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Posts posted by Orogun01

  1. 28 minutes ago, Hurlshot said:

    Yeah, but people usually don't go to AA and try to blame the bars for serving them alcohol. That tends to be the case with gamers who encounter issues. Granted it might be a buggy game, but it also might be an issue with your computer.

    Fair enough I wouldn't go to AA to complain about how ****ty alcohol is I would be saying that it is awesome. Bad analogy, but my was don't go places and rub it in people's faces that you don't have problems. That's just dickish, it's like me going to Africa and telling everyone how much better my life is.
    Its that analogy better Hurl? Are the African children like gamers that encounter issues? Ahhh.... just ignore me I don't know what I"m saying.

  2. 5 hours ago, HoonDing said:

    Never had technical issues with any AssCreed.

    There should be an Internet law that dictates that every thread discussing technical issues of a game and asking for a solution will inevitably have one poster proclaiming that they never had any problems and they will offer no solution.
    Its like someone going to AA and saying "My life is perfect, I never had any problems"

    • Like 2
    • Gasp! 1
  3. 3 hours ago, Raithe said:

    Had started up AC:Syndicate because I'd picked it up cheap in the sales the other month. Was getting into it..then it crashed. I rebooted, reloaded, got about two minutes further..and crash.  Went through the process..got itno it, finished the mission got the rewards popup and the autosave starts...  And it crashes.

    Now everytime I load it up it's full of stutters and pauses.  Which is very weird, because AC:Odyssey runs as smooth as you like on the same settings.  Still, uninstalled Syndicate, re-installed it, and still suffering those stutters and pauses. It's even happening when I'm in the menu's and not running around the game world.

    Trying to figure out what might be causing it.

    What's causing it is that you're playing Syndicate, it was released in what we fondly recall as the Ubisoft buggy years.

  4. 26 minutes ago, Gromnir said:

    that were our freaking point. 


    unnecessary clarification: because US systemic racism don't look like nazi holocaust, which almost all save some comical holdouts agree were a terrible evil, US supported discrimination ain't viewed by a few persons (too many) as real racism.

    HA! Good Fun!

    Sorry, I honestly found your post a bit vague...you can say all you want about my reading comprehension and I can rant about your powers of communication. But how about we agree that every reply isn't necessarily a contradiction and I was just adding to your point?

  5. 6 minutes ago, Gromnir said:

    the purges o' jewish people in europe started long before the nazis, and sadly, didn't even end with the nazis. after all, a significant number of people liberated from death camps were promptly murdered by local populations. nazis hardly started the problem or saw the end.

    as a matter o' fact, the nazis kinda mess with modern perceptions o' racism. nazi, fascist and racist is terms which is gonna frequent see overlap in rl examples.  nevertheless the aforementioned is distinct concepts. all too often, people (vol) appears to use all three terms interchangeable. more than a few people thinks systemic racism is nazi attempts at genocide, or something similar. have a pundit rattle on 'bout how US government supported home loan guidance which lasted well into the 70s did irreparable and lasting harm to minority populations and too many have a hard time seeing similar to nazis loading jews into train cars and sending 'em to death camps. systemic racism is nazis doing evil, not bank bureaucrats from decades past giving a preference to people trying to buy a house before most o' the posters to this board were even born, right.


    HA! Good Fun!


    It is not such clean comparison as the Nazis had a clearly stated goal with regards to the Jewish population, we don't have that in the US as it is most often a confluence of interested parties that act with disregard.  Institutions in America are present in all sides of the spectrum and will rise up given a chance and enough funds, but they don't have the unilateral power that the Nazis enjoyed.
    Kinda of a good idea, that balance of power that the founders set.

  6. 32 minutes ago, Hurlshot said:

    The footage that came out of those camps at the end of the war needs no exaggeration. It depicts the worst of humanity.

    I agree that History, as a subject, should be kept fairly simple. We weigh cause and effect. Speculation should be kept separate, as that can lead us to completely false narratives such as the Mayan Scholar Utopia or the Great Zimbabwe/Queen of Sheba connection. But history is just one aspect of the Social Sciences, and I'd call it detached or even hard-hearted to ignore all that context and not think critically about how to improve the future.

    There is nothing political in saying that the Holocaust and Hitler are horrific chapters in human history. That is a pretty simple lesson. It isn't propaganda. I don't see what your objective is in referring to it that way.

    Ok, for one thing context comes down to presentation. I can give you the hard cold facts and let you make up your own mind or inject my own conclusion and bend the facts to suit it, conveniently omitting what doesn't agree. More so, "improve the future" it's a sociopolitical goal, not a scientific one (not purely scientific) the problem is that a political movement requires the hyperbole of propaganda to reach a maximum audience. So you have a very biased message; without all the facts and nuance, being interpreted to the unaware masses. Even if your intentions are good and the result its good, it is bound to have unintended consequences, like most every action in life.

