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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. But a bit Have you ever played Sid Meier's Pirates! ? It's like that, but on dry land. But a bit less of a story. I found it addictive to begin with, but after a certain point it was just repeating the same actions again and again and again.
  2. Had a weird weekend, kind of slid into that vague disconnected feeling/mindset from friends and work. Trying to pull things back into some sort of order and get my ducks lined up in a row.
  3. I'm kind of surprised we haven't had Bruce bringing up #heforshe and Emma Watson's UN speech.... or did I miss that buried somewhere?
  4. Technically I bought Shadow of Mordor. It just won't be arriving for a week.... Again, buying physical copies via amazon can work out cheaper then digital copies..
  5. I have to admit, I got a bit hacked off by the Diamondback Militia Officer ranting on about me being no better then a murderer for killing his men in the Canyon, so I better help their plans or they'd just put me down. And if I got killed in doing it, so what. Given the fact that his men attacked you regardless on seeing you, I'd say it was their own damn fault. So, since I'd already hacked all the turrets in their base, I used brawl to take out a couple of DMB folks, grabbed their weapons and managed to kill everyone else there. Of course, that didn't stop the DMB and Bandits and Monks fighting over everything after I disarmed the Nuke. So does slaughtering everyone actually change any outcomes?
  6. Ah, the internet. When 5 years can be worth decades.. or still viewed as the new kid on the block..
  7. Of course, I had the peace treaty all signed, everyone was happy, the Rangers back at the Citadel applauded me for it... but when the end epilogue came up, I got told that since I'd helped Casey annihilate the Topekans all sorts of bad crap had happened. So I have no idea where that came from. Edit: Heh, and beaten while I typed..
  8. Well I've found it in several run throughs in the beta, and once in the current version at the Airfield, when you face Tinker. It's not dropped by the robots you destroy, but an actual specific tread in one of the crates in the Airfield hangar.
  9. Technically, the game storywise encourages you not to deal with those turrets and that part of the prison until after the visit to the Temple of Titan. You can find a "tread" in Darmonta that fixes the robot by the prison wall, that will go up to the turrets and destroy them. Or, you can potentially load up on the various rocket launchers from TNT back at the Ranger Citadel if you have enough scrap before hand. Of course, the time I did that it beta, it broke the game later because I'd killed all the Rad Scorpions early in the game, but it wouldn't let me continue the main storyline until I went back to the prison because the dead people were yelling on the Radio....
  10. Had a really weird experience when I tried to sit down and handle some work. Went into some sort of anxiety attack, all the flaws, mistakes, problems, or general issues just magnified up and riffled through like a flipbook on loop in my head, then started spiralling off from work stuff to life in general stuff. A wee bit disconcerting.
  11. Well, I finished it up.. and got to enjoy the "epilogue"... where I was told that people I'd killed were alive and making things horrible, people I'd actually saved were dead, and groups I'd made peace between had actually slaughtered one another because there had been no peace.. Okay, about half of the "and so and so happened" was based on my actions, but the other half were all very strange considering I kept going asking whether it had played the same game I had...
  12. I have to admit, I ran Makeb first with my Sith Assassin and then did the dailies.. and it has its grind but it wasn't a problem. I then ran the Republic side dailies/weekly with my Smuggler, and holy hell, that was painful. So many freaking mobs and longer routes to get anywhere, it felt like I could barely move 5 paces without having another grinding combat. All these things that should take 5-10 minutes to run through and it took me about 4 hours to get through them. I've pretty m uch promised myself never to repeat that experience...
  13. I haven't had a single crash or glitch out in that way... The only oddities I've had is the not being able to return to hand in Sue's quest because the airlock was shut to the West farm at the Ag Centre, and the oddity of the Prison where I got yelled at for having killed Red Scorpions there when I didn't on my first visit.
  14. I caught the first two episodes of Forever. One of the things I did like was that the homicide detective actually has a dozen or so cases, and gets yelled at for focusing on one case over the others. Has a lot of nice, dry wit running around, especially from the protagonist - the immortal who keeps waking up naked in water whenever something kills him. In a search for a "cure" that will allow him to finally die for real, he's ended up becoming a Forensic Medical doctor...
  15. ... <owns them all. Also I've gotten back into this kinda... managed to finally get a toon to the max level and then just have no idea what to do. Heh, then Calax, maybe you should take a look at the Knights of the Old Republic run they did - the introduction of Zayne Carrick, and the early simmerings of the Mandalorian war and all that jazz? Once you hit that point in-game, have you looked at the CZ-198 and Oricon stuff yet?
  16. Having a poke around Rodina in LA. Hm. spiked the drink of Pat the Axe, fed the tainted possum meat to Biggun, but can't seem to figure out how to get the last guy... Swear there's got to be something about spiking bottled water with tequila or something but can't find anything that works. Got the tequila recipe after doing a stealthy bank heist, but that doesn't provide anything...
  17. This is what happened to me so I started over. This time I'm going to do the prison before moving on instead of coming back to it. Heh, I did the prison, and killed Dantforth before going to the Canyon in the Beta. And it broke the game. Ended up with me still getting the radio messages about having to go to the Prison to checkout the Scorpions before I could go any further.. but I'd already wiped them out and salted the earth...
  18. You should hunt down the graphic novels that started the whole "5,000 years before Star Wars" setup. They're not too bad, and they lay out a lot of what got used as a basis for the KOTOR games.
  19. Yavin IV.. as in the moon on the Yavin system that the Rebels were based on when the Death Star swung by... Which also happened to be a location used 4 thousand years previously by Exar Kun (who sacrificed his followers in an attempt to become immortal but became a dark side ghost) , and before him Freedon Nadd who was himself a fallen jedi turned to the Sith ways and apprenticed under the previous ruler of the Sith Empire Naga Sadow who was in hidden stasis on the moon -(Sadow is also the one who started the Hyperspace War that led to the Sith Empires "destruction" and ultimately the TOR Emperor's Rise). If that satisfies your basic EU overview there?
  20. Hm, came out of the Titan Canyon after having completed that section, got sent to the Prison..to find the Red Scorpions had killed everyone in the valley and getting rants about how I'd killed some of them on my previous visit.. which is odd, since I didn't kill any Scorpions there... Is that just a glitch, or does that pretty much happen on every run through? Is there a way for those miserable and poor farmers you meet to be alive before you head to LA?
  21. Especially that picture of Kate Beckinsale?
  22. Not as much. But then I'm still keeping up with some of the training post Tough Mudder. No sense in letting it all drop.
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