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Posts posted by Orogun01

  1. 6 hours ago, Malcador said:

    Sort of surprised they've never worked that in, would fit well with the grimderpness of the Imperium to reprocess enemy corpses as food.   Related I liked how they've even made agri-worlds grimdark



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    Najan is an agri world. There are templates for such places, drawn up in the fathomless past and never altered by the Administratum. All agri worlds are of similar size, located in similar orbital zones within their void systems and subject to specific exposure to a prescribed spectrum of solar radiation. Their soils have to be within a tight compositional range, and they have to be close to major supply worlds.

    The Imperium is not a gentle custodian of such places. After discovery of a candidate planet, the first fifty years are spent in terraforming according to well-worn Martian procedures. All pre-existing life is scrubbed from the rocks, either by the application of controlled virus-chewers or by timed flame-drops. The atmosphere is regulated, first through the actions of gigantic macro-processors and thereafter by a land-based network of control units, more commonly referred to as command nodes. Weather, as least as generally understood, disappears. Rainfall becomes a matter of controlled timing, governed by satellites in low orbit and kept in line by fleets of dirigibles. The empty landscape is divided up into colossal production zones, each patrolled by crawlers and pest-thopters. Millions of base-level servitors are imported, kept at the very lowest level of cognitive function but bulked up by a ruthless level of muscle-binders.

    Soon after this process completes, every agri world looks exactly the same – a flat, wind-rummaged plain of high-yield crops swaying towards the empty horizon. A person could walk for days and never see a distinctive feature. Not that anyone sane would choose to walk in such places – the industrial fertiliser dumps are so powerful that they turn the air orange and make it impossible to breathe unfiltered. A single growing season exhausts the soil completely, requiring continual delivery of more sprays of nitrates and phosphates, all delivered from the grimy berths of hovering despatch flyers. The entire world is given over to a remorseless monoculture, with orthogonal drainage channels burning with chem-residue and topsoil continually degrading into flimsier and flimsier dust.

    But that doesn’t matter. A planet can be driven like this for thousands of years before it eventually keels over and becomes a death world. The quality of the crops gets steadily worse, but the quantity can be sustained almost indefinitely, assuming that supply lines are maintained and imports remain consistent. At the end of every season, the great harvester leviathans are stoked up and dragged from their pens and let loose on the grey fields, smokestacks belching and tracked undercarriages sinking deep. These massive creatures of high-sided metal and intricate pipework, the smallest of which are a hundred metres long, crawl across the blasted prairies, sucking up every last speck of pallid grain and piping it directly to antiseptic internal hoppers. Feed-landers come down from high flight, dock with the still-trundling leviathans and extract the raw material, from where it is taken into the city-sized processor vats, blasted with antibiotics, smashed, burned, crushed, then stamped and packaged. Once ready for transport, containers are dragged up into orbit aboard swell-bellied landers, ready for transfer to the void-bound mass conveyers, which deliver the refined product to every starving hive world and forge world in their long circuits.

    There is a quaint tradition in the various propaganda departmentos of the Administratum of marketing agri worlds as quasi-paradises, free of the squalor and overcrowding of a standard urban station, and full of bucolic ease. Vid-cards are dropped into communal hab-warrens, extolling the virtues of a life lived outdoors with the sun on your back and a ruddy-faced boy or girl – subject to preference – by your side. In reality, life on an agri world is as unrelenting, back-breaking and monotonous as the vast majority of other Imperial vocations. There are no trees laden with glossy fruit, only kilometre after kilometre of hissing corn.

    There are no gentle strolls under the warming sun, only punishing work details in rad-suits, leaning into the dust-laden winds that howl around the equator with nothing to halt their rampage. Once the new arrivals have made planetfall and found this out, it is too late. Crew transports arrive on agri worlds full and leave empty. There is a saying among the indentured workers – you come for the soil, you end up part of it.



    Yeah, cause there's no danger of spores ever spreading and the whole planet being overrun by Orks.

  2. 1 hour ago, ComradeMaster said:

    ^They also have .50-90 rounds.  I guess toying with ridiculously massively oversized weaponry was a thing in the late 19th century.  Once you go too big, you're compensating. ;)

    Also, if you think about it, handguns haven't really evolved too much since the Colt 1911.  I mean yeah they've improved but there really hasn't been any kind of handgun revolutions since then.

    Striker hammers, polymer frames and trigger safety beg to differ.

