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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rezm7AJYEdw
  2. DnD_Dad : I introduced my halfing barbarian named Sam. They asked what Sam was short for. I told them “all halflings are small.” Our party spent all day purifying the towns water source. It was a day WELL spent. Two weeks ago I asked the priest for a deafness spell and I haven’t heard from her since. When we left the Howling Portal tavern I turned in our room keys and I’m pretty sure the inn keeper was checking me out. I dug a second moat with interlocking draw bridges and gatehouses. I now have re-moat control. I play a poorly dressed rogue with cheap suits and criminal ties.
  3. It's one of those slightly quirky things that in any interview with Mamoa, no-one ever seems to mention Stargate Atlantis, and just jump to Game of Thrones as to what made him an actor. However, he was on the Graham Norton show recently, and he mentioned that he found out he was going to be playing Aquaman back in 2013 and he was utterly broke at the time. A little later, Graham brought up his role on Game of Thrones, and man, Mamoa's expression just hit a slightly broken look and he made a comment about how while he put a lot of effort into playing that role, it basically destroyed his career at the time because he couldn't get any work after that, in part due to how many people thought he couldn't actually speak English.
  4. NY Magazine - Trump did not understand what a shutdown would do
  5. Rio Mugger's bloody mistake trying to target a female MMA fighter
  6. Alas. William Morgan Sheppard dies, aged 86
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lR6--5t6kD8
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XspDkqEtWFE
  9. DuffelBlog - California National Guard declassifies Bro-Code Talkers
  10. I have to admit, pretty much all my wishlist was on sale... but eh, with life the way it is I haven't been playing games much the last 4-6 months, and I suddenly thought why buy something that's just going to sit there for half a year before I get around to actually playing it? So I didn't pick up anything, and just plan to wait for my gaming mood to hit.
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