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Everything posted by kingofsquid

  1. If you didn't have one how did you play Halo 3 n' stuff? Played slightly at friend's house, need help, see the topic "Xbox 360 Elite Ebay" in Skeeter's Junkyard if you have advice.
  2. OK, found an Xbox 360 Elite on Ebay, Condition New, seller has 97% feedback, Free Standard Flat Rate Shipping, large quantity. One Problem, the buy it now price is.......$2.00!!!!!!! FOR AN ELITE! Is there something wrong here, need help fast: 2 days, 2 hours until sale ends
  3. Well, I am hoping to get a 360 by the end of the week, longer if off of 'Bay
  4. What is the idea, dus it include squids?
  5. This is a good custscene- BTW did you know that on Halo 2 the "Ladies Like Armor Plating" mission name is changed to "Ladies Like Superior Firepower" on Legendary?
  6. Every game has at least one kind of glitch, so they deserve a thread. Have you ever done anything with glitches, such as described in the Metroid Prime 2 Sequence Break FAQ, or the Halo Secrets FAQ?
  7. Get well soon. I am rigging a 3D model at work (rigging is putting a skeleton in and making sure body parts deform properly when moving, for those not in the know). Except I've been working on this model for like two weeks and I am really bummed out on it and I cannot bring myself to work on it properly. TVtropes isn't helping. :D Thank you. As a matter of fact, i feel great! No fever, slight headache(normal for me), no nausea. Tamaflu works well, first time i took it my fever went down from 102f to 98.8f. If it is true that after 24 hours without a fever you are not contagious, than mom is okay(she also has a cold), and at 7:00 i will be ok too.
  8. creeped me out because it was associated with the flood, and when i heard it i was like oh crap, here they come!
  9. creeped me out because it was associated with the flood, and when i heard it i was like oh crap, here they come!
  10. My parents told me tritium was fictional and only existed in Spider-Man 2.
  11. Mostly, I am RPing on a site that i cannot talk about. PM me if you want to know more...
  12. ...um, Kingdom Hearts II's is nice, IMHO. And um, the metroid battle theme, which is in Metroid Prime games 1 and 3, and is buyable in 3.
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