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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. If you liked Defying Gravity, you might like to chase up Threshold and Odyssey 5. Again, both sci-fi series that got cancelled after the first season, but both worked really nicely with over-all story arc, individual episodes, and some good character interactions and snarky dialogue.
  2. Sorry to hear Woldan, hope everything turns out well.
  3. They did do a w40k novel where a Rogue Trader found himself developing psychic powers, and ended up with an Eldar Farseer having set things up so that when the Farseer was "killed" the Rogue Trader had his soulstone, and ended up getting "soul switched". So the Eldar took over the mon-keigh's body, and the Trader's "soul" was trapped in the soulstone. There have been other instances where a powerful but "dead" Eldar was able to influence in various ways situations around their soulstone.
  4. Well, to wander into something that kind of amused me.. io9 - How Long Would Batman Last in the Real World? From a response after that question was asked on Redditor
  5. The oven stopped working, so spent a chunk of the afternoon getting that out and looking at it. The control board is fried, and replacing it would cost about half the price of a totally new oven....
  6. Although if we're going to keep parodies in here rather then on the music thread... http://youtu.be/Ek4Op89V2_Q
  7. Also, just for the weirdness factor of all these news articles doing the "it's a fake, it's true, what happened? wtf knows?" Telegraph - Scientists baffled by appearance of giant crater in Siberia
  8. Just for the joys of science.. Here's what happens when you actually have snakes on a plane... that's inducing microgravity
  9. One thing I'd imagine would be quite fun would be to mix Black Crusade in with Rogue Trader and have the crew turned to Chaos and carry on playing through just to see how it would develop...
  10. Just for the expressions.. http://youtu.be/R30BLZKRX6g
  11. To be fair, Black Crusade is pretty much geared for fairly short campaigns where players will burn out rapidly and devolve into chaos spawn if they aren't careful...
  12. Scientists are beginning to figure out why Conservatives...are Conservative Back in 2003, Jost and his team were blasted by Ann Coulter, George Will, and National Review for saying this; congressional Republicans began probing into their research grants; and they got lots of hate mail. But what's clear is that today, they've more or less triumphed. They won a field of converts to their view and sparked a wave of new research, including the work of Hibbing and his team. Granted, there are still many issues yet to be worked out in the science of ideology. Most of the commentaries on the new Hibbing paper are focused on important but not-paradigm-shifting side issues, such as the question of how conservatives can have a higher negativity bias, and yet not have neurotic personalities. (Actually, if anything, the research suggests that liberals may be the more neurotic bunch.) Indeed, conservatives tend to have a high degree of happiness and life satisfaction. But Hibbing and colleagues find no contradiction here. Instead, they paraphrase two other scholarly commentators (Matt Motyl of the University of Virginia and Ravi Iyer of the University of Southern California), who note that "successfully monitoring and attending negative features of the environment, as conservatives tend to do, may be just the sort of tractable task…that is more likely to lead to a fulfilling and happy life than is a constant search for new experience after new experience." All of this matters, of course, because we still operate in politics and in media as if minds can be changed by the best honed arguments, the most compelling facts. And yet if our political opponents are simply perceiving the world differently, that idea starts to crumble. Out of the rubble just might arise a better way of acting in politics that leads to less dysfunction and less gridlock…thanks to science.
  13. The question becomes, when the opening of a statement is "I only drank 4 beers..." does that slide into the nature of starting every anecdote with "I was at the pub" or "I was slightly drunk".. ? The cat has taken to meowing in a very plaintive way today.. but I've managed to ignore him to get various laundry sorted and some of those household chores out of the way.
  14. And they've now released the Tome of Decay for Black Crusade. Rounding out all four of the Chaos aspects, only with this they've included the rules for taking a Chaos player and actually becoming an Ascended Daemon Prince, along with how to run and lead a Black Crusade. I have to say, I'm curious as to how that will all balance out...
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