    Partly the reason I brought out WW2 is that it is a very publicized historical event that has been heavily politicized (Godwin's law is a good example of the cultural impact the narrative has had) It paints the Allies in an absolute good light and Hitler as the worst thing ever. The reality it's more nuanced; for example,  British bombers would attack German villages and cities that had been converted into POW camps.  Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse Five is a good account of the firebombing on Dresden, that has been criticized as a retaliatory attack  by Britain, that means that camps that housed Jewish civilians were bombed by the Allies. Additionally, supply lines were bombed by the allies that were the lifelines to these camps; so the starvation of Jewish prisoners may also have been the result of Allies actions.

    To my original point, once you change history to tie it to a political goal as soon as the true historical facts come out it brings doubt to that  goal. No matter how good intended it might be.

    • Hmmm 1
  7. 14 minutes ago, Hurlshot said:

    A lot of people mistrust the holocaust?

    I would honestly lump those people in with anti-vaccinators and flat earthers.

    This might sound weird but there's actually some merit to it. The post war years heavily propagandized the events; they still do, numbers were inflated, there was little study done to justify some of the wild claims that some people made. All in all, I can't ascribe any institutional malice to it; even though there are institutions keen on protecting against any study, but there's been enough changes and reasonable arguments to cast some doubt about the common narrative. History is a science, it is meant to be an iterative process of study, discovery and speculation, not a solid narrative that serves political purposes. I'm looking at you History Channel with all your Hitler nonsense.

  8. 10 hours ago, Amentep said:

    Um...there's no explanation of the Confederacy that does not end back in an attempt to justify and perpetuate slavery.

    If you look at the common narrative of the "Lost Cause", you get things like -

    It was about states rights (to keep people enslaved); It was about the economic life of the noble, chivalric south (because it was built on slave labor); It was a war of Northern aggression (how dare they try to free our slaves!); Slavery was a God given "positive good" promoting the welfare of blacks who were better off as slaves than free in Africa because they are unequipped to be full people yet (because the North and southern abolitionists can't argue against a Divine institution can they? And thus allowing slavery to be perpetuated which we need or all us rich people will all be poor.)

    Regarding "losing" history...history is always looked back at and revisited; there is a tendency to view the past with a romantic or mythological eye and then later to re-evaluate it with a more dispassionate one, and that re-evaluation is always a constant.  I'm old enough to remember still being taught things like George Washington cut down a cherry tree and admitted it to his father because he couldn't lie.  We made mythic men out of the founding fathers, but inevitably historians were going to go back and really look at what happened and find they were just people, complex and messy and inconsistent people.

    Here's a few things that I've learned as an adult that was never touched on when I was in high school (cue comments about the poor education in southern states! 😄):

    • Washington almost bankrupted the army; after being asked to be the 1st President*, he said he'd do it - not for a salary but to cover his expenses.  But Washington was a spendthrift and as I mentioned, almost bankrupted the Continental army, so they actually turned down that offer.  Eventually Washington relented and accepted the salary.
    • Abraham Lincoln was the wrestling champion of his county in Illinois.  His life narrative when I was a kid involved log cabin building, putting himself through school, his law practice and then the presidency which he won because a girl wrote to him and suggested he grow a beard to hide his face. (Okay only mildly serious there) 
    • President Garfield is often described as being shot by a disgruntled office seeker.  Charles J. Guiteau, however, was suffering from mental illness and had never talked with Garfield prior to Garfield winning the presidency.  Having a long history of problems (including being kicked out of a free love commune), Guiteau believed that getting a speech published (Garfield vs Han****) and presenting a handful of speeches (some that he couldn't even complete) was sufficient work to earn a position in Grant's cabinet - if not an ambassadorship. He finally met with Grant the first time after he'd taken the Presidency, and not getting his desired governmental appointment plotted and executed an assassination. Modern psychologist think Guiteau may have been a narcissistic schizophrenic.  However, for the most part, this narrative was left out, giving the perception that Guiteau was an aggrieved public servant promised a job which Garfield later reneged on.
    • Georgia wasn't originally a slave state.  It was money and influence from the Carolinas that caused the leadership at the time to reverse the decision (and fairly quickly, I think there are only a few weeks between announcing that there wouldn't be slavery and when laws were changed to allow it.  Plantation owners in the Carolina wanted to open up the savannah lands (getting rid of the people already there) but only if they could bring their slaves to farm the land). 

    I do think that eventually historical figures from the civil war and before will be understood as both people who did good and bad things and that some of those things were due to thoughts that to us now seem as abhorrent as, say jus primae noctis**, or as weird as say, using beef bullion enemas to treat a President who'd been shot while prodding his wound with unwashed hands, but weren't in their time.  What we're struggling with is demythifying the past at the moment, and accepting what that means about then and how it informs now.