    • Like 1
  3. 46 minutes ago, Keyrock said:

    Why would I want a bulky AF Fallout monstrosity when I can have this classy beauty instead?


    Granted, Sigs are expensive, but I can afford it and sometimes you gotta treat yourself. I'm not going to buy right now, though, because people are buying up guns left and right for the coming apocalypse culture war societal collapse, so options are limited and prices are inflated.

    She is pretty...are you going to mod her?

  4. 1 hour ago, Keyrock said:

    ^ I know, but I REALLY like 10mm. It's a sadly underappreciated caliber, but it's quite good in virtually any situation.

    Hey, your money your choice. If you want a 12 gauge handgun for self defense that's your choice. I just feel that I should warn you about the limitations of a 12 gauge handgun. If you like 10 mm  and know the limitations, and you still want to go with it. Go for it, its your choice....that said, can I introduce you to my friend .380 ACP?

    Tell us the truth, this is some Fallout cosplay thing. Ain't it? Just get a 10mm barrel and build a fallout gun around it.

    • Haha 2
  5. 9 minutes ago, Keyrock said:

    ^ I'm probably going to get a Sig P220 myself; 10mm version.

    Not a lot of guns  come in 10mm, you might think to get yourself a more conventional caliber if you might buy another gun. (Which lets face it, you will...cause guns are awesome) Sig P38 are a good investment right now, they're cheap because of army surplus and they're a good gun. But you do what you feel like.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  6. I don't play Fornite but I do like the Unreal Engine, so I hope Epic wins. Legally they do have a case in that Apple and Google have been engaging in monopolistic practices, socially: What the hell are a bunch of 12 year olds going to do? Ask their parents to buy them an Android because they're boycotting Apple?

  7. 1 hour ago, Hurlshot said:

    I'm curious how many of you think Kamala Harris would be a worse President than Trump, Pence, or Biden?

    I get that some of you see her as worse than other people that aren't in the running anymore, but for my money, she's a better choice than all 3 of those. She's also the most likely to actually adapt and evolve with the times. Do you guys know any 70 year olds? They are done growing. They aren't going to change their approach based on the situation. Kamala Harris is well-educated, has handled a difficult political office as AG of California, and has changed her approach to criminal justice over that time. She's still fairly conservative and I'm sure she will get hammered on that, but it seems weird to focus on that when you look at the other old guys on the ballot.

    Are you playing Devil's Advocate or are you actually serious?
    The reason Trump got elected is we all became so disenfranchised with the establishment that we elected a game show host to lead the country. So far we; before the Corona, had a booming economy, record low unemployment and excluding that incursion in Syria, no foreign wars. Its  almost like people can tell that establishment politician that are favored by the media will serve private interests that hurt the American people and we don't want that. If 2024 has  2 establishment candidates it might really be the time were a third party will rise to the Presidency, at least I would hope. Because the alternative scares me.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Zoraptor said:

    Will CNN etc even show it though? Watching the reaction all the D establishment figures are bringing it up to try and shut it down, implying it was Republicans who'd made the observations about her prosecutorial record despite it being Gabbard and Warren who took Harris out. Oh well, just claim Tulsi was a Russian plant and bring up Warren formerly being a Republican is it gets traction, I guess.

    Fox OTOH will probably play it on a loop unless Murdoch has decided Trump is definitely going to lose.

    Still, if you're left in the US what are you going to do? Vote for the milquetoast status maximus ultimus quo with ultimately meaningless progressive trimmings, or Donald Trump. Exact same situation as last time from the Democrats, hoping that leftists will swallow a turd rather than risk Trump. Will probably work this time too, after 4 years of Trump, but just shows how little the D establishment actually learnt from 2016.

    The question is will the technocrats in Silicon Valley will censor it? Plus that's a Trump ad in the making "Biden is too sick to last, Kamalah is too corrupt to lead".
    I think the Democrats keep trying to court the insane far left, from that angle Kamalah makes sense. She looks like a progressive choice (Black woman) but will fall in line with establishment politics.

  9. 8 minutes ago, Malcador said:

    Cop logic works the other way, sort of funny.

    Someone got shot outside the White House by the SS, https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/secret-service-escorts-trump-briefing-room-amid-shooting/story?id=72293741

    "The suspect opened fired on a non-White House employee and a Uniformed Secret Service officer returned fire, according to the official"

    Sorry, I don't get the meaning of your post. How is this related to my post?

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