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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. BBC - David Prowse, Aged 85
  2. To be fair, the rushed pacing wasn't the fault of the script per se. They basically got told that they would get a fifth season, so they tried to cram the Shadow/Vorlon war and freeing Earth into one season, when the initial idea was for the return to Earth to be season 5. Only after shooting most of it, and shooting the final episode (Sleeping in Light), did they get told they did have a 5th season, and then basically stretched out a few loose threads. They wrote and shot a new "end of season 4 episode", wrote up that whole "first year of the alliance" with the threads they had for season 5, and then put Sleeping in Light on the end there.
  3. After spending 15 odd years as a carer for a disabled parent with an annual income of under $6,000, now that I actually have a "professional job" and disposable income, I feel no guilt whatsover on spending my loose change on random luxuries and the odd superficial thing.
  4. Dragon Age creative director Mike Laidlaw founds new studio with EA and Ubisoft veterans | PC Gamer
  5. James Hong to Be Inducted Into Asian Hall of Fame (spectrumnews1.com)
  6. Building pyramids again in Conan Exile. Or well, one big pyramid... Along with a Knossos style labyrinth inside of small rooms, winding corridors, and stairs randomly going up and down....
  7. True enough. One of the comments was roughly "It took me around 5-7 hours to run through the prologue with the way I was playing, and I hardly ever pulled my gun during that time."
  8. It's not like : Is really that useful for casual home use?
  9. Seeing some of the "early pre-reviews" of folks who got to play with the 16 hour chunk pf Cyberpunk 2077, one thing that jumps out is the "This is not a first person shooter, this is an rpg" comments. Just made me wonder what response Alpha Protocol would have had back in the day if people had remembered that and those assorted reviewers and critics had kept that in mind.
  10. The triple-arm stand on Amazon showcased three curved monitors forming a near perfect semi-circle. That might be a bit too much overkill...
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