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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. As we slide into that period of so many seasonal holidays (even if a couple tend to take over), I expect we'll all have a few odds and ends to boost the spirit of the moment....
  2. AP News - Barr appoints special counsel in Russia probe investigation
  3. Yes, these are the reasons you get a 3D printer...
  4. Oh no, that 23% has nothing to do with unemployment, or okay, in part because of that. But the fun aspect is that the question of what exactly the "poverty line" is jumps all over the place. it's used as such a variable definition these days. It doesn't mean "can't afford rent or food" it can be what other countries might view as luxuries as well. I mentioned it more as one of those quirky, somewhat interesting data points. And for that interesting mix of "If it wasn't for the government it would be higher" contrasted to "if it wasn't for the government it would be lower"...
  5. To further overload on random elements on that final 10 day countdown to the release...
  6. It also probably worked in part because they wanted to cast someone who could be both the teenage version and the young twenty-something Anakin. I seem to recall Hayden mentioning that when they did the final scene with him actually being dressed as Vader, his boots did have lifts in them..
  7. So who'd been paying attention to this ? https://www.futuregamereleases.com/2020/11/cyberpunk-2077-to-become-one-of-the-most-expensive-games-in-history/ https://www.somagnews.com/cyberpunk-2077-the-most-expensive-game-of-all-time/
  8. Realised there were a few flaws in my Labyrinthine, Massive Pyramid(tm) in Conan Exiles. Deciding whether to finish it off as is, restart in a different location leaving the crumbling ruins as memorial for failed architecture, or just tear down and start again...
  9. What is weirdly entertaining is seeing the various discussions on the length of Ahsoka's lekku in live-action as opposed to animation that promptly started springing up online after the episode.
  10. On that economic turn due to Covid, recent reports from some think-tanks in the UK are saying that over 700,000 people have been moved over the poverty line this year due to various pandemic related issues. Which apparently makes it that around 23% of the UK population is now considered to be "in poverty". Of course, the various right-of-center and left-of-center think tanks are arguing whether Government responses have helped or hindered.
  11. I'm trying to decide just how to take the news that China has savaged Australia for allowing their soldiers to kill innocent civilians and deny human rights outrages.
  12. Exactly that. Getting to watch that slow cycle in Hong Kong as China establishes "unity" by basically making it illegal to dissent.
  13. I thought that list was turning into the whole "those games are my retirement hobbies plan..."
  14. Tell me about it. UK Twitter was trending Michael Cain. Only when I checked did I find it was because of the Muppet Christmas Carol, and not because he had died.
  15. My attitude to so much this year...
  16. The fact that this still needs to be discussed seriously...
  17. As various discussions have been seen regarding the ages of the forums and those "old regulars"...
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