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Posts posted by Orogun01

  1. 9 hours ago, Hurlshot said:

    These headlines drive me nuts.

    When you attempt to murder someone, you are no longer a protester. You are an attempted murderer. You have crossed a line and do not deserve any protection.

    Just like when a police officer kneels on someone's neck for over 8 minutes and kill them, you are no longer a cop. You are a murderer and should be held fully accountable for that.

    Ok, so peaceful protesters are asking for the defunding of police because of their protections of  bad police (murderer). By that same logic they should disperse as their gatherings shield murderers, looters from being arrested. Semantics don't change the result.

    • Like 1
  2. 6 hours ago, Raithe said:

    Right-Wingers in 2016:   "We're not facsists, that's hyperbolic nonsense!"


    Right-Wingers in 2020:  "If you didn't want to be abducted by the secret police, you shouldn't have been outside with different thoughts than me."

    Sorry that's not happening, there are no plains clothes policemen dragging people in the street. It not a secret, its just our journalist are too stupid to know the definition of secret and get triggered if you mention it.

    • Like 2
  3. 4 minutes ago, Zoraptor said:

    When it comes to privacy there's as much separation between the Chinese State and their companies and the US State and its; excepting maybe Apple. The main, indeed in most cases only, evidence that Chinese apps and Chinese hardware is phoning home with everything is that US apps and US hardware definitely do, so the presumption is that China does too. People really ought to complain equally about both, including those in the US. After all, outside war or extraordinary personal circumstances you're always at greater risk from your own government than from a foreign one.

    But yes, hard to complain about the US reciprocally banning Chinese apps without seeming like a hypocritical CCP tool.


    I understand where you're coming from, but I would say that the US federal government is more accountable to its people than the CCP. Plus tech giants can stonewall the US government, even lie to them without major repercussions. Zuckerberg did just that and I haven't heard anything of him being tried for perjury. I agree that both are bad but I asked myself the question "If a country had to be the world empire, would I be Ok with it being China" One look at their concentration camps and I had my anwser

  4. 6 hours ago, ktchong said:

    WhatsApp (the American app) is way more intrusive than WeChat (the Chinese app.)  I have been using WeChat (to make free international calls) and avoiding WhatsApp due to WhatsApp being owned by -- and sharing data with -- Facebook.  Now, I am being forced to switch to WhatsApp from WeChat in anticipation of the Trump ban in 45 days.  

    So, after I had installed WhatsApp, it refused to let me manually add contacts unless I allowed it to scan my phone contacts... which it would share with Facebook.  I refused to let WhatsApp/Facebook to scan my phone or contacts, so I have to tell my friends and relatives on WhatsApp to add me from their ends.   

    And then I could not use the call feature in WhatsApp... unless I allowed it to scan my phone, like, WTF?   WeChat has never demanded me to let it scan my contacts and phone or share my personal data when I wanted to use any of its features.  The American WhatsApp is so much more intrusive and offensive than the Chinese WeChat.

    The point isn't that these apps aren't intrusive, the point is that there is no separation between Chinese business and the CCP. Also this false equivalency is bull since if we compare China to the US every US app is banned in China or is required to comply with their totalitarian censorious nature. But if you want to keep giving a foreign hostile entity your data, why don't you call them every once in a while with your WhatsApp

    • Like 2
  5. 24 minutes ago, Amentep said:

    Most early comic book zombies existed as instruments of vengence and typically just killed (or were like the will-less living dead). I seem to recall reading at least one comic story from the 1950s where there was implied cannibalism from the undead, but without going and reading a bunch of horror comics again, I can't confirm. 

    That said, if memory serves me Ishtar threatens to raise the dead and send them to eat the populace in Gilgamesh. If that is correct, the idea has been percolating around for awhile but Romero really brought it home.

    Well, cannibalism and the undead are mentioned in the same sentence within the comic book code. There's probably a correlation, I mean Romero's definitively a pioneer when it comes to zombies in film but this stuff was probably done before.

  6. 2 hours ago, ShadySands said:

    I don't think zombies ate people before Romero. I want to say they were just like flesh puppets or something similar

    IDK, there were enough pulp comics back in the day about the undead. At least one of those reanimated corpses had to have taken a bite out of someone.

  7. 23 minutes ago, Skarpen said:

    Depends on the setting and rules, but if we talk origin then Ghouls are from Arabic folklore and they eat corpses, Zombies are from Haiti (?) and they are eating the living. So basically they differ in diet.

