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Everything posted by Zoraptor
Thiaf has stolen the Dark Mod's thunder. That's how good a thiaf Garrett is.
"Hey Guys! Totally shutting the site down! Better get downloading the games as we shut down GOG beta! It's been a great run but we have to move on!" OK, so anyone with a bit of reading comprehension and sense knew what was actually happening, but some people got really upset. I like GOG, but they're pretty :trollface: with some of their promotions and PR and always have been.
Is being butthurt over TWitcher 2 hate qualitatively better or worse than being butthurt over NWN hate? Surely a deep philosophical question for our time.
Titan seems ludicrous for a small form factor and the cooling/ PSU requirements for the top end of those specs would be... difficult. If they aren't very careful anything near the top line specs listed there will be a replacement for a thermite block and will end up burning its way through the bottom of your house, or sound like a 747 preparing for take off. And if you don't want those alternatives it'll cost. Oh gods, that's who he reminds me of. No wonder I dislike the new style Garrett so intensely. The only remaining question is whether I'll be able to replay the old games without imagining it being Kai Leng, or whether Thiaf has managed to retroactively ruin the experience for me (with an assist from ME3).
Sounds interesting- very interesting- despite it being online only. I'd need more information before committing any cash though, hopefully there will be some interviews and the like to clarify one or two issues I have.
The really bad thing is that it was a choice between finishing Daikatana and buying (and hence saving) Looking Glass, and Eidos chose Daikatana. You cost us Thief 2 Gold, Mr Romero. Never Forget!
Yeah, the OMG DAIKATANA!!! stuff is a bit weird, since it's been on GOG for nearly a year (it's their version being rebadged for steam again, like with Wizardry/ SS2 etc) and is considerably cheaper there if you're a Euro. Not knowing is the kind of thing you half expect from Gamespot and RPS's resident Steam propagandist Mr Grayson but I'd expect the general gaming public on forums I frequent to be more well informed. And they were at the Codex. Do you want to be known as less well informed than the Codex? I think not.
That's essentially what I meant, yes, with the addition below. It's certainly a matter of perspective as to whether the ~15% is 'large' or not, from my perspective it's more than 10x our total population and we do have pretty much 100%/ universal health care here, so it certainly looks large. The other part of it is that as I understand it there are also problems with underinsurance/ exclusions and cutting of insurance to high risk/ high cost people which results in extra costs and extra unnecessary use of emergency systems. I guess in effect what I'm saying is that it appears that the US system is inefficient as it does not provide enough incentive for cheaper prevention over expensive treatment. Since there's no money to be made here from people getting sick and indeed it's always an economic cost to everyone involved there's a lot more emphasis on preventative tests and the like, which minimises costs in the longer term. In contrast, the US's more capitalist approach has various groups wanting to make money at every step, inevitably including groups who will make more money if someone actually gets sick than if they don't.
Ours is 'single payer' ie state funded via direct tax primarily, and state run, with optional private. Cannot see that flying in the US as it would require nationalising a load of stuff and replacing the private bureaucracy with public bureaucracy, two things the US (or at least a politically important subset thereof) doesn't like much as a rule. Indeed, the US has persistently and still is trying to get us to break up our single buyer drug purchaser as it persists in going for cheap options rather than all in high cost exclusive package deals on out-of-patent brand name drugs. From the outside it certainly appears that the biggest problem the US system has is twofold- that there's little incentive towards prevention and that such a large proportion of people simply are not effectively covered by health care except the extremely expensive emergency kind.
I think there's some sort of happy medium to be found between "crap jingoist novels for rednecks" and just finding nice stuff to say about someone who's died ("loved master to Blondie"). I thought he was basically the literary equivalent to NASCAR- I can appreciate how the stuff is put together in a general sense, but it's not aimed at me it's aimed at patriotic americans who just want something to cheer for and make them feel better about themselves, and was all too often the direct story equivalent of driving around an oval for a couple of hours while cars make loud noises and crash occasionally. Hmm. Passive aggressive way of writing "decently written but repetitive jingoistic novels for rednecks"?
Things every self-respecting man over 30 should have...
Zoraptor replied to Raithe's topic in Way Off-Topic
I appreciate this list as it makes me feel mature and successful. Even if probably half the stuff there is stuff I didn't directly acquire myself. -
If Obsidian kickstarts a space opera RPG, would you back it?
Zoraptor replied to Arcoss's topic in Computer and Console
Illogical? Impossible? Even Albert Einstein agrees it's possible- and he should know, he went back to kill Hitler before WW2 after all. -
Double Fine Adventure had the biggest budget blow out- actually I'm not sure 'budget' is appropriate as it implies any sort of cost control was applied. I'd suspect that Clang may have been the biggest outright failure, though I cannot recall exactly how much it made and IMO it was always a marginal proposition. There have been a couple of examples of outright fraud that I am aware of where someone has run off with cash leaving the contributors and in some cases actual people doing the work without anything.
I'd say it goes back to WW2, at least the theory of it though the application was generally somewhat different. Something like a flamethrower tank or an AVRE/ Stuh42 (and arguably even a Stug) are the same sort of idea, though for the last two rather at the opposite end of the spectrum in terms of weaponry delivered.
If Obsidian kickstarts a space opera RPG, would you back it?
