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Posts posted by Orogun01

  1. 3 minutes ago, Achilles said:

    Sorry, I'm old enough to remember when environmentalism was a republican issue.

    My personal opinion: political parties are stupid, but ala Rousseau, seem to be something humans are dead-set on having. We don't need a green party or a libertarian party to cause change. We need engaged voters paying attention and demanding that their representatives dance for their votes on the issue we care about. All registering for another party or thinking that not voting is gonna make a difference does is take you out of the game.

    No one is going to knock on your door, ask you why you didn't vote, and then use that feedback to shape the future of the party. On the contrary, if you do vote, and you vote within my party, I'm going to do everything in my power to convince you to vote for me. You don't need to volunteer for many campaigns to see this in action.

    Sorry, I'm paranoid enough to remember when Nixon nationalized and sold swaths of American land as collateral for countries to adopt the petrodollar.

    But whilst I find your idealistic view endearing,  the fact is that information travels fast and is often very biased requiring an educated view. Most voters tend to adopt a political/religious/moral stance on issues since its easier to digest. Voter engagement is an issue that reflects the general disenfranchisement of everyone with establishment politics, one of the reasons Donald Trump likely won was the lack of faith in both party as well as a lack of faith in the electoral process. After 10 years of both parties lying and ignoring the will of the American people it was to be expected, whether you agree with him or not, his talking points resonated with enough Americans to win him the Presidency.

    I doubt that the system will improve, as now data is easier to collect. We are going to see a generation that has completely been shaped by the algorithms of silicon valley, what party they're going to lean to is yet to be determined.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Achilles said:

    Until the U.S. implements rank voting or something like it, voting outside the two party system is akin to throwing your vote away. The idealistic part of me understands the appeal, but the pragmatic side just kinda shakes its head. 

    Except the two party system adopts the view of third parties to maintain hegemony. It's why the democrats and the republican now have environmentalism as a issue in their platform.  With more than two party you end up with weird stalemates in which single issue parties hold the vote for an issue that's not in their agenda. Just imagine the Green party being the deciding vote in an pro-life or pro-abortion bill. On one hand we are all creatures of the Earth on the other one more people contribute to the carbon footprint, they'll likely flip flop on the issues and bring more instability to the process.

  3. 13 minutes ago, Gromnir said:

    btw, we don't doubt that foreign powers use university campuses to recruit young and gullible. is so far afield o' what is being proposed by trump and is not actual at all related to the links you provide.


    14 minutes ago, Gromnir said:

    you are such a weird person and your ideology driven posts would be laughable save that 1) your chosen ideology is pernicious and 2) you pretend as if the ideology, which would make the daughters o' the confederacy proud, is the result o' intellectual curiosity and reasonable reflection. 

    Has anyone told you're a bit tsundere? Can you assume the best and think I'm at least somewhat reasonable....I don't know what you think but history is always dictated by the current politics. Its the truth of every Hollywood movie that chooses to paint whites as the aggressor and its the truth of several news articles and college course that attempt to re-contextualize history to suit political ends.
    Honestly I wish we could just all agree that when it comes to history and politics the biggest caveat should be: We are all humans, we are all capable of great wrongs and rights and belief or race don't factor into it.


    20 minutes ago, Gromnir said:

    your schtick is not unique; the venom is, am sad to say, all to common. real tragedy is that as much as we criticize florida man, the shift o' high tech industry to the south is doing more to change the current paradigm than is any efforts by naacp or educators to change notions 'bout bigotry. increasing educated southern parents is teaching their children to reject conspiracy theories and thin veiled bigotry. as more educated folks is moving south, what we loathe 'bout the south (other than the humidity) decreases. meanwhile, is the rust belt which is becoming more southern every day.  won't be long before is indiana man we need worry 'bout more than florida... so 1920s.

    Trust me I don't like it more than you do. The biggest fear right now is that they're bringing their politics and that they will create the same hellscape that they made in their liberal states. However development in S Florida has to do more with it having a port than this recent move. The tech industry has been on the rise since 2014, at least that's when I became involved in it.

    No, I'm sorry to say that the development of Florida will likely cause more Florida man incidents since it will create a rise in inequality and when you add all the drugs running into the country through here. That's not a good mix, so Indiana can wait.


    25 minutes ago, Gromnir said:

    am gonna leave the ginsburg reflection for at least a day or two.

