom Cloud. All choices lead to screwed situations it seems. The DBM's are hardcore versions of the Rangers, but in a crappy, oppressive, and rigid way. Plus, for a group that's basically copying the Rangers, they talk crap about them. The Priests are.. bug nutz crazy, but they do care about keeping the valley "safe'ish" to travel, and have a hospital accessible by all. But they do like to do suicide mini-nuke grenades to "protect" themselves and those that have paid tribute.
  4. For those Veronica Mars fans out there... Buzzfeed - New Veronica Mars webisodes to go Meta It all sounds very... meta.
  5. After a day of not playing anything I went back to Wasteland 2. But there seems to be some bug issue with leaving Damonta. Now every time I try to exit the map, I get a loading screen with a full yellow bar.. and the music and sound effects of already having loaded.. and a cursor you can move around the screen that will change as if it's on a normal map. Upon looking across the internet, the best advice is to apparently kill Red, and be unable to finish his quest off... Pondering whether I should try that or look for other things first...
  6. And there's a background reason for that sword. Said barbarian claimed it as a trophy from a Frost Giant. so she can only use it properly when she's using the Barbarian rage ability which boosts her strength...
  7. Go for yoga and gymnastic based exercises. They are weight bearing, but the weights are generally your own body. The guy training us for Tough Mudder used to lift weights for about ten years, but for the last 7 or 8, has totally shifted to gymnastic training because he's found it works more muscles in a lot more ways. That and it's generally something you can do with minimal needs for equipment and space.
  8. Hm, I fixed it and the drilling doohicky races into that corner of the corridor and all the plant life goes kersplat. I can't remember if I used mechanical repair, or if it needed computer science to program it. One of those sorts of skills.
  9. On one side if you you can race through the poison a distance and there's a door you can go through and a room free of poison. If you carry on to the metal doors, you can break them down, in which case there's a drilling laser thing you can repair to clear the way.. or smash through a wall into a room full of mutated critters. If you go the other way, its a long corridor full of fans, this one has another corridor running alongside it you can sprint into and out of the poison gas. But you need to have computer skills to override the airlock doors to go all the way up it, or someone to run between the non-moving fans to brute force the door closed so the airlocks open. Once you get all the way around, you can switch on all the vents and that'll suck the poison clear.
  10. A friend introduced me to Longmire, which I've been catching up on. Based on the books about a Wyoming County Sherriff who works next to a Cheyenne reservation, is coming out of a year low due to the loss of his wife... Whose best friend is played by Lou Diamond Phillips as the snarky friend, indian who runs the bar character. Also Katee Sackhoff as the Deputy who used to be a cop from Phillidelphia and is getting used to the difference in culture and policing.. Entertaining in its way. You have to give props to any show that can pull off dialogue like: "It's time we used an O.I.T." "An O.I.T.?" "Yes. An Old Indian Trick..." said with a knowing wink.
  11. Having one of those days where I'm just feeling incredibly grey and introverted and don't actually want to interact with people. Trying to get my focus in so I can get a workout tonight, just have a couple more before Tough Mudder on Sunday, and I want a day or so to relax before then. Of course, the weather's turned here. We've gone from the heat-wave to being lashed with the edge of hurricane weather from the Atlantic, so grey skies, plenty of thunder and lashings of rain with odd hail. I'm hoping it'll break by the weekend and settle somewhere between slashing rain and blazing heat...
  12. Hm, weird, they're showing for me.. The joy of internet oddities.
  13. To be fair, you'll need someone who enjoyed their old movies...
  14. For the interesting take, and the imagery.. http://youtu.be/uT3SBzmDxGk
  15. What about the other three? And Angela "Easy Mode" Death? Well, I went with Hex for the mechanical fixery, Big Bert for the muscles, and Bear for the hunting, sniping, general assault rifle of DOOM!. Hm, talking of Angela Deth, if you dismiss her, she seems to totally disappear from the game. I can find all the other companions loitering in the mess hall, but no sign of her in or around the Ranger Citadel. Still pootling along on it, sunk a large chunk of my sunday into gaming in the wasteland now. I'm enjoying it as a pleasant game, but I haven't really been grabbed by anything amazing, just having the nice nostalgia. Getting the Rad Nomads to have peace was a pain in the ass tho.
  16. Well I thought what the hell and plugged the Wasteland 2 steam code I got for backing Eternity in and have whiled away a large chunk of the evening roaming around the AgCenter with my smooth talking, handgun waving ranger shooting pod people...
  17. If we're going to the gym here.. http://youtu.be/0MEqTWqAUQU
  18. Hm, on film related news.. Babylon 5 Movie Reboot a Possibility
  19. Of course, if we drop in Weird Science.. how can we forget to at least put one of.. Woman in Red.
  20. Heh, of course season 4-7 is where they kind of pasted over B5's style story arc and had the giant war storyline running through most of it.
  21. Hit DS9 first. Voyager gets a bit too stuck on making all bad guys lose any trait of danger, and every few episodes makes you question why they have a security officer. Either the crew is being kidnapped, the bridge officers are being kidnapped, or someone is stealing the ship...
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