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Everything posted by Oner

  1. Got Underrail as a delayed Xmas gift so I plan to give that a spin later. Also played some Mortal Kombat X at a friend's, and finished Gat out of Hell at home. Was short, but much fun.
  2. So I'm curious about this game. Apart from the old-school nostalgia, how does it stand out? Is there something unique or special about it in any way?
  3. Exactly my point. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/71554-pre-load-is-now-available/?p=1595296 Thanks for the headache.
  4. I'm still waiting for pretty much any game from that genre on a PC. It's been a long time since the last DMC... What, DmC and DMC4 Special Edition not enough for you? (Me neither)
  5. I haven't seen/gotten that one, what makes it so good?
  6. Aww. There, there. It's okay. I was close to making a point involving the detrimental effect multiplayer modes have on (single player) games that have the proper budget and projecting it on a game on a Kickstarter budget where the entire multiplayer mode was conceptually tacked on as the last available (and therefore apparently most expendable) stretch goal, but why bother. I mean such sentiment isn't REALLY to be expected from a group composed of people liking single player RPGs on a forum of a company making - mostly - single player RPGs, is it? Gee. Yeah, nevermind that 1: this game isn't made for the Obs boards, it's for Battletech fans (which, as you'll recall, is a tabletop game. With players. Playing against players.) 2: The game started out as a simple skirmish match generator. Multiplayer extension for a skirmish style game? Inconcievable. As for the budget: What they spend on the MP is less than what's required for reaching the stretch goal, so there there, don't worry. The whole game - SP included, how nice! - will be better for the money. And giving the MPers a reason to donate will mean more money, which, again, is better for the game overall. Not to mention post launch sales helping to fund any troubleshooting or additions that will arise later.
  7. Yeah, god forbid people who like to play tactical games with giant robots against people with actual brains get a bone thrown to them. All hail the SP RPG group, first, foremost and only!
  8. No, a game that follows the themes and spirit and style of it's source material. Because, you know, when you play a VtM video game, you do it because it's more of the same - more VtM. It has nothing to do with being a "realistic sim" of anything.
  9. Why would you even add that useless thing.
  10. Dunno about you, but I'd rather have a balanced Vampire RPG than one that isn't. So you don't really want a Vampire RPG. What is the point of making a game with known IP if you just change everything? Just a money grab. How is spending time and money to change stuff moneygrabbing vs leaving it as is?
  11. Nah, choices are constantly reinforced in lots of small and some bigger ways and are used to pull you into the setting. That said, since the story is about time travelling, the ending can be interpreted as more of a "you learned enough to reasonably make the right choices when they come" deal, which is fine by me.
  12. check if you dont have it already installed in some mech (I am not sure as I never used these but some items are for only one mech) Thanks, we have a winner! :D
  13. Oh I found where the menu is. But all of them say Owned: 0
  14. On the topic of MWO, I too fired it up again. Can someone tell me where all my ****pit decor -including my Santlas bobblehead- went?
  15. I'd be curious how they plan to implement Crytek engine models into the Unity engine.
  16. I expected it to be out later actually.
  17. Wings of Liberty ranks highly amongst my disappointments in gaming. Not because of the gameplay but because of the story (that little there actually is). I wonder whose brilliant idea it was to turn one of the most badass characters in the history of RTS into a mewling, alcoholic emo clutching a picture of Kerrigan and whining "Sarah I MUSS U SOOOO MUCH!!!!" into his drink. Sheesh. Of course Blizzard managed to top even that with retconning the Zerg origins in Heart of the Swarm, but then again, at that point I no longer expected anything better. Getting drunk after your lady love became a genocidal alien monstrosity also responsible for the death of at least one good friend is a reasonable reaction imo. I was more annoyed by Blizzard need to do a 'Have we mentioned how heroic Jim is today?' every cutscene.
  18. The security company my workplace employs is called Avant-Guard. So yeah.
  19. I wonder if it has to do with both Mad Max and Arkham Knight being published by Warner Bros?
  20. They said January I think?
  21. Comment under the spoiler.
  22. Why are you browsing a video game forum during work?
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