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Posts posted by Orogun01

  1. 17 minutes ago, Darkpriest said:

    Not yet. It's not unexpected. When COVID hit, I made some prediction, that either comapnies will start decoupling from China on their own, or Trump at some point will make them do so. 


    The thing is, he is too weak and unless coming short of calling them terrorists and starting a war, he will have no tools. 


    There is a point though, that the same companies, that call for social justices and are virtue signaling in USA and EU, keep their mouth shut or bend their butts for China's ruling party. 


    Barr voiced an opinion, which is generally true - in terms of planning. Chinese make decisions with decades in mind, while corporate heads make decisions with the next earnings call in mind (i've this first hand). He did not add also the point, where we are governed and make political and economic decisions based on the election calendar. This is why the more "diverse" and more split society is, the less potent and weaker it becomes. 

    Considering the fact that China has been:

    Buying American houses through businesses
    Financing American businesses
    Paying professors at Ivy league schools.
    Financing Third world economies in Africa and America

    All for the sake of gaining an ideological and economical dominance of the US and the world, I would say that this is at least a good step in turning back the tide against China. Someone else said this but I agree "China is the Nazi Germany of our times" With the Uyghurs camps,  human rights violations and wanton seizures of foreign territory; I more than inclined to agree that at least it is an apt comparison.


    1 hour ago, Hurlshot said:

    China doesn't have a reputation for invading other countries though. The US certainly cannot say the same.

    Not militarily, but they have a knack for annexing regions economically and influence them culturally. Have you heard of the new Chinese province, Australia?


  3. 36 minutes ago, Zoraptor said:

    If the US 'disappeared' the biggest economic power would be Europe, and China would end up facing essentially an ASEAN type military alliance because they're so unpopular with their neighbours. I'd even suspect a military ASEAN would end up including Russia, since they're at best friends of convenience with China, and India.

    But without US military power, China would likely begin establishing their hegemony over the South East Pacific. Add their investments in Africa and it would give them a sphere of influence that's strategically greater than EU.

  4. 26 minutes ago, Gorth said:

    Most of the prisoners were massacred after Agincourt. Henry V taking notes from Richard I ("Lionheart")? Better make sure they stay dead.

    Yeah, because of the high number of prisoners...but that's not necessarily true of nobles. I mean, aside from the loss of diplomatic relations who would pass on a noble's ransom?

  5. 1 minute ago, 213374U said:

    That's far from the whole picture though. The success of peaceful Solidarity stems in part from the failures in Czechoslovakia and Hungary that weakened both the influence and resolve of the Soviet leadership to crush yet another anti-communist movement within its sphere of influence. Further, unlike in 1956 and 1968, by 1988 the Soviet Union was in economic dire straits and about to concede defeat in Afghanistan. Poland also received massive economic aid through the SEED act of '89 and the EBRD to become the market economy it is today. Not to mention that political unrest in communist Poland goes back at least two decades before the regime finally fell.

    I'm not trying to detract from the massive effort made by Poles to rebuild their country after communism, mind. But they had significant outside help. The underclass in the US don't have any. They barely even have political leaders that truly work for them.

    It is still a bit of a mismatch to compare a homogeneous country to the situation of ethnic groups within larger demographics. I honestly can't understand why the need for the comparison.

    • Like 1
  6. 1 minute ago, ComradeMaster said:

    It's like you don't understand political spectrums or ideologies or what I'm talking about and trying to create a strawman.

    It's ok to say you don't know and that you haven't met any Proud Boys, ergo why you generalize them.

  7. 2 hours ago, ComradeMaster said:

    What.  The.  Hell.  BLM and Antifa are far-to-the-extreme left end of the Democratic Party.  I would know, they are my neighbors, being on the far right end of the Green Party.  I know lot's of people who identify as BLM and Antifa (w/o actually identifying with them) and they certainly aren't chauvinistic white supremacists like Proud Boys 😄

    Are your neighbors active within the protests or do they simply identify as BLM? Additionally, how many Proud Boys do you know that we can have your word that they are chauvinistic?

  8. 43 minutes ago, Gromnir said:

    name three jewish kids you personal know who has come home from college and expressed holocaust denialism to their grandparents who suffered through the holocaust. 

    HA! Good Fun!

    Ok, I just randomly ran up to a bunch of kids in a Jewish neighborhood (more than 3 in case some weren't jewish or didn't have grandparents) and told them the holocaust wasn't real. Oh wait...you said college, since when do kids go to college?

  9. 3 minutes ago, Guard Dog said:

    When I was living in South Florida I worked with a guy who came from Cuba the "hard" way back in the 80's. He once told me the angriest he's ever been was when his teenage daughter, who had lived in the US her entire life, came home from college telling him his stories about Cuba weren't true and he didn't know what "real communism" was. 

    Yep, that pretty much sums it up.

  10. 33 minutes ago, Volourn said:

    AOC is leading the charge, I guess.

    I really have contentious relation with uppity second generation Latinx or whatever they call themselves to virtue signal. They're better off being dismissed as Gringos, please don't bunch immigrants with them.

    • Haha 1
  11. 24 minutes ago, melkathi said:

    Did we discuss the Kingdom of Amalur Re-Reckoning remaster?



    Yes, Completely unnecessary. The game has aged remarkably well because of stylized art direction. This is probably the State of New Jersey trying to make a buck.

    • Thanks 1
  12. 10 hours ago, Amentep said:

    Homelessness is a crime?


    8 hours ago, Malcador said:

    What do you mean by homeless operating, here ?

    Sorry, I wasn't clear. There was a rise in drug use, breaking and entering, public disturbance, violence, etc, from homeless that were either looking for a score or were mentally ill. Even if a cop was present they couldn't act.


    • Like 1
  13. 14 hours ago, Guard Dog said:


    I agreed with this 1000%.... until he got into the politics. Basically he's blaming the Democrats for the fall of law and order and inability of the state to provide security. He's only half right on that count. 

    The truth is the state has never, ever been able to provide security. At best the police do a fair job of identifying who has committed a crime and arresting them to face justice. At their worst they are an armed gang every bit as capricious, oppressive and dangerous as the people folks thing they should be protected from. 

    If you are an American citizen you REALLY need to pay attention to this: your safety, security, health, and future are entirely in YOUR hands. You need to begin thinking about those things as if your governments do not exist. Because on a functional level they don't in some ways. That is not to say there is no law and you can do whatever. Exactly the opposite. Follow the law but take every action to further your own security, financial and actual

    I would be inclined to agree but even before the pandemic Democrat run states and cities had policies that encouraged crime. Portland (IIRC) was one such example where lower crimes were not prosecuted, creating an environment where low level criminals and homeless could operate without prosecution.  Security should be an individual's responsibility but we don't need governments fomenting crime.

  14. 2 minutes ago, Wormerine said:


    Well, but it is for something alright. 

    Or it was for something, if a project fails you could possibly get permission to post images. If he is still working on that project while posting then he very stupidly leaked them.

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