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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Starks is less vertical white space, but I have to admit, I find it easier to glance at code where the { are on the same spacing, even if it does use up more screen area.
  2. I'm not quite sure how to take this one... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJHPUWLqEDE
  3. Remote Irish island seeks American's fleeing Donald Trump presidency
  4. Because sometimes, it's all about putting the right music to a scene... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AcdkxboChpY
  5. Because Skynet likes music too? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6OdubOdFS-Y&feature=youtu.be
  6. I don't have a seething hate for it. But the trailer hasn't impressed me. It's very much on a "eh, when it gets around to being free on Amazon Prime I'll probably see what its like."
  7. Eh. The guy basically does the "I have huge nostalgia for the original and the trailer of the new one doesn't look great. It feels like a cash grab, and it annoys me they're just slapping the same name on it rather than a fresh one. So I have no plans to watch it, and thus I won't be reviewing it." - Of course, being a web personality he takes nearly seven minutes to explain it. From that, the internet forms an interesting barrage of outrage. Either it's the "look at the nerd wax nostalgic without even giving it a chance" , "it's because he's anti-feminist and its got women in" and a few based on the "you're saying its bad without seeing it. the trailer doesn't count." Overall, it does seem a rather bizarre collection of seething hate.
  8. The trouble at the moment is that both sides of the argument have suddenly descended into scare tactics rather than providing actual, relevant arguments on it all. I can see a variety of pros and cons to both sides of the discussion, but emotionally I am sliding towards the Brexit side of things. Over the last decade (at least to a fair few Brits), the EU seems to have been getting into a much more impenetrable morass of bureaucracy we have no say in, that isn't transparent, that sucks away money on an ever increasing red-tape and in-crony establishment, and crowds new legislation on us for no particular reason.
  9. So, perchance is Persons of Interest breaking into the real world? FindFace identifies crowd faces
  10. For the giant tentacle overlords... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0OoU-6FlvAE&feature=youtu.be
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4FNSpoIfkIU
  12. This.. could be interesting. Kevin Smith is making an Adventures of Buckaroo Banzaii Tv show For those who might have missed the original film, the old trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4WWYkIeLpRM
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