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Posts posted by Orogun01

  1. 5 hours ago, Gromnir said:

    spun? those who perpetrate unprovoked violence should be prosecuted according to the law. 


    am suspecting an unspoken premise.

    HA! Good Fun!

    Spin usually refers to the media, you know. Those unelected, unaccountable, unreliable folks that keep trying to tell us about the peaceful protests.

  2. 4 hours ago, Gromnir said:

    DC Circuit court rules against Flynn case dismissal

    an 8-2 en banc decision.


    what that means is that the two appellate court judges who earlier ruled in favor o' flynn were the only dc appellate judges to agree with their previous decision. kinda the legal equivalent o' the b!atch slap.

    'course a similar situation arose with the congressional subpoena o' mcgahn-- were a 7-2 smackdown in that case. on remand, the same two appellate judges fu'd the en banc decision and now we gotta go through the whole process again.

    it is so easy to understand why people become frustrated with judges and the law.

    HA! Good Fun!



    As an aside; but still related to the topic, what are your thoughts on Roman (Coded) law vs Common law?

  3. 2 hours ago, Gromnir said:

    “Indeed we can think of no better example of the police power, which the Founders denied the national government and reposed in the states, than the suppression of violent crime and vindication of its victims.”-- J. Rehnquist, us v morrison (2000)

    we  almost invariably claim Justices are misidentified as republican or democrat. Justices follow legal philosophies which kinda/sorta mesh in some places with party philosophy, but that is frequent not the case. J. Scalia, for example, considered by many to be a pro-republican Justice, were the Court's most ardent defender o' 4th amendment protections, making it more difficult for cops to investigate and for da to criminalize. however, rehnquist...

    "as an aside, J. Rehnquist were always our prime example o' a dangerous Justice.  no Justice active during our lifetime has received as much Gromnir vitriol as did Rehnquist.  Scalia and Rehnquist were both "conservative" Justices and frequent they voted the same.  even so, they occupied diametric opposed positions on our personal scale o' Justice approval." gromnir, feb 2016.

    rehnquist were a transparent political creature and even he had no stomach for the kinda nonsense you saw in portland.

    send in military is a state decision. period. worse, while oro and bruce may be forgiven for being unaware o' the law, every single US senator knew. even if they convinced self that somehow sending militarized fed police to portland to exacerbate the violence there were a good thing, they knew what were being done were unconstitutional. 

    without a specific request from governor or state legislature (and not just a single pro-fed legislator) sending fed police to suppress violence is unconstitutional. end of story. period.

    this is not a gray area kinda issue. not even close. 

    HA! Good Fun!

    ps what william barr did to legitimize the fed police/troop presence were to claim the protesters were insurrectionists, trying to overthrow the government o' the United States of America. don't even get us started if you are gonna try and sell that bit o' mularkey.


    I see where you're coming from, but I can infer from the actions of said governors that they would not request help for purely political reasons. They supported the BLM rioters until the protest came to their front yard, then they ordered the police to protect them. Erstwhile citizens who are suffering and don't care for bureaucracy will blame Trump for not sending the troops.
    In that situation what would you have done legally in order to send the aid these areas needed, declare the governors and mayors traitors? Use the insurrection act? Either way it gives the excuse to the media to misrepresent Trump's actions as totalitarian and partisan.

    • Like 1
  4. @Gromnir One has to be impressed by your ability to morally grandstand above the rest of us mere mortals while completely forgetting that the reason why Americans supported a Muslim ban and that one would need to be implemented was the wave of terrorism and rape gangs that hit Europe after the refugee crisis. I'm beginning to suspect that your platform is pro chaos...as long as it is minorities doing it.

  5. 5 minutes ago, Gromnir said:

    gonna ignore the total anarchy hyperbole and note how the incompetent local governments requested that the troops Not be sent in the first place. the troops became a focal point for the rioting and were not making trump look good 'mongst independents. no wonder.

    and blame the media? freaking stop. 


    last point is to correct what we hope is ignorance rather than malfeasance.  is best to assume ignorance. with such in mind, we we will once again note trump promised a muslim ban. trump was elected after he made the promise o' the muslim ban. were a muslim ban for purposes o' the election. even after elected, trump tried to implement a muslim ban. it were the THIRD iteration o' the ban which were directed at nations and not faiths. 

    you voted for the muslim ban guy who did genuine try and implement a muslim ban.

    no defense. is another florida man meme? 

    HA! Good Fun!

    1- So your point is that he shouldn't have sent the troops, even though most Americans were for it???

    2-You're going to undermine the fact that leftist media has continually downplayed the rioting a looting to the point where it has become a meme?

    3- A muslim ban is what the leftist media accused him of. He banned Muslim nations...I don't get what your point is. Are you arguing semantics?

