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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8gHN3L0djw&feature=youtu.be
  2. The Stallone version of Dredd was great at bringing the wacky, comic plus version to the big screen. But did get lost in the morass and weirdness without really having it gel together completely. The recent Dredd was much more precise, self-contained and focused on the more realistic view and was pretty much on-point in a kind of "day in the life" along with the introduction of the characters of Dredd and Anderson. I'd say part of the issue is that in most movies you expect there to be some form of heroic journey and character evolution. Dredd is pretty much the antithesis of that. He doesn't change, that's part of who he is. It's his superpower. The only change he goes through is from "she failed the grade so why is she here?" to "she passed."
  3. Felt in the mood for some choppy-choppy stab-stab this weekend, so I've been replaying a bit of Shadows of Mordor. Butchering Orks is generally soothing, except for the reminder that multiple context sensitive button commands can be really annoying in combat.
  4. Well, something to be potentially enthusiastic on hearing this, just have to judge how far it'll go...
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_s4hQKxJ1k
  6. It's not too bad, there are bits I quite like and bits I'm more so-so on. They actually do have a kind of 24 hours after the final Great Battle which gives an interesting view of the fallout and characters in the aftermath.
  7. Eddie the Eagle. It's a very nicely done adaption of the true story of one man's struggle to become an Olympic Athlete when everybody had told him he had no chance. The complete tenacious underdog story, with Taron Egerton playing the part of Eddie, and Hugh Jackman as the fictional former star turned alcoholic rebel as his coach. It takes a few stretches on reality, but it punches all the right emotional buttons.
  8. For those that might have missed it... GamesRadar - Lionhead Closes today
  9. Although this might be more of an English thing...
  10. For a little bit of history and philosophy... A reminder on how history cycles and what was relevant to a moment in the past, can be relevant in the current day. At a time of Zealotry, Spinoza still matters The article runs a little dense to be quoted fully here, but it might interest a few folks.
  11. I have to admit this kind of slipped up on me. The original Scion was a bit of a mess but really had some fun hooks to play around with. /Nine years and a week - Scion 2nd Edition
  12. Well, they said pretty much the same thing about Game of Thrones. That series still hasn't been completely written yet. I'll be curious just to see how it does shake out. Heh, and whether they'll follow GoT in filming in Ireland, Shannara and LoTR in filming in New Zealand, or pull out a surprise and shoot somewhere else....
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