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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. The Hitman's Bodyguard. A great film about romance. Plus a few amusing banter points between Ryan Reynolds as the Bodyguard and Samuel L Jackson as the Hitman whose tried to kill him 28 times, as they road trip their way from Coventry to Hague to get to the ICC while being hunted by a lot of people.
  2. Of course, they'd likely say "but you could switch profiles and change all three powers with the press of a button once you set the profile"... Which on a certain principle made an interesting idea, but limiting you to three powers and your gun at a single time was.. unwieldy. Especially since you no longer had direct control over what your companions were doing. Which made setting up combos much more of a random element than a strategic one.
  3. Hm, I do wonder if you could pull off a decent version of Count of Monte Cristo as a game. That would take a dose of heavy rpg, a way to handle gameplay set across several years for the training, the financial management and spymaster / information gathering / detective build up to engaging in sprawling revenge plans. The trouble with the idea of taking a book and turning it into a game is that book plots rarely work well as a direct transfer. You tend to need it to be more a "book universe" and a seperate story that works with the flow. Hm, Honor Harrington universe has been mentioned for tactical / strategy gaming - technically, you could also use it for FPS, Manticoran Marines doing boarding duties or..hm that action/rpg of captured Navy officer doing an escape. Heh, if zombie apocalypse wasn't being played to death so much of late I'd consider John Ringo's Black Tide series as a universe to do a mix of game genres in. Rather than name a specific book, there is that whole genre of "guy from modern day world gets dumped in a fantasy / medieaval anologue world and uses his engineering / science skills to build ****, win wars, get the girl, repeat." That could make an interesting rpg / tactical mix, designing a character and establishing what modern day knowledge they have and then how it would interact with things in the new world. From expected practicalities of basic engineering and knowing sanitation and plumbing, to things like computer programming skills enabling you to use magic in a way no-ones seen before. A modern day doctor with some practical chemistry skills being able to become a mythical healer and such. Using some basic chemistry and understanding of economics to kick start a pseudo-industrial revolution with the introduction of lamp oil, ether, franchises and banking... Although that would be an utter bastard to design in practical gaming I imagine.
  4. Prisoners hang themselves at Sherrif Joe Arpaios jails at a rate that dwarfs other county lockups
  5. Darkwood Dev releases game on Pirate Bay because of frustration with scammers
  6. So, Trump has now made it an official declaration.. Trump directs Pentagon to implement transgender ban
  7. This one might entertain a few people here... How I became fake news
  8. "In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth... After that, everything else was made in China."
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKle5aNJkbY
  10. I was detained for protesting against Donald Trump. Here’s what the US Secret Service asked me
  11. Oh, the inbreeding was by design! I did get a pretty good chuckle from the "Judas has the escape mules ready to go." line. Hell, it took me a minute to even realize that was a flashback. Trying to recall back, I think it was a mixture of accident and then design. Sort of they did it for several generations in that zealous "purity" zone not realising the actual result would be. Then by the time it's gotten through a few more generations and it becomes noticable, the people in control have become a touch more corrupt in their own way and keep doing it by design.
  12. Also : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WBk6BHGcD68
  13. Yes, if they hadn't just started restoring the tower we'd have actually had the tour up there to see the bell. They literally use the old school pennies to help balance the pendulum - "it's going a little fast, add a penny" "it's going a little slow, take a penny off" its a fairly robust mechanism. My dad's a horologist and has done the visit to Big Ben before, he says you time it so you climb up the tower to get to the bell just before midday. Otherwise it's a waste of effort. Still, three and a half years and it'll be open and running again.
  14. Ah, not so much. Consider it this way, Viserion was named after Danny's brother who was a little ****. Rhegal is named after her older brother who died..and who just happens to be Jon Snow's father.
  15. I actually got a guided tour around the Houses of Parliament yesterday by my local MP's staff. Really didn't realise how easy it is to get in and go around, and because we'd done it via the MP we skipped the paying tours and got personally handled by one of his assistants. Said assistant was sincerely enthusiastic about the history of the building, how it was used, and encouraging us on the whole "people should know how easy it is to contact their MP's, visit Parliament and see the transparency of our democracy." Winchester Hall having been built in 1099, and various sections of it going up in the centuries since. Lots of fun quirky facts and trivia, areas of grand importance and minor note explained. You have things like the table in the House of Commons that has a mark left in it by WInston Churchill rapping with a heavy object as part of a speech during WW2 that they refuse to refurbish. Along with the wood ground away on one of the doors when the Black Rod summons the Commons to meet with the Monarch. The corridor filled with books that record everything said and voted on for the past two centuries. So any member of the public can walk in, and find out what was being said and voted on by both Commons and House of Lords on the day they were born... We even got to visit the Chapel under Parliament (again, that's been there since 1099) and is amazingly impressive for the decorations and carvings. Then spent some time ambling around on the South Bank of London and seeing the sights. Of course, that's been balanced out that the toe I thought was bruised before traipsing around London yesterday has turned bright red, swollen and won't flex at all today. So, hm, it seems I might have a broken digit.
  16. Gamespot - EA boss says ME Andromeda got too much criticism, and Franchise could return
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