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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Hm. Apparently it had completely skipped me that they got Neil Gaiman to be the voice of God in the final episode of Lucifer.
  2. Hotel Artemis. A nicely noir tale. Jodie Foster as "The Nurse", running a high-security, membership only hospital for criminals in the near future with the aid of the orderly (Dave Bautista). One bank robber (Sterling Brown) dragging his brother there after things go wrong at a heist, amidst a city wide riot, and before long a mob boss (Jeff Goldblum) and the police also arrive. With a few other characters played by the likes of Zachary Quinto, Sofia Boutella, and Charlie Day. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JqfuKsoEEms
  3. I think what's annoying me is the rampant "weapons = bad" rants that the Doctor has been going on against guns and knives. It's gone from being a little put off by technology that's only designed to be a weapon to outright sneering at anything, but in a somewhat hypocritical manner. "Guns are bad, you've got to use your brain to outthink them!" Followed by setting off a high-tech explosive to deal with the enemy.
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OYZ9uRsBOsc
  5. This one flew by me.. Technician accidentally fires Vulcan cannon, obliterates parked F-16 opposite on the runway
  6. So Hulu is reviving Veronica Mars, and they've now confirmed Enrico Colantoni is also signed on to return as a regular cast member (aka, Veronica's Dad). They want to follow on from the film, but where the film was "nostalgic" this will be an 8 episode detective story.
  7. Not sure how relevant this is to most of the folks here,
  8. It's an interesting viewpoint isn't it? "We want to regulate weapons a little more" "Hell No! That's a slippery slope that leads to banning all our rights!" "We're going to make it so certain people can't vote" "Eh, doesn't affect me, it's just a small thing that we don't have to worry about."
  9. Well, to be fair, Taylor Swift is getting talked about because there was an actual effect of increased voter registration. And you have to admit, anything that actually increases voter registration and peoples engagement with the democratic process is a good thing. At least it gets them started actually thinking on the voting process.
  10. So is this a thing? Voter ID could impact Native Americans
  11. Having a pause on the job hunt front. Having that slight dose of stage fright as I instead prep to GM a Pathfinder game for some univeristy students tonight. I haven't GM'd in yeeears. Of course, since I have a few decades of books and such, I'm planning on stealing from everything if tonight's session goes well. Converting the Savage Tides to Pathfinder and adding a potpouri of other things to act as the general basis of inspiration.
  12. A nice looking trailer with a certain "How many recognisable names and faces can you spot now!" to it..
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