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Everything posted by Oner

  1. *snickers* Geoff Keighly.. pfft.. *bursts out laughing*
  2. http://www.sorryformay15.com/
  3. Of course they announce the Binary Domain PC releave a day after I give up on ever owning it and read the spoilers. -.-
  4. Yeah, in an ambush. (And Joker was doing a piss poor job of evading the beam that took the Normandy apart.)
  5. A slightly different take on the endings: http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/jimquisition/5496-The-Positive-Side-of-Mass-Effect-3s-Ending-Drama
  6. Stop listening to ****ty music then. I've heard (of) plenty.Heck, Jeremy Soule, Alex Brandon, etc are all famous 'cause they made awesome music several times.
  7. Where do you live Vol? Just so I don't have to nuke all of Canada.
  8. http://www.nerfnow.com/comic/image/714
  9. Gothic 2 tried to get away with a pretty good explanation (you've been lying under rubble halfdead for days with only the protective spells on your armor keeping you barely alive), people complained. In Gothic 3 they didn't even bother, you character started off with competent -if not extraordinary- stats (and got all his best stuff stolen when he was not using it in open combat for some reason), people complained. No right way to do it, might as well just ignore the issue.
  10. Haven't played the game, so I don't know what questions go unanswered, I was mainly responding to the specific example they gave. Sure, there is important stuff that should be revealed.
  11. Not that I know of. Doubt there are any mods.
  12. I appretiate it when I'm not treated like some god who has to know everything. How long have they been reaping? Who cares? They've been at it long enough to give you shivers. The difference between "millions" and "2 million" won't make a difference.
  13. Took Just Cause 2 for a spin, loads of fun, though I haven't gotten the hang of the controls yet.
  14. I can see the slogan already: A new, persistent beta MMO by Bethesda. Not that you'll care, you never do!
  15. Anachronox, yay! \o/
  16. http://masseffect.wikia.com/wiki/User_blog:Kaloneous/Mass_Effect_3_%28True%29_Ending_DLC_Revealed!!!!
  17. ^ One day I'm going to travel around the world and punch publishers till they learn that informing your consumers should be a friggin' priority. I don't give a rat's ass about half of Obs' project because I've given up on keeping track with what Working Title #1, 2 and 3 are, what they're supposed to be, etc. Also, http://us.battle.net/d3/en/blog/4612389/Diablo_III_Launching_May_15_–_Digital_Pre-Sales_NOW_OPEN-3_15_2012#blog "The end of days approaches"... gee, I wonder what Diablo 2 was about then. A picnic with the Lord of Hell?
  18. http://www.explodingrabbit.com/games/super-mario-bros-crossover Super Mario crossover http://bluebottlegames.com/src/nsDemoFullscreen.php Scavenger A turn based RPG, far as I can tell.
  19. https://buy.guildwars2.com/ GW2 available for pre-purchase from April 10th + Collector's Edition unveiled. Pretty much the usual stuff: Character statue, artbook, paintings, making-of, OST. http://www.gametrailers.com/video/gdc-2012-mechwarrior-online/727976 MechWarrior Online GDC gameplay footage.
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