    I honestly look forward to your post as you are more educated in this subject that probably everyone on these forums...at least I think so.

  4. 20 hours ago, Gromnir said:

    to help get you started, perhaps you should research the daughters of the confederacy and their efforts to promote the teaching o' a more enlightened and positive historical narrative. spoiler: the ladies o' the south were disturbing successful although 'course such schemes necessarily need happen at the state and local level. heck, is more than a few examples o' southerners posting on this board which show just how powerful a tool were the motivated teaching o' patriotism to school children. not need look very far for examples... not far at all.

    That's all fine and good that your education was shaped by some Confederate ladies back in the 1910's when you were going to school.
    Right now we have almost all states having adopted the common core standards     which paired with how public schools are funded through property taxes raised in the area results in the poorest having access to lower quality of education link

    Add to that the fact that No child left behind requires school to meet growth criteria or lose federal funding, we now have a standardized K12 school system dictated by who knows who, but it is very undeniable that academics tend to be majority left leaning.

    Also college education is the one I originally was referring to; which host a number of courses in leftism and  critical race theory      as well as Women's Studies as a degrees. If you know about how subversion works you know that the KGB would send agents to influence countercultures to be more amenable to Communist ideas. Right now there are several Universities being investigated for ties with China





    We might argue the extent of infiltration and at what levels of authority, but to outright dismiss it would be silly.




  5. 4 hours ago, ComradeMaster said:


    Looks like the pendulum has swung in China.  I think it's a generational thing.  In the 80's they privatized much of the economy and loosened control quite a bit, now it looks like they're going back towards ideological purity.

    Not that I want the U.S. to emulate China or anything but this will sure piss off the fascist bootlickers in the West. :lol:

    This is actually one on a series of crackdowns, there's talk that Xi is trying to revive the office of supreme leader of the party that Mao once held and he seems to be cleaning house. There were also party rumors of Xi preparing for an economic lockdown. This move however might push companies away that are necessary for China's plans to become a global leader in technology.

    BTW, I don't understand why people with socialist leanings think the government would do a better job of running the economy than the private sector. Or maybe I misunderstood your elation at the prospect of "pissing off fascist bootlickers"

  6. 2 minutes ago, Gromnir said:

    you managed to beat @HoonDing to the punchline.

    tragedy is, you are serious.

    HA! Good Fun!

    Right...because the Soviet Union didn't  finance millions of dollars into subverting American culture and definitively Tentcent and all those Chinese companies financing American entertainment aren't doing the same. Also American professors aren't being arrested because of financial ties to China.
    And very obviously; Communist groups born from leftist propaganda that vilifies the rich whites, aren't rioting and causing property damage.

    Now on another conspiracy news, water is wet only if you dip your toes in it.

    Look, if you're so above explaining American law to us mere humans then I don't have the time to gather all the evidence for a proper discussion, because I don't obsessively gather news articles and historical documents in board just in case I someday have to prove a point. Specially since people are lazy, or have other interests that are more worthy of their time.

    But the simple matter is that preponderance of leftist media has shaped a culture of leftists zealots that are now rioting in masse across the country. Now we might disagree whether that lean left was natural or influenced but the fact is...there's a national group of belligerents praising Marxism and you know the beginning of the Soviet Afghan war, you know how useful idiots are made.

    • Haha 1
  7. 3 hours ago, Achilles said:

    When Florida is gone, Arizona will rise up to take its rightful place as the ***hat capital of the United States.

    Nah, Oklahoma and Kentucky will have a fight to become the next Florida. But Florida will never be gone! As long as we have cocaine, meth and ingenuity we will be here!!!!

  8. 22 minutes ago, KaineParker said:

    Honestly I can't think of many situations where a single class thief would be better than the thief multiclass or dual class options. I guess if you want to ride Assassin to that x7 multiplier, but being able to reliably hit **** and spells seems more useful when a x4 multiplier can drop a lot of enemies already.

    I don't think I've ever played vanilla BG lmao.

    Agree, one of the most OP builds I ever made was a thief/duelist Dex tank in NWN2. It had great DPS because of free attacks of oportunity against afflictions and a hell of a defense because of applying intelligence to AC and that intelligence meant more skill points.

  9. 6 hours ago, Hurlshot said:

    Sure. So if the answer is 'nobody really knows', we might as well be the good guys and give immigrants the chance to be successful.

    You know, instead of kids in cages, hysterectomies, and other clearly terrible ways of treating human beings.

