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mkreku last won the day on April 27 2013

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    Uppsala, Sweden
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    Open world games

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  1. So.. I bought a game from my wishlist this Christmas break, Drova - Forsaken Kin, and installed it yesterday when I got back from my mother's place. Thought I'd "try it out". 19,7 hours later (IN ONE SITTING) I have to say: it is Gothic 2D! Absolutely love it so far. Long time since I felt this much joy from a game. Dark, difficult and dangerous, with absolutely no hand-holding, just as I like it.
  2. https://www.eurogamer.net/after-three-hours-avowed-still-shows-no-sign-of-a-killer-hook-to-call-its-own-but-this-fizzy-rpg-****tail-is-plenty-enjoyable-all-the-same I think it looks better than I expected. The Pillars universe never really interested me, but the video convinced me to at least keep my eyes out for this. I don't particularly like the zone-split world (like in the Outer Worlds) but I can probably live with that as long as the zones are split in a clever way (like the planets in Outer Worlds).
  3. i accidentally played through (almost) all of Fallout 4 again.. I read about the Fallout: London mod and wanted to try it. Turned out that installing the mod on the Steam version of Fallout 4 was kind of a hassle so I checked out GoG and luckily they had a sale for the GOTY version of the game for like 8€. I bought and installed it and was ready to install the London mod when I realized I had never played the official DLC's before.. so I decided to play a little just to try them out and see if they changed the game any. Why didn't anyone tell me the Fallout 4 DLC's were actually good?? The Far Harbour one especially, but I didn't mind Nuka World or that robot thingie either. Anyhow, long story short, I can now chalk up another 100 hours played in Fallout 4, making it my most played Fallout game ever by a mile. How I wish some clever modder would convert Fallout: New Vegas to the Fallout 4 engine and maybe update the textures a little bit too.. I just can't get into Vegas anymore, the combat feels like a chore instead of fun. Compared to Fallout 4, they are worlds apart and not in Vegas' favour.
  4. Anyone uploading pics in this thread without naming the game should be insta-banned. Can we get that rule, please?
  5. Reading this thread I just realised something: I only really like one Obsidian game, Fallout: New Vegas. I do like it a lot though. I've played a few others but only South Park: Stick of Truth and Outer Worlds held my interest for very long, and none of them are memorable. Alpha Protocol was a fantastic idea, but the jank killed it for me. I have no idea why I'm here. Maybe I'm still waiting for another one-hit-wonder from them. Maybe nostalgia. Who knows.
  6. I'm the same. I see people install mods like, "make you run 300 times faster and fire a thousand Fat Man's at the same time!!1!".. like.. what's the point? Sure, if someone has made a "high res textures" mod I might install it. But even those are usually "we updated 80% of the textures in the game" and then you get into the game and the same house has two different styles of textures on it, completely ruining the art direction.
  7. Not sure if you know it already but it's easily solved (on PC) by tabbing in and out of the game while waiting for it to load. It instantly loads for me when I do that.
  8. Just an update: I installed something called Emu Deck on my Steam Deck and oh my god.. it's so good I actually played through the entire Dragon's Quest 8: Journey of the Cursed King (PS2) again. That's a 200 hour game.. I let my cousin try it too. He was a huge Halo fan back in the original Xbox days and he was in awe when he got to try it on the Steam Deck. It's just so accurate. Best emulation device I've ever owned, it feels like it was made for it.
  9. What.. what year is it?
  10. Thank you. I'M BACK, BITCHES!!
  11. Ok, not sure if this has been mentioned before because I'm lazy. Several years ago I activated "Two-Factor Authentication" on these forums. I used an authenticator on my phone to login. Naturally, as one does, I lost that authenticator (don't even know which one I used). For several years I've been trying to turn off that Two-Factor Authentication, but.. you need Two-Factor Authentication to turn off Two-Factor Authentication. Not joking. Can someone explain to me how that's supposed to work? Having to login here using recovery codes every time made me stop coming here altogether. And no, recovery codes can not be used to turn off Two-Factor Authentication (unless I'm missing something). Help.
  12. Xbox shuts down a bunch of game studios: https://www.eurogamer.net/xbox-shuts-slew-of-bethesda-studios-including-redfall-hi-fi-rush-developers So.. how long do you think Obsidian and inXile will last? Not exactly the cashcows Microsofts shareholders demand from them..
  13. Alan Wake I know that a version of Alan Wake was released, but I choose to ignore that abomination that consists of little snippets and crumbs picked from their original, grand vision. Alan Wake was supposed to be a psychological thriller set in a fully open world with 100% dynamic lighting and weather effects. It was also supposed to be fully physics based, meaning that trees could fall over, rocks could be moved, buildings destroyed and so on. Check the trailer above, especially the super low quality footage at the end (the tech demo), and weep over what could have been and try to erase from memory what it actually became.
  14. Been playing Dysmantle on my Steam Deck lately. It's basically a game where you bash everything and.. that's it. The world has ended and you've survived in a hole in the ground. You run out of food so you have to get out. Armed with a crowbar you exit the hole into a fully 3D but isometric view of the world, and from then on it's a lot of bashing. You bash flowers, zombies, fences, trashcans, traffic signs.. and everything gives you materials so you can upgrade your crowbar so you can bash even harder stuff like.. fridges.. The world is open, but like a Metroid game you can't get everywhere until you have the right tool (in this case an upgraded crowbar). You also run into missions and boss fights here and there. I think there's a story in there somewhere too.. It's addictive. I like it.
  15. Oh, I forgot to write that I got my Steam Deck early April and have been trying it out since then. Battery time is as expected (not great) and the screen is only average (my phone looks sooo much better with its OLED colours and refresh rate) but other than that it's an awesome little machine. I have 557 games on my Steam account, 78 of which are "GREAT ON DECK" as they're called. 78. Out of 557. Yeah, they have some work to do, for sure. But the ones that work great really do work great! I've installed Grim Dawn, Dysmantle and Fez so far and they all run flawlessly at 60 fps. I know they're not the most demanding of games, but it's still a handheld and these are PC games after all. Very impressed with the performance. It came in this plastic packaging. Also this case which is pretty sweet. And this is the Deck itself! Ignore my pale, Swedish legs. I was working from home that day..
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