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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. This might be a bit of a niche reference for some...
  2. What always kind of bugged me was that they never did develop anything for those who went "Grey" on either side.
  3. There was only so far you could take Dances With Smurfs. It had it's impressive visuals, but eh, beyond that...there were lots of rather silly bits to it.
  4. And then Ricardo Montalban pretty much stole the next Trek film.
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YK6IjJkjkiI&
  6. Tor - A Knights Tale is the best medieval film, no really.
  7. 70s: 'Those damn kids and their long hair.' 80s: 'Those damn kids and their punk music.' 90s: 'Those damn kids and their raves.' 00s: 'Those damn kids and their computers.' 10s: 'Those damn kids and their quest to abolish democracy and make the west a communist dystopia'.
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