    4-Seriously.....Ad Hominem? I though better of you.

  6. 3 minutes ago, Zoraptor said:

    Reality seems to be that the CCP bought the local Wuhan branch's statements hook line and sinker more than anything; there's plenty to blame the CCP for in the outbreak- promoting international travel while banning it domestically, especially, was grossly irresponsible at very very very best- but the initial outbreak was covered up by locals, to the significant detriment of China as a whole. The actual data released by China in terms of R numbers and fatalities plus treatment regime success seems to be decently accurate (well, it's inaccurate, but most countries data is significantly off too and China's isn't unusually off. UK excess deaths put their death toll ~50% higher than declared, for example).

    The job of the WHO is not to critique countries, it's basically to issue advisories unless a country asks for help. If they critiqued the US response for example there would be hell to pay and claims of undue interference. They are very limited, by quite deliberate design, in what they can do and what they can require countries to do; ie they cannot require much at all from countries and are almost exclusively advisory in nature. They didn't require travel bans or the like because they cannot require travel bans and the like. It was and is up to individual countries as to how they respond. They also have the inherent problem that knowledge always lags behind reality. If you find out some Wuhan official has fudged figures the reasonable minimum time to discover that is about a month because that's how long it takes to do the tests and analyse the statistics and that's the minimum time.

    China welded people's door shut  because they had the Covid. Any numbers we have of them are eschewed by their measures. The WHO ignored advice from Taiwan because of political reasons, advice from a country that dealt with the pandemic fairly well because they knew that China lied. Had a complete travel ban been supported in January or February we would likely have less cases. More so under China's report they underrepresented the threat of Covid...actually I'm not sure about that one because of the Covid mortality rate. Let's just say that the WHO has proven itself incompetent and just like a lot of western institutions; tainted by Chinese influence.

  7. 22 minutes ago, Gromnir said:

    1) sending troops to portland helped? course not. predictable, it made worse, which is why they were removed. police is a way to deal with an existing problem. the problems are social and economic which has nothing whatsoever to do with troops. 

    2) dear lord. blame initial spread on china and who. then what? having an ocean separating put the US in a slight better position than most o' europe where covid had spread earlier. we had a smaller problem and trump's impotence made worse. we had time and trump golfed. 

    talk 'bout rambling.

    edit: shouldn't be necessary, but am gonna point out how marginalizing poll relevance 'cause 2016 is just so stoopid. in the decades o' polling, there has been a number o' years and races where the polls got it wrong. small number. the reasonable thing to do is to ignore the overwhelming trend o' accuracy and instead focus on one o' the exceptions to decide whether to put faith in future polls. wait. no. that makes no sense, does it. we tend to look for reasons why exceptions were different, but see the few exceptions as proof o' the fail o' the whole is nutty, particular as 2018 were so freaking accurate. 


    muslim ban. rambling? *chuckle* is forcing folks to recall trump's promise. explain and we promise not to respond 'cause whatever you say in defense o' the muslim ban will be far more damning than anything we could write.

    congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

    and yeah, just as does due process and other fundamental rights, those liberties codified in the First Amendment apply to refugees, those seeking asylum and prospective immigrants.

    unfreakingamerican, and you voted for the guy.

    HA! Good Fun!

    1-The troops were removed because an incompetent local government request it. Made it worse? How can you make total anarchy worse? Are you going to excuse the looting, raping and shooting as "social economic problems"?
    2- I don't know, maybe having a media that hates your guts and would turn a reasonable travel ban into a xenophobic act had something to do with it. Also, I don't know if you're American but we do have balance of powers, which means that governors have some say in the matter.  So your point is that if Trump wasn't impotent he would be a xenophobe because he banned China?

    3- Edit: Are you ok? You seem to be rambling? Also the Muslim ban was of countries not of religion.

    4- Why Gormnir, I never knew you supported those fine folk that decide to congregate in spite of their state government forbidding it while supporting the riots. That's some progress.
    5- As an immigrant I would love if our due processes applied to prospective immigrants. As an  legal  immigrant I would love it if there was a regulatory agency that separates criminals from refugees. Oh wait....there is.

    • Like 1
  8. 4 minutes ago, Gromnir said:

    am not trying to convince you. in our job, we spent years empathizing with clients and juries. we don't need to do so on a freaking internet message board. is quite liberating.

    1) the rioting is happening under trump. weird how trump folks blamed obama for ferguson and baltimore but instead blame mayors for portland.

    2) willfully ignore every trump excess and shortcoming do not help your cause. covid-19 won't go away just 'cause you squint eyes, shake head and whistle with all your might to drown out tragedy.

    3) keep ignoring 2018? say is different doesn't make it so. is differen't cause is more voter suppression this time? perhaps you suggest is different because trump is campaigning for himself he has less time to mess thing up for collins? might be a legit angle there, but not poll relevant, even with the qanon talking points.

