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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. there is no acrobatics skill anymore, running and jumping will be handled like in fallout new vegas or fallout 3 (at least, this was my impression)
  2. how many people played ME 1 and 2 and were like "damn why is this game got so much rpg stuff in it?! im not buying the last game in the trilogy unless they get rid of all these stupid skillz!!" bioware is catering to the lowest common denominator, which is leaving me less than thrilled.
  3. thiiiiiis leveling system has been so broken in morrowind and oblivion
  4. its so sad that its an attitude thats been ignored by mainstream gaming press in favor of talking about micro-transactions and iphone apps. making good games should be the goal of every company, and should be their only talking point. ea and activision would rather sell you "services" than products, because they are hoping to somehow/someday make farmville or WoW money on single player games.
  5. saints row seems to have a target audience of which I am not a part. no skin off my back, just not interested in what they are marketing. I'm only mildly interested in GTA, so a knock-off would have to really be selling something amazing to get me interested, purple dong bats isn't it.
  6. i have to say, that interview with Feargus has to be one of the best interviews from a game developer head I've ever had the pleasure of reading. It's very realistic, and shows an attitude that I wish more companies had. "fight used game sales by making your game too big and awesome to ever want to sell" The mentality on display is a big part of why i like buying obsidian games.
  7. well, if nothing else, they know how to make a great trailer. i'm interested, the focus on palm trees and beaches made me think of vice city
  8. i thought someone on this board was saying HR tanked?
  9. i hope the game is set in an interesting time period.
  10. stiff animation? in an elder scrolls game? impossible! oh wait no nevermind... anyone else ever think the walking animations in morrowind made people look like they were suffering from horrendous wedgies?
  11. interesting i guess. is this the same team that just made Deus Ex HR? if so, then I'm actually pretty excited about thief 4. HR wasn't perfect, but it was pretty damn good.
  12. still batman. after that, gonna try to finish off some of the shorter games in my backlog before skyrim comes and dominates my gaming time for the next couple months
  13. i started with the same character in morrowind and oblivion, and will do the same here: dunmer thief, small swords, light armor. 2nd char will probably be a orcish bandit/archer 3rd some sort of viking maybe
  14. still playing arkham city, its quite fun. I definitely thought the overall level and world design was stronger in Arkham Asylum though, but I appreciate how much larger City is, and how there is much more to do in it. I just prefer a carefully planned "confined" game world, over a sprawling "open" one. ("open" ala gta/assassins creed/infamous etc)
  15. i think this describes how i feel about the bethesda sequel process very well
  16. left 4 dead is absolutely fantastic multiplayer coop (and versus) but pretty lackluster single player, you'll probably get 4-8 hours out of it in single player before you get tired of it.
  17. im reposting that everywhere, but don't worry, its clearly crediting you.
  18. i liked it as single player too, but not nearly as much as splitscreen multiplayer. still, for 8 bones it seems more than a good deal, even if you get bored you'll still probably get 20 hours out of it, which is a pretty good fun-money ratio
  19. http://ps3.ign.com/articles/121/1210860p1.html a cry for a return to normalcy in Final Fantasy. i dont normally link to ign, but i pretty much agree with everything in this article with regard to getting the series back to when it was greatest (6-9) edit: a mass effect game being released alongside the new console in 2013 would be a GREAT way for microsoft to get their console started with a bang. especially if the game was so graphics heavy that it had to be a "720" exclusive (for another year till ps4 is released anyway). if they had a gears game for the casuals, mass effect for the nerds, and some kind of fancy kinect kids adventure platformer whatever for the soccer moms then they would probably have one of the most lucrative launches in generations (ignoring the wii...)
  20. nooooo i hope that was some kind of glitch
  21. hmm, maybe it was just being really finicky the week i was playing, and they've since fixed whatever was causing the issue?
  22. i tried replaying it a few months ago but the servers were too unstable, i was constantly getting disconnected when moving between areas
  23. that would be awesssooome i used to love setting up the ordinator armor with a black skirt over the greaves too, looked very intimidating. i miss being able to put clothes over the same slots as armor
  24. also, valve doesnt have tons of angry shareholders to answer to, so they don't need to ferociously fight to always be posting greater gains than the prior quarter lest they lose their jobs in other words, they can afford to act with intelligence and forethought, instead of knee jerk response
  25. turn based icewind dale would be so super great... unless it used D&D 4e rules, then it would be merely so great, and no super.
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