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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YetxCbGYDM
  2. From what I know, The Boys are basically the CIA squad assigned to keep superheroes in line. So the 7 are the Shiny Public Face of Good Guys, but all have assorted private shenanigans, while The Boys are the tired, stressed out guys cleaning up the messes and trying to prevent the worst excesses.
  3. I am getting gorram tired of the various "You've shown you have the skills and can do the job, but we don't think you fit the culture of our company" type negative responses on the job hunt. You want someone to do the job, you've said I have the ability do the job, just give me the gorram job.
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VG188XPIAjk
  5. I actually binge-watched the American Crime Story - The Trial of OJ Simpson over the weekend. Was somewhat amused by the scene where Kardashian takes his young daughters out, sits down with them in a diner and tells them that he hopes they've taken to heart his lesson that they should be concerned with "growing a virtuous heart, and that the fleeting fame of celebrity is not something to aim for." Though I have to admit, as a non-American I'd only really got the basics of the history of it, so it was interesting to find out more details, but I can say by the end of it, I still couldn't make up my mind on guilt or innocence. Simpson did have a bunch of sleazy acting lawyers doing everything they could to disrupt it, Cochran seemed more concerned about making it a race-issue and shaping the grand perspective than the murder itself. But then the DA / Police side didn't exactly cover themselves in glory, and they never showed whether they considered any alternatives even to just.. dot the i's and cross the t's before going for OJ. Ah well. Interesting viewing at the end of the day, and pretty solidly acted all the way around. Edit: And it's a point of note that the only person involved who never sold their story or wrote a book of the trial was the Judge.
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GaE78KfeL34
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