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Everything posted by mkreku

  1. I actually found all seven snow globes on my first playthrough. They are in no way hidden, as the bobbleheads were in Fallout 3. It may be sacrilege to say this here, but I actually preferred the instant gratification I felt when finding another bobblehead and getting the stat boots. Snow globes are fine and all, but caps..?
  2. WE KNOW
  3. What he is saying is, from now on we'll let you buy 1/3 of the game for 2/3 of the cost. To actually get the full experience you will need to fork out over $100 per game.
  4. I also used Survival when I first played through on hardcore. I have seen no use for it now when I'm replaying the game without hardcore rules though.
  5. Well, Fallout: New Vegas sold 5 million copies already so I guess that "unplayable buggy mess" means they'll be staying for a while longer.
  6. Yet they feel the need to dumb it down for the console crowd. What does that tell you?
  7. Congratulations. This might be the first post about Fallout: New Vegas from you that did not contain the word "Boone".
  8. Actually, what did you pay for Two Worlds 2 on Gamersgate? They want 45
  9. Not if you wield the rebar club, panic, scream like a little girl and hammer the attack button. They all miraculously fall down dead while you dry up your tears of fear.
  10. I had the same experience as Boo (in REPConn) and I waded into a Deathclaw nest full of confidence last night. I came out carrying my own head in a bucket. But cazadores are piss easy and they give 50 xp too, I don't get it!!1!
  11. Yes, of course. And in 2003 USA saved the world from Saddam's weapons of mass destruction. We know. --- Edit: Ok, I have no idea what's so difficult to understand here, but I will try to clarify. Someone in this thread claimed that the people of Iraq were better of after the war than under Saddam. I claim that's not true. But I am measuring an Iraq BEFORE the 1991 war, BEFORE a decade of the harshest economic sanctions ever. When do you want to compare "after the war" against? Saddam in 2002, after 12 years of sanctioning terror? Saddam in 1992, in the middle of war? The closest we have to a Saddam-led Iraq in a normal state is before 1991, which is when we can compare it to "after the war".
  12. No, I'm using a local retailer called Webhallen. I usually want the Royal Edition (ie. Collector's Edition) for this type of game, but I haven't seen it being sold anywhere in Sweden. There's definitely something screwy with the Two Worlds 2 logistics.
  13. Oh, really? "His goals for Fable 2 include combat that's "so simple that anyone can play it" and that "makes you feel cool," both of which he hopes to achieve with just one button on the Xbox 360 controller button." Source: http://www.gamespot.com/xbox360/rpg/fable2...p;mode=previews Three buttons in Fable 3 then? Wow. I could swear I've been hearing little Halo-brains popping in the last month, that must have been why. That statement is right up there with "I don't have time to play long games" and "I wish they hadn't spent less time on graphics and more time on story" as the most inane thing you can possibly say. You don't want "needless" complexity? Gee ****ing whiz. I would just love me some needless complexity! That's what this entire discussion's been about. Needless complexity.
  14. Why make a distinction? What would be the point? The US attacked Iraq in 1991, then Iraq were put on sanctions for a decade before being ruthlessly bombed AGAIN in 2003. What would be the point of measuring the "well being" of the Iraqi people in that disastrous decade between the two wars? I see it as one continuous period as Iraq never has had a chance to rebuild since 1991, no matter how much the Americans are applauding themselves for bringing "democracy" to the region.
  15. I'm more curious as to why I can't name my savegames. (Cue someone more clever than me saying "You only have to click on blah blah to rename your saves")
  16. My pre-order was delayed until next Friday (was supposed to come out tomorrow). Maybe I should check out GamersGate after all. I had such a bad experience with GamersGate when I bought Puzzle Quest though so I would prefer not to have anything to do with them again.
  17. And on the other end of the scale we have Fable. Why worry about inventories at all? Or why bother to use more than one button for combat? And sure, make the player walk on maps, but make a glowing breadcrumb trail appear in front of his feet every second of the game so he can not ever get lost. I mean, we have enough pockets, two fisted fights and getting lost in real life, right? Much more convenient to have it all laid out for you! Oh, and don't worry about dying, there's no penalty for that either. It might frustrate someone, and we all know what dying in real life means, right?
  18. My Steam keeps forcing me to accept their EULA every second time I start a game.. It claims it's recently been updated. In 2005.
  19. Oh. That worked. What do you mean overreacting? Shut up.
  20. Ok, so I tried to play this game right now. Of course, Steam took like five minutes to log onto. Then I got an auto-patch running. It took probably ten minutes to download 16MB of data (did I mention that I hate Steam's servers?)! And what do you think happens after I've waited for it to finish: WTF DOES THAT MEAN?! IT'S ON MY ****ING HARDDRIVE!
  21. Personally I always feel combat is a waste of my time if I have nothing to gain from it. I prefer getting experience points for winning. If I could choose whatever I wanted, I would prefer much less combat in games in general.
  22. Yeah. This time he's casually going to mention that his dog has the flu, hoping that it will somehow lead her to his bed.
  23. Yes, I do. Are you suggesting another year to start counting Iraq's misfortunes? Saying that bombing for oil is bad is not the same as saying Hussein was good for Iraq. Compared to war, hell yeah, Hussein was better. But good? No. That was not the point though.
  24. If the achievements are well designed (as challenges), they can enhance my enjoyment of a game. If they're of the type "Here's 10 achievement points as a consolation because you died", I hate them.
  25. But you must admit it makes you feel a little bit clever when you see people like Kaftan fawn over games like Black Ops
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