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Posts posted by Orogun01

  1. The reason calling women "fat" is bad is because it perpetuates an unhealthy self-image problem endemic to western patriarchal society that causes serious psychological and physical damage to women, not because the word is evil in and of itself.


    Back in the middle ages, when the patriarchal power structure was even more powerful than it is now, being fat was considered as beautiful among women.

    I don't know about beautiful but I think it was a sign of wealth. I remeber reading that somewhere.


    Yes, you're right. Wealthy people had the luxury to eat themselves fat in those days. However, if you look at the paintings from the renaissance, you can not find any size zero women. "Fat" and wealthy women were the beauty ideal back then.

    You are absolutely right, just look at the ass on the Mona Lisa.

  2. Become?


    You think Ice-T would give a **** if he came up against someone who inevitably doesn't like him. I'm not saying Ice-T is some sort of general role model, but most 'gangsta' rappers these days are just fethwits actually trying to get into gangsta rather than people complaining about it.

    Rage against the Machine were better.

  3. Although I fear to say anything because I think it'll be a simplification, I would say that the major theme of AP would be one of loyalty. Loyalty to country, to a person, to a cause. Different people feel loyal to different things, or don't feel loyal to anything, or are loyal to something or someone that betrays them. How do you deal with that? You'll find that the characters of AP have very different reactions to betrayal, and have very different conceptions of loyalty. And how those reactions play out will impact the storyline as you discover it.
    I assume I can be loyal to the worldwide revolution, yes? Otherwise, comrade Rorie, I may not end up purchasing this game.

    You should not buy it at all comrade. Since it's just going to feed the industrialist machine that is the video game industry. Contribute to the revolution and stay bored. :-

  4. kreese, while what you say about tribal living is true it can't be applied on the large number of people that live on society. Bartering isn't enough for big exchanges that's why the necessity of a bartering chip began, thus proto-money. Plus there is the fact that some are going to be greedy, want for more than they deserve; tribal economy works mostly because there is only a primitive notion of evil.

    About modern democracy, the flaws that you counted are the same flaws that are inherent to the democratic system. But your economic doomsday scenario seems unlikely, just because conglomerates grow doesn't mean that they will siphon the wealth out of society. But you seem to be thinking along the lines of Marx, so congrats tovarish you have joined the struggle.

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