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Posts posted by Orogun01

  1. 1 hour ago, ComradeMaster said:

    Which is why I'm a little concerned going out target shooting here even in a perfectly legal manner.  I'm afraid some idiot is going to call the cops over 'suspicious repetitive gunfire' they here and send a cop in to investigate my discharging, I do not live in the south so there's bound to be some anti-gun snobs kicking around.  I mean what the Hell am I supposed to do in that situation?  We both have loaded guns and I'm legally shooting and someone comes up on me like that, my first reaction is going to be "F you!" which could lead to my untimely death.

    You could try preemptively contacting your PD and tell them you will be shooting in that area. If they tell you no ask them where it would be a good place to shoot. I usually get good results when I treat cops like human beings in general.

  2. 9 minutes ago, ComradeMaster said:

    I keep 2 liter bottles of Diet Coke handy at all times.

    You need to dehydrate in hurry or something? Seriously, though make sure that you get enough water. Coke has caffeine (which is a diuretic )and salt to make you thirsty. Take it from someone that naively thought that it was as good as water and developed a kidney stone.

    • Thanks 2
    • Gasp! 1
  3. 10 hours ago, BruceVC said:

    Today is going to be a great day, my Dad arrived from Durban and its the first time in 6 months my Cpt family has seen him. 7 years ago my Dad was jogging at 6 am and a car drove past him and hit him with its mirror, he was thrown into the air and landed badly on his head. Sadly the accident caused a form of Alzheimer's and he is losing his memory, Its terrible to see this happen to anyone so we all try to support him as much as possible 

    We going on a roadtrip to see the West Coast flowers blooming and then going to a seafood buffet restaurant to have a 10 course meal which converts to $20/person ...so its excellent value for money, You cant get expensive seafood in the buffet like crab, lobster ,  sea urchins and parlimon but they have a nice variety 

    I'll take some photos 


    Sucks that it happened, try to make the best of the day and don't let it bring you down. You still have him.

    • Like 3
  4. 1 hour ago, Guard Dog said:

    Of course. But debt can only be monetized if the currency is stable. Right now the dollar is stable. But only because there is no alternative. If the dollar collapses or if something like Bit Coin becomes a real currency for trade, the US will not survive the mismanagement of it's political class.

    The US dollar is a bubble anyways even if stable, the minute we have alternatives to oil its going to drop. At least it would if we didn't own the companies that value currency and have kept the pound artificially inflated. It is kinda hard for me to take any talk about currency seriously because it is such a scam that the only way it makes sense if your in on it.

  5. 3 hours ago, Guard Dog said:

    Besides, it really does NOT matter who wins the 2020 Presidential race. Neither will contribute to fixing this: https://www.usdebtclock.org/

    Someday, when your money is worthless,  you will all remember with fondness when all you had to worry about was whether Trump was worse than Biden. 

    ....You do know how inflation works right? Cause I get the impression people just think that more money in circulation automatically means inflation.

  6. 20 minutes ago, MedicineDan said:

    This place never fails to entertain.  BLM isn't the problem.  BLM is a symptom of the problem.  That goes for Trump also.  We're simply at a crossroads.  Biden represents the forces of chaos.  To be fair, I don't believe Biden himself advocates or desires chaos.  Biden desires power.  A politician of... what?  almost fifty years?  Third presidential run?  I've always heard, from pundits and politicians speaking and writing in the media, that Biden is an affable guy.  A real glad hander.  I don't personally have anything against him, but he's going to do and say whatever it takes to get elected.  Trump is kind of chaotic, but his brand  of chaos isn't as far reaching.

    I also appreciate the red herring of right wing militia being the source of crime and murder in our country.  Sure.  I mean, I have no doubt the folks here are certain of that fact.  Statistically, it's silly.  I've been seeing that assessment for years and it transcends ridiculous, shoots right past sublime, to an almost religious experience in its surreal glory.  Murder and mayhem in any great measure does not stem from right wing militia.  It doesn't stem from the police.  I would think people who want to find real solutions would focus on the real problems.

    Anyhow, getting away from the partisan hackery that is this place... echo... echo... echoooooo.  I'm truly curious as to what's going to happen this cycle.  As folks know, I'm not frightened to make predictions and stand by them.  This election is different.  I think it's foolish for Trump supporters to discount the polls.  Generally, they're pretty good.  However, he did manage to outperform his polls last time.  it wasn't as much as people claimed after the fact, but he did.  The thing is, I know the pollsters are trying to adjust in order to be more accurate.  On the other hand, there's reason to believe the polls are even more screwy this time.  I don't know.  My gut tells me that it's still Biden's to lose.  He's a dotard and an unscrupulous, but I think the Trump hating inertia is actually quite strong. Look at this place where people I once thought were at least intellectually honest have thrown all pretense away and are now hackneyed partisan.  That hate has burned both ways for a long time, but it's strong and it could carry the day.

