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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Spent some time on the latest episode of Hitman. Once again, the level itself is rather brilliant, the mechanics of the gameplay are sweet, the open nature and all the possibilities to try to complete it are great. But storywise, apart from a few bits hidden around the level itself, the only story you get is another 30 second cinematic at the end. Okay, maybe a little longer than 30 seconds but.... So far, this has basically come down to 2 training levels, 3 actual game levels, and about 5 minutes of cinematics telling a story. All of which is mysterious, clouded, and pretty much suggesting there's someone being a puppetmaster and using the agency and Agent 47 as a catspaw against some vast conspiracy group. But nothing direct with Agent 47. So in a lot of ways, 47 isn't really the protagonist of this plot. As far as you are concerned as 47, nothing you've done so far is connected together in any way. Each episode is a random, one shot mission. In the grand meta-scheme of it all, you're aware that they are all tied in some way to this conspiracy group and the guy manipulating events..but nothing solid. So yes. Mechanically fun to play in, but sadly lacking the spirit of the Hitman story at the moment.
  2. Memorial Day sand castle on Omaha beach..
  3. Why R2 was non-functional all that time?
  4. Also for those cosplayers out there...
  5. I think I'm hitting that slightly soul-crushed stage (or that might be this weeks batch of insomnia talking). After half a year on the job hunt going nowhere I am getting annoyed with myself that I'm finding a growing resentment to the family for having had to spend half my life as mom's carer and leaving me in this position. Now it feels like I can't actually grow up if I can't get into the job-market properly. While the project work related research and analysis stuff I was able to do from home off and on over the last few years has given me something for my CV.. it hasn't actually backed it up with qualifications and the necessary certifications. And apparently, my friends consultancy company was sufficiently niche, that it doesn't appear to have been much help anyway. Entry level positions all want the degree, plus experience that can be backed up by other qualifications. And Tale, best wishes on her recovery then. Had something similar the other week. Phone call from grandmother one morning that she thought she'd had a partial stroke and couldn't use her hand, could we pop over. Called the ambulance, went over... and found that it had happened the night before, so she decided to sit down and spend the night lifting and raising her arm in case she got the feeling back. Not wanting to go to sleep in case she didn't wake up. Then calling us 11 hours after the fact. When the paramedics heard that they were all "...okay. I think we're past the four hour window." That fun "Yes gran. We're proud that you're a strong, intelligent and independent woman in your 90s who is quite capable in looking after herself. But...."
  6. As has been said, if the referendum gives a Yes to staying in the EU, it's likely that Cameron will get ousted as Tory leader. The no-confidence vote he's likely going to have to deal with will certainly have some after-effects to the Tories in general.
  7. Hm, and on Arrow and DC related... Willa Holland at the London ComicCon did give this:
  8. Well, actually it's a semi-related bit to the old meme. Because Marvel have just had a retcon thing where Captain America says Hail Hydra due to some Hydra social workers helping his mom out when he was a kid. It's created a certain comic book fan wtf moment. So there's a whole pop up of people doing other Marvel and DC heroes saying Hail Hydra.
  9. Dabbled with Hitman. Still finding a few fresh ways to kill the targets in the second episode.
  10. Hm, and Limitless has now officially been cancelled.
  11. There are plenty of potential negative developments that can occur if the UK leaves the EU For example just not having the same access to the EU free trade zone or having additional tariffs on UK goods exported to the EU would be economically detrimental to the UK? But as they say, our export into the EU is minimal, while our exports to non EU countries are much bigger. Plus, the EU exports more to us then to other countries in the EU. So if they start raising the tariffs on those, it'll cause issues with the Germans and the rest who rely on us buying from them... Because we'll start looking at other non EU countries to get the stuff from if they cause issues. You don't need treaties to trade between countries. Also, other note. The biggest companies in Europe? The majority of them are Swiss. Guess what, the Swiss aren't part of the EU. But the key thing that I think comes out, would you rather have a great economy, but absolutely no say in your government? Or would you rather have a potentially shaky economy, but some actual democratic government?
  12. Heh, I have a gay friend who did the "Wait, why did no-one tell me I was this powerful?"
  13. Eh, the way the reports are going the locals in Gibraltar really don't want to deal with the hassle of Spain tightening the land border and thus giving 10,000 people major delays in getting to work. The last time there was that kerfluffle, all the added difficulties that the Spanish did caused 6 hour delays in getting across the border. Which really does screw up your work day.
  14. Animation set to an old Rod Sterling interview... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ywWdT6IL3o&feature=youtu.be
  15. But Bruce, what you're saying.. is that we should treat these people differently. Is that part of the grand treating people equally? If I treat person x and y in one manner, is it really right to behave in another manner altogether for person z? Isn't that just.. not PC?
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