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Everything posted by Oner

  1. Occasionally you get stat checks or lifepath choices that unlock more (usually ideal) options, but most convo choices are for roleplaying purposes. What I find odd is how superfluous some of the blue/question options are. They don't even elaborate on a given topic, just ask brain dead questions about obvious things. Other times they're bad faith questioning's of people's motives. Oh well.
  2. Honestly I don't know what I want. There's plenty of side missions and the idea of gigs are cool too, but there's so much of the latter not to mention all the filler crime activities... Makes the game feel padded and empty at the same. I'd much prefer more plot and intricately crafted missions. Panam's storyline blew me away (despite a few stumbles) and kind of set me up for disappointment for other side stories until I realized her stuff is pretty entwined with the main story. Also are you saying you want some blackjack with your joytoys?
  3. Didn't keep me from being disappointed in it! Not like I had expectations, considering they barely marketed the game.
  4. Yep, I've sent something to a friend for Xmas, untrackable. Don't know why they even pretend it's there.
  5. 2020 is the year of disappointments, innit.
  6. Man, the way the ending to Judy's side quest was handled ticked me off so much I couldn't even be arsed to load my save and get the good ending.
  7. Le Winter Sale hath beguneth. Verily!
  8. You are the real cyberpunk.
  9. Not only did a pair of cars just pop in randomly while I was driving, both landed off the road on a heap of trashbags, as if the game said "I don't need these".
  10. Placide was right. "Dey always out to f*** us" indeed.
  11. I wrote in the spoiler that I missed it. The cop called me again a bit later, but I haven't met up with him yet, I think a follow-up is starting. I'm pretty sure I saw Judy too involved with the quest in a trailer, and she did mention the original job offer in a call I had with her.
  12. Witcher 3 had item rarity too? Reminds of Skellige King Guy with much ado and ceremony gifting you not one, but three ancestral swords (for three different quests), which were all weaker than what I had and were promptly pawned off to his own blacksmith. Anyone got any input for the I Fought The Law job?
  13. I was really proud of that last one until I noticed the camera had a crotch focus.
  14. Melkathi, are you entertained?
  15. Kinda disappointed the Wheel of Fortune grafitti isn't russian roulette, really digging the tarot designs otherwise. Can't decide if The Sun or The World is my fav so far. Really liking Panam and Claire is a treasure.
  16. Awww, are they hogging it from you? Poor guy.
  17. I've stopped following him months ago when he went off the deep end tbh. Around the time he made a video desperately trying to justify Abby's muscle mass.
  18. The fact that CP actually bothers to treat it's protagonist like a human being and takes time out to portray and address their mental health is enough to make me adore the game on it's own. Every time a game leads into that topic but then goes "...but you're an ultimate badass so I know x doesn't bother you" I groan out loud at the wasted potential.
  19. There she is. More importantly, is it well ventilated? This suites me. Nice view EeEeeeeEEEeeee, Keanu-saaaaaaa~~~n!
  20. I'm having trouble patching Galaxy itself, it's been really wonky this week.
  21. There's a Vermintide 2 trailer where the beastmen spot the party literally because the dwarf sings too loud.
  22. Master of the Wind is still most excellent if you're into RPG Maker games.
  23. IIRC the idea behind Riot Forge is that devs pitch smaller projects to Rito for funding, so it makes sense.
  24. Also apparently 8 million people pre-ordered it. I'm going to cheat a little, but that would be 480,000,000 euros? They decided to "liven" up the gameplay by adding vendor junk to find with your Punk Senses. Remember how nicely the 48 minute gameplay reveal flowed? Yeah, not here. Controls felt a bit... sluggish? Though I was too sleepy to mess with mouse sensitivity properly, maybe that'll fix it. On the other hand, I did a slow 90 degree turn in my starter car and I almost lost complete control over the car, no idea why they made it that sensitive. Personally I find the UI too visually noisy, it's disorienting me. Honestly, I'm sure the idea was that the first proper look inside the arcology (or megaplex?) you live in is supposed to impress you, but I got so intimidated I just went straight for the quest objective. You get xp for using skills, which I'm a fan of and there's a ton of perks to choose from. Most of the cast is varying definitions of fun so far, and Cherami Leigh is putting a lot of emotion into V so far, I'm enjoying her performance. The starting corpo vignette was shorter than I expected and so on rails I'm not sure why they even bothered. I have a bunch of small gripes and weird things (some voice lines were cut from earlier versions for no apparent reason, for example), but I'm eager to play more.
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