    Having said that I think it's Biden's race right now, I will say this:  if you lose, if the American people refuse the forces of chaos and destruction, it will be after you've thrown *everything* at our side.  This is it.  We have not had an election like this in our lifetimes.  That's not hyperbole.  That's life in 2020.


    EDIT:  Freudian slip.  He must first get elected.

    Don't despair buddy, people are usually decent when they're within hitting distance.

  7. 16 minutes ago, Gromnir said:

    serious? you gotta realize how such stuff sounds, yes? the radical dems and blm protesters is causing you this level o' terror?

    your conspiracy theories 'bout the different treatment o' far-right protesters vs blm aside, comparing an "avowed" pedophile to blm protesters?



    okie dokie.

    btw, we would investigate the avowed pedophile, but we would not exclude from the US anybody who happened to share his faith. we also wouldn't arrest (and not charge so as to avoid civil rights protections) anybody even remote related to the pedophile if we somehow did eventual find legal sufficient evidence he/she were a pedophile. heck, we wouldn't arrest the avowed pedophile 'cause such would actual be risking eventual conviction w/o at least some evidence. bring the guy in for questioning, with his lawyer, and investigate the claims.


    you have bought into the fear. your fear is cartoony save for the fact it is obvious genuine. when scalia warned 'bout the possibility o' the Government engaging in korematsu-like behaviour, we took him serious, but we were expecting some future threat and we woulda' imagined a menace similar to ww2 and the fear generated by the shock o' pearl harbor. portland protests is what you has making the leap to the "chinese global hegemony"?  chrysippus is wondering 'bout the steps you obvious leapt past to reach your conclusion. 

    HA! Good Fun!

    Right because the KGB didn't fund through the American Communist party Hollywood films that promoted leftist ideologies. Because Russia didn't take over Afghanistan through a coup by a dissident party. Because while we are focusing on maintaining the Petrodollar, China is funding Africa and Latin America, essentially gaining a monopoly on precious minerals that are essential for electronics. Meanwhile we contend with extreme leftists that would happily welcome Chinese communism, no surprise that college professors have been caught taking money from the CCP.
    Yeah, I'm pretty sure that it is a bunch of coincidences until a Trump administration releases a report. Then it is fake because you don't like Trump and can't be bothered to educate yourself.

    Edit: Also what kind of ****ing moron goes and says unmarked cars and secret police when they are clearly wearing an uniforms, why don't you show the whole video where those innocent civilians were attacking federal property.

  8. 19 minutes ago, Gromnir said:

    is curious how discriminating an appeal for compassion may be given the ideology o' the individual pleading for understanding. exclude any you fear? well that's not very christian. is also curious how the the discrimination (denotative) ignores what is the cautions from experts on domestic threats. @Maedhros linked what is conclusions from dhs, conclusions which has been annual carbon copy identifications o' "white supremacist extremists" as the most worthy o' the Domestic Violent Extremists label. 

    ‘We Are Being Eaten From Within.’ Why America Is Losing the Battle Against White Nationalist Terrorism

    "Since 9/11, white supremacists and other far-right extremists have been responsible for almost three times as many attacks on U.S. soil as Islamic terrorists, the government reported. From 2009 through 2018, the far right has been responsible for 73% of domestic extremist-related fatalities, according to a 2019 study by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). And the toll is growing. More people–49–were murdered by far-right extremists in the U.S. last year than in any other year since the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995."

    those domestic violent extremists deserve our compassion and understanding. talk to them.

    'course if you are a member o' blm...

    worse, if you are o' the same religion as isis terrorists, compassion is in short supply. those white supremacists dhs says oro should be more concerned 'bout is almost universal evangelical christian. as a matter o' fact, white supremacist religious fundamentalism is core to their beliefs and hate o' the adherents o' other religions such as papists and jews. much as islamic fundamentalists pervert the teachings o their faith so that it has for them a meaning complete different than more moderate believers o', so to do white supremacists use christianity to excuse their utter disregard for christian teachings. if the muslim faith produces existential fear in oro and others 'cause o' the actions o' the fundamentalists who has hijacked the core tenets o' the religion, then the pass christianity gets in spite o' the more immediate and likely danger from white supremacists is not rational. is in fact, bigotry.

