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Everything posted by Oner

  1. There's one part in the secret Tai Pei warehouse, one you can buy before the yacht I think and one when you mention her locket when you meet, IIRC.
  2. There's a few seconds delay between the last building exploding and Defeat! appearing.
  3. No, I expect them to A) not write something stupid like this under a collection of humanoid creatures, B) if they do, then really make them different - not every race has to prefer big breasts or whatever.
  4. "Distinct racial physiology is an opportunity to explore different standard of beauty".Horned human woman with gray skin, human woman, pointy eared human women, short statued human woman. Veeery different beauty standards right there.
  5. You made me laugh out loud! Bad Oner, baaaad!
  6. I can't get Terran up the night out of my head. So.. awesome..
  7. Epic Coaster Gravity
  8. source article links in thread @: CVG LA times Oh Bobby, never change you little scamp you. So basically he tried to wage a legal against his lawyer?
  9. What "class" are you?
  10. Thank you for the tale, wise one.
  11. Sigged, your Delusion trait has leveled up.
  12. Haven't noticed any myself.
  13. Meh, those are no fun without the Overmind, Zasz and Daggoth.
  14. DV more likely. At least I hope so, instead of dragging the story on.
  15. Umm....why? ...oh. I disagree to a degree.
  16. Sorry, for some reason I read it as a press interviewer, not a job interviewer. The answer is still the same tho. -Do you have any special skills? / - L337 AI skillz. -- - Jack of all trades. \ - Tooth kick.
  17. Stone Trailer
  18. What!? You know the premise but, still don't know the terrible terrible story.He has a point if you ask me.
  19. Dialogue wheel, definitely.
  20. What? It's not like the ending ran a 5 minute dissertation on the .
  21. Maybe, uh... Kerrigan?
  22. Yeah, I've used reapers, wraiths, diamondbacks all of once in the whole campaign (vultures not even in their own mission). You're in luck, the last two missions are pretty free form.
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