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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. And yes, sorry to hear that Malcador. Let the good memories linger. On things that mildly amused me, I received a letter from the student loans company. Apparently one of the bean counters has noticed I've been able to defer payments for 15 years and that in something like 5 or 10 years they'll be cancelled. So they sent me a letter of "If you can pay us half the amount now, we'll forgive the other half. Of course, this will effect matters if you try getting another student loan from us in the future."
  2. Frustration at the job hunt is now leading to battles with procrastination. I knew it would be a slog, but I expected getting a first with my degree would at least give me some benefits in at least getting interviews.
  3. Canada is simply following the Bible. They legalised gay marriage, and now the weed. So, as from Leviticus - If a man lay with a man, let him be stoned.
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oliCVn7Ic68
  5. There's several portrait mods at Nexusmods now that add a huge amount to your choices of portrait. I'd actually restarted a new game from the beginning to test out if all the patches had made anything smoother now, rather than just hoping they'd fix the bunch of glitches that had crashed my original playthrough to a halt. Just gotten to the Season of Bloom again on Thursday, but then had life interupt. Meant to get back into it this weekend, but again, life kept distracting from gaming...
  6. KQED Mindshift - Leveraging the lore of Dungeons and Dragons to motivate students to read and write
  7. There is something incredibly decadent and luxurious about sinking into a hot bathtub of water, laying back, and reading a few chapters. Or a few dozen. Just be careful of losing four hours and getting to the end of the book and realising it's now stone cold water and you've gone all prune-face....
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RRJkvUW5j0o
  9. New Statesman - How Academic hoaxes can prove helpful: Over ten months, three writers submitted 20 deliberately ridiculous papers to peer-reviewed academic journals specialising in critical theory.
  10. For the background chillout music... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9R2iEMJAMA
  11. The original source : http://pdfserver.amlaw.com/nlj/7-29-16%204th%20Circuit%20NAACP%20v%20NC.pdf?fbclid=IwAR3bRHAsa3rtqDZ-kOEA2bikJ29Osb9-WmcaJ850_e16kH2_gVe9M1hyxWo If anyone actually wants to plow through the legalese...
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