    Editorial: 75 years later, looking back at The Times’ shameful response to the Japanese internment

    “This is war. And in wartime, the preservation of the nation becomes the first duty. Everything must be subordinated to that. Every necessary precaution must be taken to insure reasonable safety from spies and saboteurs so that our armed forces can function adequately and our industrial machinery may continue to work free from peril.”

    And this:

    “The time has come to realize that the rigors of war demand proper detention of Japanese and their immediate removal from the most acute danger spots. It is not a pleasant task. But it must be done and done now. There is no safe alternative.”

    And this, a year or so later, when some people were calling for the release of those who had been interned:

    “As a race, the Japanese have made for themselves a record for conscienceless treachery unsurpassed in history. Whatever small theoretical advantages there might be in releasing those under restraint in this country would be enormously outweighed by the risks involved.”

    japanese internment were popular. in fact, a gallup poll at the time had better than 50% of respondents saying that even after the conflict with japan were ended, those interned japanese should not be allowed to return to their homes.

    is no surprise trump and barr is using the language o' insurrection to describe blm protesters. it worked in 1942 because people were afraid.

    korematsu has been been the most consistent derided SCOTUS decision since dred scott. nevertheless, the trump administration attempted to use it as authority for their early attempts at a muslim ban.

    so make the same mistake and surrender to fear.

    inter arma enim silent leges 

    in 2016 it were non-american muslims and immigrants from beyond our southern border who generated panic and fear in the trump base. this year is radical democrats and blm supporters. how much longer before we run out of people not part o' the trump base who is worthy o' oro's discriminating sense o' compassion?

    HA! Good Fun!

    The difference is that the Portland DA would happily throw the book at far right terrorists, meanwhile BLM and Antifa are not being charged. It is the extent to which our institutions have been subverted by leftist foreign organizations that should be the concern. Not a numbers comparison between right and left wing.
    You mention my sense of compassion, I will ask: would you let a self avowed pedophile run amok children just because he's never been charged with any crime? I choose this example because pedophiles are still we are still able to repudiate without repercussion. So if the threat of danger is present would you let foreign paid inciters corrupt the youth and create chaos.
    This isn't about compassion is about values and survival, if the end result is a Chinese global hegemony then **** your sense of compassion. The CCP has none.

  9. 1 hour ago, Gromnir said:

    all god's children deserve a chance at redemption... unless they are part of blm, or they happen to share the same god/faith as terrorists. if they is radical democrats like biden, then they are heretics and burning at the stake is probable too good for 'em. 

    axiom: dallas cowboy fans are beyond redemption.

    HA! Good Fun!


    I think it comes down to which group is actively seeking harm. Right now is BLM and the Democrats, back during 9/11 it was radical Islamic. Before that it was your Timothy McVeigh and your Ted Kaczynski. Honestly as usual I don't know what the point of your post is, if you're trying to be funny you're failing. If you're being contrarian congratulations, I would completely disregard your opinion as just that if it wasn't for the occasional gem.

    • Like 1
  10. 13 minutes ago, Skazz said:

    Random question: just how recognizable is Bruce Campbell? I've always thought that stuff like Evil Dead was a part of a certain generation's nerd DNA - and I say that as a guy who probably hasn't seen and read as much as he should.

    Was it? Is it? Am I just getting old and making assumptions? On a related note: is that what people who reference, say, Abbot and Costello feel like?

    For the die hard Horror fan, very recognizable.

    • Like 1
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  11. 5 minutes ago, Gromnir said:

    something somebody heard on alt-right radio? such were never a serious concern. hardly binary: abandon to mass murder or a kurdish state made possible by constant US involvement. rl is rare binary, save for the upcoming election which will be either biden or trump. is gonna be a choice even for those who do not choose.

    No, despite your belief we are not alt right nor we listen to radio. We just know the history of Israel, the amount of money that the US has poured keeping them afloat and the multiple incidents where they directly conflicted with the US.

    7 minutes ago, Gromnir said:

    from a cold/heartless practical perspective, we did lose a valuable intelligence gathering asset which could warn us o' those threats o' which trump voters have an existential fear.  'stead we got one less intelligence resource at the expense o' a humanitarian crisis as well as a cautionary tale for any considering future alliances with the US-- we are faithless, mercurial and mercenary when it comes to alliances. tough sell.

    From a political perspective, Trump was an anti war candidate and he knows that the American people are tired of foreign wars. Supporting the Kurds might have sparked another 6 day war (at best) which would look bad on reelection.


