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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Well, to help your mind find peace.. did you realise that that children's classic, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.. was actually a novel written by Ian Fleming? As in, the man who wrote James Bond.
  2. And with the announcemnts of the Emmy nominations.. HBO has lost it's 17-year run of being most nominated, as Netflix has achieved a total of 112 nominations this year to storm past and grab the title.
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6JWKXI8nEOQ This was only the other year...
  4. For that slight twist on "celebrity"... Freddie Oversteegen, Dutch resistance fighter who killed Nazis through seduction dies at 92
  5. The question is.. Will **** Van Dyke have a really bad accent in this one?
  6. Its things like this in the US which make me glad for the NHS over here, even with its flaws.
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KwOzXWdZTRA
  8. That artful juggle of whether this is more political or funny thread.. Or just good humour used to point out some political issues... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0lcYP_zOOXg
  9. Well, the French are being.. French. The Guardian - French bookshops revolt after prize selects novel self-published on Amazon
  10. Of course, as it's all "Back to School" for a lot of places....
  11. For something.. extremely English: The Guardian - I crossed the Alps on a Space Hopper
  12. I think in some ways Solo never really played as if Han was really that competent. He mostly bounces between bumbling luck and bumbling unluck with Han being mouthy and bragging regardless of the situation. Also for the whole "this is how he became a skillfull smuggler" backstory... There was very little element to him really learning the ropes or picking up skills, the skim over him being an Imperial Trainee and jump to infantry and then the rapid drop into heist crew.
  13. Got around to watching Solo. Hm. Really not sure what to make of it. There were good bits but something didn't quite seem to gel for the whole thing.
  14. Keannu McCloed of the Clan McCloed?
  15. It wasn't intended as a "because of this, this game is craptastic". It was meant as a general comment in the vein of "I like the idea behind it, but I don't think it worked in execution."
  16. I've been dabbling with Shadow of the Tomb Raider. It's fairly engaging so far and is has a nicely sprawling feel to it. There's an interesting option to turn off all English speaking, so npc's actually speak in their native language - supposedly done to increase your immersion if you want to. Which is a nice idea, but I feel it fails in that due to Lara only speaking English to them. They rattle off in the local dialect, subtitles tell you what it means, and Lara responds in English which they perfectly understand and reply back.. in their own tongue. So I think that falls under slight failure in execution.
  17. Eh, I'm not mad per se, more the "Considering how many deaths following Hurricane Maria are apparently due to lack of good drinking water, this seems a rather critical failure at some point in the disaster relief efforts." Although the general irritation with Trump declaring it a success with how many died is a somewhat seperate issue. And I've got a fair few friends in the paths of the current crop of tropical storms, which leaves me wondering that if the worst happens for them... can they actually rely on much aid from their government. Which is not something you should expect from the great and glorious US of A.
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