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Everything posted by Orogun01

  1. Technically it could only use Makeshi and Shii Cho effectively and maybe Juyo. Anything else and you end up cutting yourself...edgy Sith with their Linkin Park and their makeup.
  2. Explanation for those who don't understand US tax laws? Charitable organizations are exempt from tax but they need to apply first. I'm guessing people think that she hasn't been paying her taxes, or that she is making people believe that's a charitable organization when its not.
  3. Is more on the fact that as technology improves consoles become more complex to the point of being specialized PCs, which they are now. So all the advantages of consoles are rendered null as they begin to have the same issues as PCs without any of the advantages. Eventually people will slowly migrate towards PCs. But the argument should stop at the fact that consoles have to become PCs in order to remain competitive, PC has won.
  4. So in a time that everyone is trying to get a foothold on the PC market because consoles are going the way of the Dodo; BioWare bravely goes the other way. "Here lies BioWare, they rode the bull"
  5. If nobody does anything the nothing would change and the bad continues.
  6. Thank you! that's what I've been trying to tell the other gringos.
  7. The thought process behind it was something along the lines of fun = power. Meaning that fun was something that privileged males had when they felt powerful and the antithesis of that was males feeling uncomfortable. Just another branch of the good old Marxist ideology of let's hate the white guy. Disclaimer: as a Hispanic man I give all whiteys full permission to feel outrage.
  8. You know what? It's a good move on Ubisoft part; after they gave the guy who made AC: 3 the Lead Designer job for Unity and it turned out to be a flop, the only thing they can do is apologize in the form of a free game. A free buggy game called FarCry 4 but let's not look a gift horse in the mouth.
  9. Family is great, alchohol is great, you guys are great. Happy thanksgivinbg. Any typos are due to inebriation... No I'm not drunk, **** you
  10. Well this was nice Anyone knows where to send it to?
  11. This seems relevant http://guardianlv.com/2014/11/anita-sarkeesian-unmasked-feminist-icon-or-con-artist/
  12. I don't argue with women, otherwise I talk myself out of sex. Sometimes even during.
  13. I know, I load it up once in a while just because it brings a wide grin to my face. Now if they develop Occulus support then I might actually consider never leaving it.
  14. Hey, you're back. Edit: we need to celebrate
  15. Yes and bugs; Ubisoft games now feature bugs, plus for all the bluster about the writer saying that the protagonist wasn't going to be a "white savior" he is written as the whitest guy on earth. At least Jason Brody had a personality and a great nickname (Snow White). FarCry 4 is all the bits from 3 without the fun, with all the tedium, and with worse writing. They did give you a grapple hook that eases the whole running around a mountain to find a way through. So there's at least that.
  16. If anyone has to make my children bleed is going to be me...I don't have any children though.
  17. You really like that comic don't you?
  18. Thank you Jesus, and just in time when every woman seems to have come down with a bad case of feminism. Now if only they could program them to do their own hair and makeup and cleaning. I really don't want to have to do those things.
  19. In fairness, they are pretty dreamy. Even as a heterosexual male, I'm finding it hard to resist. Dr Kinsey would like a word with you
  20. We're all better now, no need to feel sad. Possibly one of the most defining things about my life so I can't bring myself to regret it as I like myself as I am now. Edit: Also, move along. The thread has derailed.
  21. I don't like the Oscars or any other self aggrandizing, self fellating show. I don't see why games need one, particularly since any game that's bound to get an award would had been hyped to the moon and back.
  22. No, just harassed. I have met with people that were molested or raped (some even in my family) but I pretty much was made aware from a young age that the world wasn't safe. And since tone is hard to convey online here is a smiley
  23. You'd be amazed the things that human beings become accustomed to.
  24. No, the burden of proof lies with the prosecution. The suspects may not have proof they are not guilty, but the responsibility to prove that they are guilty lies with the prosecution. This is the way it should be, as convicting someone for not being able to prove a negative is not a very good standard for a legal system. It would certainly suck of someone was convicted because they stayed home alone and didn't have an alibi for a murder that occurred close to them or involved someone they were in conflict with. To get back to this rape law: you're a father I believe? If one of your kids were accused of rape by someone they had casual sex with and could not prove that it was consensual and the accuser could not prove that it wasn't consensual, why should they bear the burden of proof for a baseless accusation? Shouldn't the accuser be required to bring at least some proof of rape before making accusations? But this isn't a baseless accusation, this is a woman (or man) going into a police station, going through the interview process, submitting to tests, etc. It's an incredibly difficult thing to go through for a victim, hence they high rate of unreported assaults. As for my own children, I hope to raise them with the beliefs that casual sex is inherently dangerous. I want them to take precautions. Do you have unprotected casual sex? Probably not, that would be crazy. Well, making sure that the sex is consensual should be right there alongside wearing protection. It's better to be safe. Sorry, to keep the derailment. That difficult process of gathering evidence is what will make sure that the perpetrator is caught and convicted. Without it all you have is someone's word against another's and I witness testimony is almost always unreliable, particularly on stressful situations. If the accused has to provide the evidence of something that he/she didn't commit would a lack of evidence be considered enough to dismiss the case? Or would it be enough to convict them if they can't prove it? Either this legislation is just something to appease the torches and pitchforks and the law and how they treat sexual assault will remain the same. Or they will begin throwing more men into prison due to faulty testimony or malicious.
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