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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. uhhhhh isnt that DA2? zings!!!!
  2. good to know. My favorite concept of a "powerful" sword/melee weapon they could add in the game is one made of an incredibly heavy alloy that could only be wielded by a powered up man-machine. its not so much how sharp it is, as it is being hit by something that weighs as much as a steel girder, but taking up the volume of a short 2x4. hawt. of course, how would you carry it around? it would pull your pants down if you tied it to your belt.
  3. i keep finding myself agreeing with gromnir and its freaking me out....
  4. is the laser sword possibly returning in HR? I thought it was super newfangled technology in the original game.
  5. Combining ADnD with 4th ed? Not without a crowbar, semtex and a ****load of ducttape. I actually have managed to combine 3.5 with 4th edition to my satisfaction. I took the only things I liked from 4th edition ("bloodied" as a status, monsters and npcs that dont have to play by the same rules as players, mooks with 1hp) and houseruled them into 3.5. badaboombadabing! everyone is happy, except my wallet, which spent $50 buying books just so i could end up with a couple new houserules. 4e sucks.
  6. I'm NOT expecting this to be as good as red dead redemption. I'll be obviously very pleased if it is, but this game is barely on my radar right now as I have not heard of team bondi before this game and am too lazy to google them to see what else they have made. now, track record isnt everything, look at the team that made batman AA, no one would have guessed based on their past games how good batman would turn out to be. so im not ruling LA noire out completely, just saying that I'm barely even interested, and will remain so until we start seeing some actual reviews. maybe part of whats bugging me is I dont feel like they are making it clear how the game is going to PLAY, only look. looks are nice, but actual gameplay is better. thats what I like about the previews for deus ex, they have gone into great detail explaining how the game plays compared to the original. I know what is different and what is being kept, and I'm excited about it. LA Noire seems to just be "its like gta, but not really, we have neat acting and mo-cap stuff, and we've got detective stuff, but better than other detective stuff you've seen in other games, we promise!" not good enough
  7. i hated the last boss in DA:O. not a fun fight. many big rpgs have bad final bosses, not fallout 1-2 though, the master and horrigan were both great last encounters. The fight/encounter at the end of torment was super duper awesome. I also kinda liked sarevok in BG1 as a last fight but his cronies were cheaters. the fight at the end of kotor 1 was probably the best fight in that game (not saying much, im not crazy about kotor 1) fight at end of NWN OC was so bad it was funny i dunno, imo the best final boss fights have almost exclusively been in console games: MGS and Ocarina of Time etc
  8. I'm getting more and more curious about this demo... how actiony is this? I was under the impression that the PC version of the game at least was more or less the same as DA:O, but with worse camera angles...
  9. My sarcasm sense is tingling. I'll wait for the 'in-depth' comparisons of changes from Oblivion ~> Skyrim. Even heavily modded Oblivion couldn't hold my interest for long. oblivion without the horrible level scaling would at least be worth a playthrough once i would think? it would for me anyway... I know I'm going to end up getting Skyrim on day 1, just like I know I'm going to get Fallout 4 on day 1 whenever that comes out.
  10. I can't remember, but wasn't there a flurry of "This game is going to suck" right before DA: Origins came out? I'm not saying DA2 WONT suck, but still, its odd how much complaining happens BEFORE a game comes out instead of right AFTER when people realize, you know, that the game actually does suck.
  11. thats what i meant. by "not as good as" I meant for the time. games are not released in a vacuum of course edit 2: also I finally took an avatar because I'm getting closer and closer to earning my wings and i thought i needed one...
  12. still though, a TEN point drop is a big difference. that is the reviewer saying "this game is most definitely not as good as the last one". Considering that sequels in videogameland are often better than the originals, this is a poopoo sign that DA2 now wears around its large and spikyarmored neck. I'm expecting to like it anyway, but if i don't like it A LOT then I'm going to stop pre-ordering bioware games for a while in case they are going back into one of their slumps.
  13. i agree with niten. the half life series is my most frequently played fps series. Most fps games I finish once and never replay, not half life games though, I can play them again and again. usually with a year or two inbetween playthroughs
  14. sounds pretty rough. for research purposes, what fps games do you genuinely like nightshape? (this helps me put your review in a context of your taste so that I might better see it's accuracy for a person of MY taste)
  15. half life 2 is absolutely a pure FPS. its not an FPS rpg like deus ex or system shock 2, its not a first person stealth game like thief, its not a hybrid of the three like chronicles of riddick. its also not an online shooter like Battlefield 2 or team fortress 2. if half life 2 isnt a pure plain and simple FPS then no game is.
  16. imma get this when it costs $10 in a year or two
  17. half life 2 and ep2 combined are my favorite pure fps game. people saying overrated should turn their eyes to the garbage that is halo and behold what an overrated shooter looks like.
  18. im not downloading the demo, i preordered. if the game sucks then i wont preorder from bioware again. If I only bought games if I liked the demo I would probably never buy anything again. most demos are major suck.
  19. ok. I'm now sold on the game. well done gaming media. well done. If its not good i will be very sad
  20. im actually really impressed that those were 360 graphics the animation looks WAY better than oblivion, but still not the greatest of all time (though the dragons look to be well animated) generic warriors helmet looked kinda dumb with the faceplate part but whatever thats not a problem i thought the towns looked pretty nord-like, EXCEPT for the cathedral bit rising in the background, it looked an awful lot like the ones in oblivion, which were dumb cause it was the same building in every town. overall though, the game looks incredible and I'm very excited. The windmill in particular looked fantastic, and had some real character to it, i hope there isnt one in every town, copy-paste design, while understandable in a game this size, is so disheartening for the player. now just tell us that there is some handplaced loot in every area like fallout 3 and new vegas! handplaced loot is very important to making exploration feel fun and worthwhile. I'd also like some more detailed info about the new leveling system.
  21. have you tried changing the field of view to take care of the motion sickness? those games let you alter it and that might be a possible cause since they are in an aspect thats a little wider than normal fps games (i think)
  22. i am SO happy they got rid of the weekly check-in for the DRM. I was going to return my pre-order, now I dont have to.
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