    *Even this is a bit of myth, as it implies the US was a leaderless confederation until Washington, ignoring Peyton Randolph as president of the First Continental Congress, John Han**** as president when the Declaration was signed, Samuel Huntington as president when the Articles were ratified and took effect, Thomas McKean as the first president elected under the Articles, and John Hanson as the first president under the Articles to serve the prescribed one-year term

    **Yes I know there is debate about how widespread this custom was or if its entirely mythological, but since it was specifically outlawed by King Ferdinand of Aragon in the Arbitral Decision of Guadalupe and combined with historical references to similar practices going back to ancient Greece, I'm erring on the side that it was a thing of some kind in some places or with specific rulers.


    I wish I could like your post twice.

    I know history is always looked through the lens of politics but it would be nice to look at it as an objective science and not project theories. There is however a real danger in rewriting history for political ends as it will create a lack of trust once the objective truth is discovered. I mean, a lot of people mistrust the Holocaust not because of antisemitism but because they're surprised to find that Hitler wasn't a child molesting sociopath that wore shoes made out of human leather.

    • Like 1
  9. 19 minutes ago, Gorth said:

    Bad Hollywood producers couldn't make up that stuff.


    Edit: correcting myself, if could be a filler episode of X-Files

    Only if one of the blacks is an Alien that loves baseball.

    Although, I don't think that it would be crazy to say that there are elements involved that want an escalation of the violence and to recruit more to their side. Communist agitators and bullies have been a thing since the Russian revolution.

  10. 2 hours ago, Skazz said:

    But... I like when people sing Happy Birthday to me. :(

    I'm worried now. Should I revoke my membership in the human race?

    Whenever you go with friends to a restaurant just have one of them tell the waiters that it's your birthday.

    • Like 2
  11. 1 hour ago, 213374U said:

    Yeah. I mean, everyone knows that the solution to dysfunctional public services, especially those involving the monopoly of violence, is more opacity.

    So your solution is to democratize violence? As much as I like self dependence someone still need to come pic up the bodies.... and enforce reasonable laws and stuff.


    1 hour ago, Hurlshot said:

    The police are not common people, so I do not understand why you would compare them to that. They also don't track or report numbers on a national level, making it very difficult to state statistics clearly. This is intentional. The police track crime data, not use of force data, because it is in their best interests.



    The police have to file reports of any incidents with weapons discharge, they don't have to report their numbers but the FBI which has access to their data does report them. Although I would like to see mandatory department reporting, I would like to know if I'm at risk of being shot down by the police. OTOH, people always misunderstand statistical analysis and most don't even know what methodology means. Releasing those numbers would put police under unnecessary scrutiny from activists and we would end up with defunct police departments like we have now and a rise in "justified" crime.

    That said, the police, the military, doctors they're all humans. Some will be good some bad some strong and others will break. Training does not remove humanity.

  13. 9 minutes ago, Gorth said:

    I would have agreed if it was a one off thing, getting a (underage looking at the time) girl  dead drunk and try to get into her pants (there was no mutual agreement to stop, not sure where you picked up that, maybe from one of the user comments who made it up). But it seems it (sexual harassment) was a pattern over several years and not a unique thing.

    Sounds not unlike the Harvey Weinstein stuff... which may be why companies want to distance themselves a bit.


    But, like so many other things, it would be nicer if processed in a courtroom, with processes and proceeds,  than the internet judge, jury and executioners on forums. False allegations have happened before. A better overview of all the details is required to form an, well, an informed opinion.


    Did he rape anybody? Are Neotounus people to be consigned to isolation because they look underage?
    As far as I can make of it, he had the misfortune of being in conventions where alcohol and overly sensitive people were present. A bad sex proposal is no reason to treat a man like a rapist.

  14. 3 hours ago, Deadly_Nightshade said:

    Oh my God he was drunk and took some women to a room and when they said no he left them be....**** this industry and **** the **** that are bending the knee to these lunatics. Why the **** is a private adult interaction that ended in a mutual agreement enough to kick a man out of his job. I get the sense that this is going to stick with me and when the pendulum swings the other way, despite my better nature I'm going to let my resentment get the better of me.
    For now I think I'm not interested in this game anymore and I will cancel my pre order. The low quality I could stand since the first game was a flawed gem, but the pandering just gets to me.

  15. 7 hours ago, Gromnir said:

    to be fair, it's three times in two months the same vid were posted, not three times since august of last year. we mention 'cause while is not unusual for repeats to happen in long threads, is curious to get three so close together. three since april 19.

    HA! Good Fun!

    ...The YouTube algorithm is getting lazy???

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