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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. i have 3 characters in nightmare difficulty and 2 in hell. ive not yet seen a legendary or a set item drop
  2. im just not seeing much of a reason to bother with consoles next generation it used to be that games were either PC games or console games, so i had to have PC and consoles to play everything. but now most every game gets released on both. if, years from now, there are 4-5 console exclusive games that i've been unable to play on pc, i might pick up a console to play them for cheap. but im not jumping on the next generation consoles at the beginning, not until I see what exclusive games will be made for them
  3. i was never planning on getting the deus ex dlc, but the price was too good to pass up on the off chance i decide to replay the game again
  4. moving my updates to this forum as its slightly closer to being on-topic currently at 41,000 words, im going to try and write 6-8 hours a day this weekend and see if i can't finish this first draft by the end of next week, then i go on vacation for 6 days, and when i get back i can hopefully look at the whole thing with fresh eyes and begin the editing process
  5. the more i hear about the next console generation, the less interested i am. cloud gaming on xbox? wonder how much the monthly fee for that will be...
  6. thanks monte, don't be surprised if I take you up on that offer in a few months after i've had time to finish my first and 2nd draft
  7. Hmmmm I'll keep that in mind then, probably will go back on the 2nd draft and add a couple more chapters to flesh out the middle some more. I'd read that several notable books were only 50k words: stardust, the road, hit hikers guide to galaxy etc Of course my project is garbage compared to those, so maybe 80k of garbage is more palatable to the modern publisher
  8. Eh I'm playing at being a writer, and taking a break from games for now, but if you think I'm being distractingly off topic with my progress updates I'll stop
  9. im not in inferno yet, but it seems to me that a 1% loss of gold on death should have been added to discourage frequent deaths instead of just skyrocketing repair costs. because repairs need to be done even when you are not dying, so that seems a bit unfair to the players being careful not to die
  10. i just spent a little time checking out the official diablo 3 forums. i'm pretty sure that blizzard has the worst fan base of any game company, ever. it was even worse than the people who go to bioware forums to write fan fiction an angry sea of red eyed fat little children screaming at their computer screens.
  11. its a book. thriller/suspense about a college student who stumbles into a series of murders (spanning generations) made to look like suicides. its my second attempt at writing a book, my first one got to about 48k words and then i got stuck and gave up the project, that was about 2 years ago. edit: its probably not good enough to even get the attention of an agent, but its a hobby for me, i make plenty of money at my day job, i just like to write.
  12. 36,000 words, i think i'm about half finished, but the latter half might move a lot faster than the first half, so it could end up being only around 60k words when finished
  13. 2 of my characters are now in Hell 2 are still early in Nightmare 1 is still in normal (monk) this week im going to get that monk to Nightmare I think. this game is a lot of fun to play, but I see several things that would make it better overall, i have high hopes for the expansion, i just hope it comes out next summer, and not 5 years from now
  14. Depression first. Optimism after I start hearing more about the mechanics
  15. But then why even bother licensing the game... Ah well...
  16. i never need to bother with the RMAH, the gold house is good enough for my purposes, but sometimes i see the items people are selling and can't help but wonder who is actually paying these high prices... then i realize it was probably a child who posted the item, and no one is buying it but the child doesn't really get how currency works yet, and so will continue to post bizarrely priced items
  17. i'm trying to prepare myself for the almost inevitable disappointment that this game will bring to me temple of elemental evil, baldurs gate, fallout: all great games that adapted (or created reasonable adaptations/takeoffs of) pnp game mechanics. it can be done. CDProjekt should do it too.
  18. It's not the publishers to blame. It's the market. Kids love violence, and always have. But so do I. I don't think violence is the problem, it's bad games.
  19. Deadly premonition is The Room of video gaming
  20. Well, I guess I'm just hoping since they bothered paying to use the cyberpunk license (which was probably very cheap but still) they would try and actually adapt the system, at least to the extent baldurs fate did with ad&d
  21. I'm at 26000 words now. finished chapter 13, out of a projected 34 chapters.
  22. huh, my wizard, in act one hell, has 24k life. now, i'm using her as a tank (lightning armor and spectral blade ftw), but 17k life for any character in inferno seems lowish
  23. "We are not recreating what Mike Pondsmith (pictured) did" this line worries me just a little, it seems to be in relation to the discussion of possible game mechanics. If the mechanics are not the same, or at least mostly similar to the mechanics of Cyberpunk 2020, then this game is going swiftly down the wrong tracks
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