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Everything posted by Orogun01

  1. I would put the story of Saint George and the dragon as a parable to this situation. They were sold by their governments but can you say without doubt that they weren't coerced into it?
  2. Disagree here, Quen was the saving grace against clusters of enemies. Specially after they removed the group style; oh yeah and blocking uses less vigor if you spend points on the skill. Counter attack was pretty damn effective on mine since it took about a 3/4 of the enemy's HP. My particular problems were with the progression, aside from a few skills most were useless :cough:knife throwing:cough: and there wasn't really a change in gameplay style throughout the whole game.
  3. I know of removing the native Australians, all involved with Eugenics. But we digress as I doubt that America's past exploitation of the south was racially motivated. The Tuskegee experiments on the other hand...
  4. No, but it seem that the housing market it's being heralded as the catalyst for the decline. The situation was precarious before, but it was the difference of an accident to a tragedy.
  5. Sad visit to the hospital, my grandma's red cell count dropped and she won't take a transfusion because of religion
  6. Not to mention that Germany and Japan were already developed nations at the time of their occupations.
  7. Thanks for that link. It does seem pretty good. Reminds me of Far Cry2, without the stupid. Never tried Far Cry 2, but Dead Island looks good. Whats the catch? People will complaint that it't too hard, it won't sell as much and another piece of innovation is drowned in a sea of crap. Edit:Dear God, I'm a cynical bastard.
  8. Apparently it was all due to the Bush programs to increase home ownership, lenders signed out on loans that weren't sure returns and after all the defaults profits went down. Companies around wall street that were related to the housing bubble started losing money, after that there were a series of mistakes by the people in charge of said companies and here we are a bailout later. Sorry if it's not to precise, you can google the Bush program and it should take you there. @Emperor/Boo: I wish we were smart enough to protect our interests in the middle east, not only that but smart enough to secure other interests via the Middle East.
  9. One thing I'm in love with in this game it's the C&C. From the big first one involving Aryan La Valette and how it comes back at the end, choices really seemed to really have an impact.
  10. this reminds me of Ghost in the Shell, where every attractive woman is a cyborg-assassin this reminds me of the real world, where every attractive woman is a cyborg-assassin
  11. I'm sorry but hating on the Witcher for having "Kill X for Y" is ridiculous. That's what Witchers do; they kill things, that guy puts too much effort on hating something rather than being funny about it. The world doesn't need another angry nerd.
  12. I know, but I just realized how many common points are between the Witcher 2 and DA2 when you put that way.
  13. She's either a sadist or we managed to keep it concealed better than we thought. I'm guessing the former, because in my experience all women are sadists. Is she a hot sadist?
  14. Are you talking about the Witcher or DA?
  15. I perfectly understand what you mean by your analogy, although I think the burden of action falls on their government not the people. It's their government who should plan on self reliance not the people suffering. I often think that the best choice for some of these places its for a throwback to neocolonialism.
  16. And i'm sure that the villages that depend on the supplies bought by aid would beg to differ. Had you stopped short of being a complete cynic, it would had been easier to see that while aid may not solve the problem it alleviates its burden on the affected. They are in trouble and they need help, are you really going to be nitpicking at the reasons.
  17. Like a blonde.
  18. When I was 7 I often fantasized about the spice girls clad in leather and locked in a sex dungeon. Just thought I'd share that , yet despite a healthy curiosity I really didn't have that many notions about the subject. I'm however sure that the societal treatment of sex it's much worse than the exposition, it only sends the message that sex it's immoral, wrong, evil. It can only lead to excesses or repressions on those who bought all the talk. There is a limit, I think that's drawn in between exposure and participation. Although I think that the models for sexual identity are changing specially with a generation that's grown with the over-idealized version of a sex symbol which has supplanted talent and charm.
  19. Because of course they couldn't possibly do that for themselves. It makes me sad people like you exist. I'm confused. You're sad that it would be easier and better for the local people to use the same money to do the work they need? Why? Surely that's noble AND efficient. Wals you're forgetting the injection to the economy of foreign currency, at the exchange rate that student will probably will give money to the community at almost the actual cost of the building. Or maybe i'm missing something? Do they get pay to build it, or is it charity? Or do they get their cost covered?
  20. Could you perhaps elaborate on the experiment I seem to recall it vaguely but don't quite remember it? I also think that we are undermining the value of genetics here, neurochemistry would have a bearing despite lack of attachment. Perhaps we are accustomed to calling the baggage we willfully carry through life an identity, but the fact of the matter is that we were before we became self aware. Did we not have an identity then?
  21. I give 2 more years before it comes back, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9ocLN4Dc3I
  22. Well duh. But are you referring to filial love or romantic?
  23. No, what you are talking about I refer to as pinball. Since they decided a to merge the group style with the fast style now you are left pounding at a button hoping he decides to do a group attack. No my case it's an actual bug and the reason I know this it's because I stood in the middle of a battle for 1 and a half mins waiting for my Quen spell to wear off and someone to hit me. Apparently Geralt forgot he was in a fight and had to be reminded of it, it happened like a few times more the example was just exacerbated because of Quen.
  24. I like Demonstone too, this game it's not Demonstone. Sadly.
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