    4) muslim ban. you don't get to claim conscience and then ignore  the muslim ban promise.  am suspecting you know this, which is why your tone has changed. 

    5) muslim ban

    6) muslim ban

    7) muslim ban


    HA! Good Fun!


    1- Trump offered to send federal troops to quell the rioting (Thankfully the governor of Wisconsin acquiesced) Obama sided with his race, despite the looting.

    2- Covid-19 was in China around November but they kept the news under wraps. The W.H.O bought China's official statements; hook line and sinker, plus they ignored the advice of every Asian country that knew that China were full of it. Namely Japan, S. Korea and Taiwan.

    3, 4 and beyond- Dude, I expect better from you than incoherent rambling. Take some time put more effort and do your (former?) profession proud.

  9. 8 hours ago, Malcador said:

    The only thing Korn should reimagine is their band's quality.

    ...Should I tell you that Korn gets covered as a classic too or do you want to keep blissfully ignorant?

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  10. 2 hours ago, Guard Dog said:

    I started building my greenhouse today.  It will be 10' x 4'. I dug out a base and poured a 2" concrete  substrate. The placed pre-formed concrete step stones on it to make the floor. The idea being the gaps in the step stones will provide the drainage to a plastic trough I'll build on the sides. I don't trust my masonry skill to attempt a sloped floor or proper drain. 

    This is what we've got so far.  



    Why you get some grout to fill those seams and make sure that the spike trap trigger works and you got yourself a  walkway, mate.

    • Haha 1
  11. 54 minutes ago, Gromnir said:

    the thing is, the post office does have a money problem, and mnuchin is fixing the wrong way. as already mentioned earlier in the thread, for reasons which make no sense whatsoever in 2020, the post office pensions funding requirements need cover medical instead o' having medicare participation as does virtual all private and public sector jobs. is not a mystery why the post office is hemorrhaging money. the thing is, it will require an act o' Congress to fix the problem they created back in 2006. 

    Don't forget the special retirement package that federal workers have.
    Honestly though, the post office isn't the biggest cost on the federal budget. This just got politicized because Trump is the president and if he says "The sky is blue" the media will start arguing that "in actuality, the sky has no specific color"

    BTW, what do yo have against Florida man?

  12. 12 minutes ago, Azdeus said:



    As someone that has used USPS before the Trump administration and that for some ****ing reason mail is a political issue. I can  say that Honest Government Ad should change their name to Leftist Shill Propaganda. USPS is at best late, at medium your item gets stolen at worst it gets delivered broken....and it is the wrong address. But yeah, lets keep funding them even though everyone has Prime.

    • Like 1
  13. 13 minutes ago, ComradeMaster said:

    ^Bill Clinton turned the Democratic Party into the Ronald Reagan Party though, to try to outflank Bush on the right....and it worked.  I know it's probably small potatoes but Clinton's role in cementing corporate rule in both parties is significant.  Joe Biden is literally Ronald Reagan.

    Also relevant:

    Daily reminder that the Republican Party seems to have shed it's "small government, fiscal responsibility" projection since Reagan and is now the full blown "Use federal power to crush dissent" Party.  We have an opportunity here to create a Libertarian Left Party or movement if we play our cards right.

    Well, I give Reagan some leeway because of the Cold war. Arms race and Space race needs financing, in the end the USSR failed because of economics so it was the right call to focus on Macroeconomics at the time.

    Taking over areas of  the city, burning, looting, murder, extortion rackets, none of those are "dissent". If you think that of the rioters then you must think the Sicilian mafia was just a group of enterprising dissenters that were kept back by "The Man".

    I think you're more or less right with your assessment of a new party, The Democrat Party seems to be out of favor with their base. Any party that can gather former leftists can get attention...I just know that corporate money speaks more than grassroots.

  14. 11 hours ago, ComradeMaster said:

    The Democratic Party used to be not half bad until

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    This guy showed up.  Corporate Imperialist rule has captured both parties thoroughly since.  Also, they declared the End of History sometime in the 90's, as if neoliberalism was gonna rule forever.

    Ha!  These "experts" aka clowns don't understand how history works.

    Nah, George Bush senior and his war for oil proves that corporate interests had already infiltrated the US. If you're looking at where the ties between private and political interest began you probably have to go back to before the foundation of the country. But for modern times I would say that it became inevitable when the "Petrodollar" was made.

  15. 1 hour ago, ShadySands said:

    I'm not as big of a fan of striker fired but that's just personal preference.

    Of course, as Berettas go, I went with the PX4.

    That's a good one, I tried it as a range rental a couple of time and it is awesome. The only thing that kept me from a purchase was the rotating barrel, I like the option of suppressing my guns.

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