    So ghouls are vegan zombies? Aren't they corpses also? Do they eat each other?


    • Gasp! 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Gorth said:

    Yes, that's why drowned people eventually "float" to the surface once decomposition sets in. But the latter part raises an interesting question. Lots of effort has gone into how fast radioactive isotopes decompose. What is the halflife of a zombie? I.e. at what point would it have decomposed so much that it is no longer a zombie? 🤔


    Does gender and body mass affect the halflife of zombies?

    I've had to suspend my disbelief plenty a time when I think that a decomposed body wouldn't have the mandibular strength to bite through anything. 28 days later zombies make sense but everything else feels like fantasy realm to me. But we are forgetting "Night of the Living Dead" which aside form a lovely scene by Linnea Quingley, shows some measure of zombie intelligence. So what if zombies are intelligent enough to use boats?

  9. 33 minutes ago, Gromnir said:

    whether breathing or not, there will be air in the lungs 'cause nature abhors a vacuum. will be harder for the zombie to expel air as am assuming lungs don't work no more. corpses tend to float, and even when they eventual become complete waterlogged and sink, that hardly gives 'em the relative density which would be needed to actual "walk" anything approaching normal 'cross the bottom o' a lake, much less a sea or ocean. every current would push 'em 'round like rag dolls.  watch those videos o' astronaut training. takes astronauts a bit o' practice to walk on the moon, and such training tends to happen in swimming pools. takes practice. learning zombies is kinda contrary to the whole concept o' zombies.

    'course zombies is magic, even when the explanation is s'posed science. if you need a zombie to walk across the sea floor, they will do so just as long as the story calls for such.  

    "Just basing that on bodies decaying at about twice the speed in water."

    'tween saltwater and any number o' carrion feasting sea creatures, one wonders how far a rapid decaying (and gas producing) corpse would get  if we is talking purposeful locomotion. 

    am suspecting after every storm, the island fortress dweller would need check his/her nets, jic. some o' the strangest stuff washes ashore after storms.

    HA! Good Fun!


    It does beg the question of how zombies groan and moan when their lungs should be dessicated.
    Also what if the virus is cross species? Could you live surrounded by zombie sharks?


    19 minutes ago, Gorth said:

    Corpses often float because the decomposing of tissue generates gas. Not going to link, but I'm sure youtube has a video somewhere of somebody brave/silly enough to kick the corpse of a dead animal, just for it to explode like an inflated balloon.

    Edit: to stay a bit on topic...


    Forgot about that, can bodies even create gases underwater? What if the zombie already went through that process? Anyways, you convinced me that we have a lack of farting zombies in media right now.

  10. 1 hour ago, Gromnir said:

    can't believe am responding, but am thinking the pictured zombie apocalypse fortress is safe from all but a couple zombies who accidental ate rocks or kettlebells and even then am not sure what kinda range a zombie has on sense o'... whatever or however they sense prey. some kinda simple netting in the few places where would be possible for a floater to wash ashore might be your only concern as far as zombie incursions.

    HA! Good Fun!


    I don't know if zombies would float as they have no air in their lungs...or lungs.

  11. 11 hours ago, ComradeMaster said:


    You get in bed with Activision-Blizzard you better believe you're going to be given a raw deal.

    I just don't get these developers that sign on to work with these filth and think they got it made only to be surprised soon after that they're working for the Devil.

    It's like they don't understand the inherent evil of hyper capitalism.

    In before Blizzard outsources those low positions

  12. 24 minutes ago, Hurlshot said:

    There are a number of countries with better models. We don't compare well with others: https://www.commonwealthfund.org/publications/issue-briefs/2015/oct/us-health-care-global-perspective

    Right now you have a few mega-insurance companies running the show. There isn't much competition when they all are making a tremendous profit at the expense of their customers. There is also very little choice. Most people are at the mercy of their employer, and the employer is going to choose the best deal for their bottom line, not for their employees.

    I say tear it all down.

    I agree that opening up the medical field to competition would be good but there's nothing in that article that I can stand behind. Firstly, comparing an bunch of countries that are the size of one of our states to the entire US is always going to be eschewed. Secondly, the article conveniently neglects to point out medicinal patents that are developed by the US through research grants, they don't break down the spending and jump to the face value conclusion that it's because we use expensive machines. Thirdly, more than one instance of advocating for social services that have nothing to do with medical care.

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