    11 minutes ago, Gromnir said:

    am not knowing oro situation, but the media must be worse than we imagined if florida is suffering the same fate as the kurds. you need get the word out that not only are the governor and President killing you by the thousands with their incompetent response to covid-19, but that armed forces are chasing you from your homes and murdering you in the streets. terrible that no media, regardless o' skew, is covering the true scope o' the tragedy in florida. 

    lets us all pause for a moment o' silence in memoriam o' the heretofore unknown florida tragedy. much like the bowling green massacre, we shall never forget. 

    HA! Good Fun!

    You know, you rant a lot and misrepresent your opponent argument...is that a lawyer tactic.? The simpleton jury might be swayed by it but to us you just seem like you're rambling without a point.

  12. 18 minutes ago, Gromnir said:

    already linked the troop deployment articles. we got virtual same presence overseas as 2016 but we did get to add one o' those shameful American acts to the list by abandoning the kurds (again) and getting untold numbers o' our former allies murdered.

    Go Team America!

    HA! Good Fun!

    Yep, but the alternative is that we create another Israel. We know how that has turned out and the conflicts that has caused. If the goal is to diminish US military actions in the middle east, then we ought to stop meddling in the middle east. Sorry for the Kurds but Americans are tired of dying overseas for private interests that don't make life in America better.
    Selfish; yes, but as an immigrant that is surrounded by other immigrants from all walks of life I can say that: The perspective foreigners have of the US is completely wrong, I currently work with former middle upper class Venezuelans that can't believe why the cost of living in the US is so high or why services that were dirt cheap in their country cost so much in the US.
    My point is, Kurds might think of the US armed forces as the greatest that will go back to the greatest country. I know by virtue of being a college graduate that they're stuck in the same rut as me, except that they have more PTSD to deal with.

  13. 14 minutes ago, Zoraptor said:

    You are, they just aren't being publicised much. There's a bunch of new US troops in Saudi Arabia, for example.

    I believe it, after their spat with Turkey I'd imagine that a show of military force was needed to maintain order. I would say that there's a great difference between defending strategic allies and invading.
    Honestly, it has become baffling when I hear people that see the world in absolutes. Do you really think that invading a country and mobilizing troops at the request the country is the same?

  14. 22 minutes ago, Hurlshot said:

    We aren't in Iraq anymore? That's news to me.

    Killing that Iranian general didn't exactly seem like a peace in the middle east strategy.

    I'd say these wars are naturally petering out in a excruciatingly slow manner, and I'm not sure any President deserves credit for that. He certainly isn't cutting military spending either, quite the opposite.

    There aren't any major operations going, we are not increasing our numbers in those areas. Save for an exit strategy I'd say, the wars seem to be over.

    The only thing that peter out was coverage by the media during the Obama administration, up until Trump operations were ongoing and getting stronger. They don't call Obama the Bomber in chief for nothing.

    Military spending is defense spending, it is the only legitimate federal spending since that's one of the duties of the federal government. To provide for the defense of the country, considering that we might get into a hot war with China (and we have been close) I'd say it is well spent.

  15. 5 hours ago, Malcador said:

    What an odd reason to hope it's not.  Don't really see his support for the military as being more standout or different than previous Presidents - basically all talk and no show :p

    First president in 16 years to have ended the meaningless wars in the middle east. Save for some short term operations we haven't had any major conflict, I'd say that's more than talking.

  16. As far as I understand it the deal with Social media being classified as public utility and censoring content has to do with the fact that they enjoy protections against libel while engaging in editorial practices. The phone analogy gets brought out because the phone company isn't held liable for the contents of a call, but a publisher would be.

  17. 23 minutes ago, ComradeMaster said:

    If Swedish women didn't want Arab men then they would have been kicked out decades ago or longer.  I mean it's not like I care much but I'm really starting to think that a lot of these alt right types are just men that no woman wants so they try to rationalize that into some kind of false sense of racial superiority.

    So are you saying European women are....asking for it?

    • Thanks 1
  18. @GromnirBuddy if the worst thing you have against Trump is that he didn't build wall or ban Muslims and behaved like a politician; then you might as well call him the best President we had in decades. For once we are not involved in a war and we might see a return of troops from the Middle East(That Obama promise), we might get lower medical cost because of executive action forcing Big Pharma to sell at the same price as they would overseas (That ObamaCare promise)

    I would have hoped that a man that worked in the legal system would know for a fact that public pressure sways cases and the media spin has done that plenty of times. It must be sad going senile...maybe that's why you like Biden.

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