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Raithe last won the day on March 8

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About Raithe

  • Rank
    Lurking Caped One of the Obsidian Order

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    Deepest, Darkest, South of England
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  • Interests
    Wine, Women, and World Domination...


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  1. Well I've been kept fairly busy the last few months. Pretty much constantly required in the actual office, which is added fun to dealing with the house and my father's things. The majority of watch and clock stuff is now off to the auction house. Spent a chunk of one day over the christmas break taking up carpets from a few rooms in the house. But that whole combination of elements has been why I haven't really been lurking around the forums or doing my usual constant updates of the funnythings thread. Today has been about the.. 4th? work from home day I've had since September, and I had to spend about an hour and a half on the phone with the tax people because they sent me a note that my father owed taxes for last year. The tax folk were really nice and helpful, and it looks like its a paperwork screw-up from the pension companies filing wrong stuff. But it means I do need to schedule in more phone time chasing up other people. Huzzah. Hope you folks are all finding the journey into the New Year welcoming and non-disturbing.
  2. One of the German papers has a single word as their headline. It starts with F and ends in K.
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