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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. maybe a crappy MMO does make a lot of money? they must cost almost nothing to make (seeing as how they are terrible) so if even a small group of people buy into it, there is a decent enough chance it could recoup costs + extra the profit margin is probably unusually high for a terrible MMO. ps: im speculating entirely here, i have no idea what the costs and revenue are for any type of MMO
  2. tigranes is totally correct, if steam charged high prices for everything and never had sales i would own maybe 3-4 games on it, tops. but because they offer games for awesomely low prices i ignore all the "features" i don't like about it *because it's worth it* would i pay a premium for a better system? maybe, probably not though, i like my cheap games, it lets me try out more stuff that i would never have played otherwise. The moment steam starts being more of a hassle than the prices are worth though, i will stop using it. I don't use it out of love, but out of a desire to be miserly - which it facilitates quite well. edit: oh, and sometimes I'm a "no steam, no buy" customer, because i want to spend $5 on the game, and i know for sure if it gets on steam, then sometime in the next 2 years, the game will be $5. If i actually want to pay full price for a game, then it doesn't really matter whether its on steam or not, so long as: if it has drm, the drm is not MORE restrictive than steam.
  3. Because even a child knows that paying $5 for a game you won't play is a better deal than paying full price for one you will. Right? or, for $5 even if you only got a few hours of entertainment out of it, you're getting a betted deal than having spent that money on a multitude of other fleeting entertainments? why would you buy something you have no intention of playing?
  4. i remember once i patched the game i had the camera under control, and i dont really remember the voice acting at all, but yeah, its missing the "fun" that an rpg should have. it was a rather linear experience, if i remember correctly - more like a kotor than a baldurs gate?
  5. i've tried to finish NWN 2 twice and have been unable to. the combat/encounter design gets too repetitive.
  6. oh yeah there are a few parts you're in zero G, but it's mostly a very straightforward shooty type game with some better than usual atmosphere and some worse than usual QTE moments definitely worth the $5, but not exactly game of the year, you should get 2-3 afternoons of fun out of it though (unless you hated resident evil 4, in which case skip this one for sure, because its basically the same game but slightly worse in almost every way)
  7. tried playing another world for the first time since i was about 10.... it did not go well old games are too hard.
  8. i mean, its set in outer space.... is that what you mean? its just an action/horror game, you don't actually, you know, get to go to space in real life or anything
  9. dead space 1 is like a worse resident evil 4 mixed with a worse system shock 2. its not a bad game, but you'd be better off replaying resident evil 4 and system shock 2. dead space 2 was a worse version of dead space 1. that said, how can you go wrong for only $5?
  10. if steam never had holiday sales i would be in the steam-hate camp but i can't hate something that lets me buy games for 90% off. before steam there was no convenient way to buy insanely cheap games. so long as steam keeps doing what it does, then i love it, becuase it makes gaming a really cheap, convenient, and fun hobby.
  11. Batman AC was pretty good, but imo, not nearly as good as AA. it lost a lot of the focus of AA and instead put the emphasis on "look how cool it is to fly around the whole city!". it was like the difference between metal gear solid and assassins creed, both involve sneaking and beating up stuff. but one of them has much more compelling level design. so its more of a taste thing, but my tastes lean towards smart level design instead of "big open city with tons of random challenges"
  12. i dont remember needing the stealth suit to be sneaky in crysis... far cry was a better overall game though. i skipped crysis 2 because crysis 1 was not that fun to play. i could see going back for crysis 3, but only if it gets stellar reviews
  13. we know that you cannot play it on hard right out of the box, you must go through normal first. that said, normal should be a fast breezethrough.
  14. the early reviews for risen 2 look pretty negative, what am I missing?
  15. max payne will almost certainly be a holiday steam sale item for me, it comes out too close to diablo 3 for me to pay full price for it
  16. there are tons of terrible builds in diablo 3, have you looked through all the skills and runes? not all are created equal...
  17. people on my friends list showed their real names, but they are all people i know in real life and i have their email addresses entered which might be why it shows their name?
  18. how insane would it be if they announced all of them half life 3 portal 3 team fortress 3 left 4 dead 3
  19. witch doctor was the class i wanted to try most, and ended up being the class i liked the most as well, so thats good my number 2 pick was the demon hunter, and she was a bit meh. standing around and shooting got a little stale, but maybe when higher level abilities unlock she will be more fun barbarian was fun and satisfying to use monk was better than i expected, but not great, maybe better after more fun abilities unlock? i didnt play the wizard, and i never will.
  20. i feel like anyone stealing kickstarted games is really beyond pathetic.
  21. i hate to think how square would re-envision the cast of FFVI if they were to make it today... locke would have spiky hair. so would edgar for some reason. setzer would look like a chick. terra would whisper mumble everything she said. kefka they would make deadly serious all the time instead of half comic relief/half villain
  22. paladin is gone, but diablo 3 has a sorceror.... whats to miss? i personally am bummed we have no amazon, the javazon was 10x more fun for me than any other character build. That said, I'm going to give the witch doctor a try, i like voodoo and zombie themes. if that doesnt work i'll try the demon hunter and barbarian. monk and sorceror don't interest me at all unfortunately
  23. regular developers: we won't make any more rpgs ever again kickstarter developers: you want an rpg? ok, give me $15 and i will make you one, there is a chance it will be good. my choice is easy, i would rather kickstart 100 promising rpg projects for the CHANCE to get a game that's as good as fallout or planescape torment. yeah it might not ever happen, but if there was no kickstarter, then it would DEFINITELY not ever happen. baldurs gate 2 came out a looong time ago now. and there have not been any crpg's since then that have been on par with fallout 1, fallout 2, planescape torment, baldurs gate, or baldurs gate 2 (well except maybe Fallout: New Vegas, but thats an action rpg). there have been a couple pretty good crpg's: the kotors, the witchers, nwn 2 etc, but nothing truly stellar like we were seeing during the black isle days.
  24. i think the developers who were making good rpgs stopped, or didn't understand the root of what people liked about them bioware is still making "rpg's", but they aren't making games like baldurs gate anymore. i feel the same way about square in relation to the final fantasy series
  25. Have you seen many POV trailers packed with action, where one man is clearly on a personal mission, and when the game turned out to be a turn based strategy? It's 101 of trailer making, you don't do these things. Same as you don't make action packed trailers for musical dramas in movies industry. Same as you don't advertise sugar with people talking about their type 2 diabetes. I could give a million examples... i think you're confusing a trailer for a movie, which includes footage of the movie, with a cg promo for a game, which includes no footage of the game.
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