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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. When trying to decide just which threat this deserves to be in... eh, since it's Mandalorian inspired, I'll let it lurk here:
  2. Forbes - Imax private theatre is the best 400k you'll never spend
  3. https://www.ign.com/articles/bioware-casey-hudson-mark-darrah-to-leave-studio-all-current-projects-planned-to-continue
  4. AP News - Trump Aide banned from Justice after trying to get case info
  5. https://www.indiewire.com/2020/12/dune-matrix-all-warner-bros-films-hbo-max-1234602168/ Well that could have a few interesting effects on the movie industry...
  6. In the Engineering scene... ArsTechnica - Meet Ravn X, a fully autonomous air launched rocket for small satellites
  7. From the blog of author Ilona Andrews...
  8. One of those things I've known for years, but it always amuses me when I see/hear references...
  9. I half recall that due to TOR, Disney did do that a lot of the EU set before A New Hope was still legit canon, it was more everything post-RotJ that they wanted to ignore.
  10. Things do look kind of interesting when you have something half-destroyed...
  11. As much as I enjoy some Lovecraftian turns, I think still makes one of the best seasonal songs....
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