    So is the claim from a single nurse? Stellar journalism there.

    This is the kind of hyperbolic crap that make people lose faith in journalists. They claim "mass hysterectomies" then there should be several people involved that performed them who should be available for comment. I expect that the news cycle will continue to follow on this and hold people accountable so that the issue gets fixed.
    Otherwise I have to assume that the news don't care about hispanics either or that it was just an unreliable witness and they didn't bother to check the story.

    On other news from one single whistleblower, Chinese Hong Kong virologist claims Coronavirus cover up by the CCP

  10. 1 hour ago, Achilles said:

    I, a natural born citizen of the US, have two business degrees and 0 businesses. The woman who cuts my hair escaped the fall of Saigon as a child and owns 2 businesses.

    It's a matter of fact that "immigrants" (and their children) are significantly more entrepreneurial than "natives"

    I think it has to do with higher education in this country and learned helplessness. It is hard to take risk when you're saddled with a massive bill that you can't get rid off. Immigrants that didn't go to college probably have more financial leeway as they can take more risks.

  11. 15 hours ago, Pidesco said:

    Are you disavowing your earlier statements regarding the holocaust?

    Not really, it led to research and that led to different conclusions depending on the camp. Some deaths have been wrongfully attributed to the Germans to cover for the British retaliatory air raids on German villages that were being used as POW camps. Those numbers also were added.
    Like every facet of history it is more complex than the thought we give it, I still stand this is a heavily politicized period. Not everyone that doubts the official story is a denier, there obviously were concentration camps but there's also a lot of other events that clearly didn't happen as the post war reporting said it did.
    I doubt that the allies would run the story about how they bombed the supply lines that kept the camps fed and starvation was due to a tactical choice to cut off German regiments. It also didn't help that the military objectives were the complete annihilation of the German Nazi Party and the conquest of Germany. Had there been terms of surrender, there would be less casualties in the war and in the camps.
    Honestly I think people mistake my curiosity with a moral stance.

    • Hmmm 1
  12. @Gromnir we would hope you would understand that the limited nature of dialogue would prevent us from explaining what should be obvious. We are not deranged and we do not hate,  but we are not politically correct. Indians now enjoy the benefit of being in a culture that lift ups the downtrodden whilst being unaware to the fact that they could have as easily been the losing side. Really, y'all whiteys should be easier on yourselves. An Indian ruled future might have not been so great, Red Cloud realized this as he threw hostilities away in favor of politics.

    Gromnir, also chooses to ignore the clear war triumphs of the Plains Tribes against settlers throughout the majority of the Indian wars. The fact that Indians enslaved settlers, raped and pillaged them is undeniable. But current politics dictate that we should be forgetful of the past wrongs while acknowledging our faults, instead of coming together  over our shared history.

    Also, why you bringing up the jews? I understand that you were/are a a lawyer and misrepresenting your opponents view is your bread and butter.  You do not know us and know not if we have grown beyond anonymous statements that we have made in the past. But I understand, you're competitive per your profession and slander its just a means to an end.
    It is one of the reasons why I don't trust lawyers and why the rule of law is so messed up, people like you keep arguing to win instead of doing what would benefit the populace.

  13. 28 minutes ago, Gorth said:

    Yeah, how dare they take up arms and defend their ancestral land against the pure, noble whites....

    One thing that became clear when researching this topic (light research, I have a 9 to 5) was that natives had a loose concept of ownership. They raided land from each other and took freely whilst calling for a Sundance to settle peace with the same people they robbed.  The notion of Indians being a peaceful people that defended their "ancestral" land is bull, they were fighting each other and rearranging territorial claims for  decades before the white man decided to ask to settle in undeveloped territory.


    40 minutes ago, Gorth said:


    One thing you got right here is, everybody should be held accountable for their actions. As for reservations, they were effectively the koncentration camps of the 19th century. Every time the settlers had trespassed enough into native land and conflicts arose between native population and the new immigrants, the military got sent in to  evict the native population. Sometimes they would be given a token piece of land, Just to get them out of the way (probably cheaper than having to buy enough bullets to execute them all). Often tracts of land unsuitable for agriculture and hunting, leading to famine, starvation and epidemics. Short version here https://www.ushistory.org/us/40d.asp


    No, they weren't "genocided away" in the strict sense of the word, as their genes still exist, but cultural genocide is also a thing. You can kill a mans spirit just as well has his body


    Gromnir could probably tell WAY better then an ignorant foreigner like me how life in reservations was and is.

