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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Had an interview at my old college for a Data Analyst role. Pleasant interview, went well for the most part. Then my mind blanked out on a few simple technical challenge to write some basic code. Now I'm all "Hmmm."
  2. Weird things or random games news... eh, let's go with weird things. Kotaku - Wedding Proposal hidden in Spider Man game becomes worlds saddest easter egg
  3. Prepping for a job interview Monday morning, a bit of relaxed reading, and some juggling with the cat being needy and whiney. Hm, also got the latest update on Kingmaker and saw the "hey, if you haven't transfered kickstarter pledges to our backer portal, you won't be getting the game" which made me blink a little and realise I must have missed something some months ago. One of the minor flaws in getting continuous and regular updates on a kickstarter backed game, you start not paying complete attention to them in full detail when life has you busy.
  4. I can hold my hand up and say I completed it. It had some fun moments in it, but I also have to say I can't actually remember the specifics of them now. It wasn't a bad game, it wasn't great, but at the time it was a generic mostly fun, that turned into a bit of a grind at some point.
  5. There are only four circles in this picture... and none of them touch.
  6. Did you kill your mother? I actually managed to pull off a non-kill run through. Well, non drinking blood from the npcs that is. I slaughtered a bunch of bosses and mooks.
  7. Wrapped up Vampyr, it was an interesting attempt, lots of atmospheric and good moments but it's not one that will actually call out for many re-plays. Had a few standard gothic twists and turns, and some unexpected ones. The critical paths of killing people or not and how things changed from that was quite well done, along with the tying in morality and xp earning. Finding out details and secrets of npc's life actually made them worth more xp if you did decide to drain them of blood... but also makes them a bit more "human" rather than walking bags of blood and xp.
  8. In honour of.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELH3nyzfxG4
  9. Made a bit over £700 with flogging off those old toys of mine. Then wandered into Marks & Sparks to check out some food shopping on the way back, sawy they were doing a Wine of The Day thing, and they had Magnum's of Port on sale with 1/3rd off. So groovy, treated myself. First time I'd seen a full Magnum of Port.
  10. Hey, how much did you see us complaining when Errol Flyn and the Yanks won Borneo in WW2 regardless of how few Americans were there compared to the British, or U571 captured an enigma machine... or Mel Gibson impregnated the English Queen for Scotland... Hollywood and the movie machine love to play around with history regardless. It's part and parcel. Even with the "true stories".
  11. Faith in humanity restored. I just saw a little old lady help a teenager with an iphone across the road.
  12. Hacked knitting machine builds stellar map Australian software engineer hacked a 1980's knitting machine to knit a tapestry of an equatorial star map
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