Zoraptor replied to Arcoss's topic in Computer and Console
Well yeah, I'd support it. I think either a Mass Effect like RPG or even a System Shock 3 type RPG by Obsidian would be pretty cool, albeit there's no practical chance of another kickstarter going by what has been said. One game that I'd really like is a sort of combo of FTL and Privateer. Bit like Elite 3/ FFE with more RPGish combat rather than free flight, lots of missions, exploration, intrigue etc. -
There was a lot of social commentary at the start as well, it was just more general social commentary rather than 'ripped from the headlines' social commentary. It's pretty much inevitable that they'd run out of the more general stuff at some point as there's a finite supply.
In news that will surprise basically no one I am somewhat underwhelmed. A console everyone knew was coming running on an OS everyone knew was coming with a controller everyone strongly suspected was coming, and not a whole heap of new information about any of them, except the controller. I'd have two immediate concerns about that controller. For legacy games, which they admit are the majority and will remain so for some time having to look at a touchscreen for extra keys will not be a good solution. It works well for phones and the like because they're implicitly designed to be used while being looked at, a control scheme on the other hand should be looked at as little as possible. On a KB/M there's a bunch of muscle memory and built in tactile knowledge about where exactly the keys are so you don't actually have to think about what you are doing, and you cannot get the same tactile response from a touchscreen. And I'd question both the need for and practicality of those stick replacements. They may be OK for someone who works in a computer software office in Seattle and has velvety soft thumbs thanks to their biweekly trips to the manicurist but for someone like me who does manly outdoors pursuits like building fences and shearing sheep and chopping down trees I'm less than convinced some slight indentation and a pair of insignificant ridges will give enough info. The good thing about the dual analogue sticks is that they give you very good immediate and instinctive feedback on position with excellent precision. Looks like a solution for a problem which does not exist, though at least it makes it look different even if it's rather, for lack of a better or less lazy word, 'hipsterish'. Yeah, they really aren't aimed at me though since I have "KB/M for lyfe*! *Except for certain games like SSX where controllers are certainly better" tattooed across my back and I'm hardly Valve's biggest fan. I'd like to give the controller a try though, mainly to see if my concerns are warranted.
That does happen rather a lot though, one of the biodocs made a comment about aiming for 10 million sales as their target a few years ago and that quickly became Bioware needing to sell 10 million a game or EA would shut them down. It's the confirmation bias thing really. Any available facts will be interpreted in a way that supports the argument/ viewpoint.
GTA isn't really a good target for misogyny accusations. It is and always has been about stereotypes- Italian mafioso, Black gangsta, Serb gangster, plus ancillaries- and the attempts to inject some depth into those characters have generally been... well, I'm not absolutely sure they weren't intended as some sort of metacommentary since surely anyone can see the irony of Niko musing on the Unbearable Lightness of Being in the midst of making sure yet another gang of mooks are tethered to the earth with some hot lead. I haven't played V, of course, but I cannot imagine it's different, and it applies to everyone in the game whether male or female. The vast majority of complete scum buckets in GTA are men, so it shows a decent amount of misterogny as well if you look for it. And yeah, there is an irony as well with people complaining about romances and a certain amount of 'issues' integration from Bioware, which are equally as expected as stereotypes from Rockstar; and a 'deal with it' attitude applies equally to both.
I would say its 95% chance its Al-Shabaab but you right its not confirmed yet. Was confirmed yesterday via Twitter (!). Though I guess there's some wiggle room as it's Twitter and they probably do not have their identification verification turned on for A-S and similar.
Nah, he wants more music from Jeremy Soule, as that is the mark of a quality Bioware game. Think he's wrong about the Indie issue though, the last movie sucked and since EA has the Star Wars license they'd be most likely to make any more Indie games as well.
EA has a lot of cash reserves still in any case, they're in a lot more immediate threat of being bought out than failing. The big problem that most other publishers have is Activision. Whereas just about everybody else is losing money they make lots of money consistently (averaging ~700m for the past four years) so everyone else looks poor in comparison. Though I don't particularly like Activision's long term prospects, personally, at the moment CoD and WoW are still making a lot of money and that is what markets like. I wouldn't be putting any investment money into gaming at the moment but if I were I'd reckon EA would be a decent bet.
My d-bag Thorton run always seems to fall victim of another play style, it's the one I'm going to do after the playthrough I'm just finishing. I really must get around to it though since being an utter Knut to Marburg is perhaps the single most satisfying thing in the game- 2nd being the reverse situation*- so being an utter **** to all the other people could well be equally entertaining. *Hmm, maybe I just like somewhat formal yet amoral older gentlemen. I must consider this carefully.
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Rise thread, rise from the dead! I command you! By Jove, I do believe you're right! Oh wait, that was kind of the point... A glorious 4GB. A mere day's usage for glorious Suomi no doubt, but I'm too far from an exchange to get ADSL. And, frankly, asterix having to take special precautions about it just because some clown's garbage code is inveigled into so many games. I've found literally no other program so rubbish in that respect, every other program I've used either has an offline mode or updates that can be scheduled/ otherwise controlled, and which don't break either the program itself or everything linked to them if they don't get the update they're demanding. Oh, and what was I saying about people trying to blame the users for steam's faults? Steam isn't broken, it's the data cap that works for everything else that is!
I believe you could install most GFWL games to an offline profile even in non-supported countries, though they should certainly have some sort of warning/ instruction if selling in an unsupported one. It'd still suck that the online stuff didn't work of course, but from what I've heard that happened fairly frequently even if your country was theoretically supported. Stuck the rest of the reply into steam rox/ sux because why not.