    Look, I'm not blind to the plight of Indians in reservations but... they weren't concentration camps, they were free to go out and go about their business. We can argue about what makes a concentration camp and what would the first historical camp would be (that seems interesting) but if we can agree that a concentration camp is a guarded place  which the interred  can't leave, then reservations don't fit the bill.

    Settlers negotiated deals with Indians, the problems arose from the Indians loose definitions of property and land. They were very clear with letting settlers come in because of deals that benefited them and they were very vague when it came to Indians stealing,looting and slaving (to be fair, Plains Indians weren't a unified group which made relations difficult)

    I think everyone should read/ hear about the indian wars. They won against the Americans and Spanish, ultimately failing because the progress and the tremendous divide between the two cultures.
    My point is... history is complex and we have to look at the context and if there's a popular view on a subject, ask about its origins. Is it misguided and misinformed? We can't deny what Indians went through in the reservations but we shouldn't forget what landed them there in the  first place.
    They were horrific savages before their tribulations, I say this without judgement because all cultures have savage past. Yet it seems that only those that were victorious are criticized in our times.

  14. 29 minutes ago, KaineParker said:

    This is probably the dumbest **** I've read on this site.

    Stop browsing /pol/.

    ...Well, how about you keep an open mind and see entertain an opposing view. Things aren't as clear cut as the common opinions make it out to be.  If you dismiss  a statement because of a source then you're the guy that denied that the sky was blue because a Nazi said so. Argue the points not the sources.

  15. 23 minutes ago, KaineParker said:

    There wasn't a singular event or period of genocide, there are several that can be considered genocide by the coined definition of the term that occur before and after the USA emerged as a state. It seems kind of odd to deny that the long history of massacres, forced relocations, and attempts to starve out the various indigenous tribes didn't involve genocide because reservations weren't technically concentration camps, but at this point I can't say it's surprising.

    ...so America sucks at genocide? Because we have Indians still. Look, no one is denying the historical events, we are just asking to look at the context and stop holding one group on a pedestal when they clearly should be there. I get that history is marred by the politics of the times, but we should really strive to understand historical events  without biases. The Indians were horrible, ruled the east of the current US and did terrible things to settlers and so the settlers did horrible things back. Honestly, with the historical context reservations aren't that horrible of a solution compared to actual genocide. They survived and they're still fighting for some rights, which hopefully they get.
    My solution is to look to a future where the full historical events are  explained and it serves to bring us together, not to bash one group over stuff their great great great grandfathers/mothers did. Also, why is it that only white Americans are held accountable for their ancestors actions? All races/nationalities  have been horrible to each other at some point in history, but why is it that white countries are the ones that should feel guilty?

    BTW, if you don't know about subversion and the role the USSR had in shaping American's 60s counterculture  I suggest you google Yuri Bezmenov. It's a good starting point, hopefully you will work you way up to declassified KGB documents that show that the Soviets financed; through the American Communist party, several films to subvert public opinion and make them embrace communism.  But I know what you're thinking, that's all conspiracy huey.... I mean its not like there's bunch of crazed leftist that have no real clue burning their societies down. Why I must be wrong, cause obviously if it sounds crazy it must be false.

    This message has been brought to yo by the same government that trained pigeons to be the first smart bombs.

    • Like 1
  16. 2 minutes ago, KaineParker said:

    There's a difference between entertaining ideas and spouting off dubious horse**** to downplay or deny genocide. 

    I don't know what this supposed modern narrative you're going on about is, but it shouldn't be controversial to say genocide is bad even if the victims weren't saints or were even very bad. Consistently applying your argument that scalping made genocide acceptable, virtually any group of people could be considered fair game to wipe out because every group has very bad people who commonly do or have done horrific **** like forcibly sterilizing detainees or drone striking weddings. 

    ....Except it wasn't genocide, what people misunderstand about reservations is that they weren't concentration camps. Indians warchiefs that had committed atrocities against whites would be taken to reservations because of the political expediency of maintaining peace. After a while those warchiefs would then leave the reservation with a group an resume raiding and pillaging. The reservations weren't concentration camps, they weren't held there against their will. It came about as a result of a long lasting conflict where both groups did awful things to each other, it was the best compromise between Indian self governance and the rights of the settlers.

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