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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. i used to LOVE bubble bobble, that game was amazing in its day. that, double dragon, contra... some really good co-op games on the nes...
  2. i think i just threw up in my mouth a little... whats the ratio of leprechauns to unicorns!!! tell me!!!!!!!
  3. borderlands is very much belonging in this category. can be easily picked up and played for an hour, or for 4 hours, no really heavy thinking required.
  4. i wish they would have left an option to keep that version of the AI. it could have been a very interesting/disturbing world. npc kills man for rake. you click to speak with him intending to ask him about the murder your only response "I saw a mudcrab the other day..." very disturbing indeed.
  5. I don't remember a morality system in morrowind beyond "pay me money and your bounty goes away" unless you mean the cultural morality in the backstory. but if you do then we might as well discuss a book since the only intelligent aspects of the game are not gameplay related. of course i could well be wrong...
  6. i wholeheartedly agree. I particularly like the stealth games where you can actually still fight if you want, but stealth is preferred/very viable. I wish stealth was better in batman arkham asylum for example. if the combat and stealth were better integrated with each other it would have been sooooo cool.
  7. i dont know if bethesda and intelligent discourse really belong in the same sentence. omgsomuchzing!
  8. i agree with that statement re torment v portal. torment is a great rpg/interactive book. its not the pinnacle of videogames as a unique and interactive storytelling medium. portal isnt the best we'll every see, but its one of the best we have now. Its also short, free (isnt it free if you download steam on a mac or something?), and very very easy to grasp mechanically. I think its the perfect stepping stone in introducing gaming into the educational space. Braid would be an ok choice too, but it is very dependent on your game knowledge, as so many of its great moments are built on super mario bros. Also, its story is a bit too chaotic. and its frankly too hard for it to be required material. World of Goo would be a fantastic choice for exploring themes in a literature course or a film course, sort of a tetris meets existentialism meets bergman if you will. another great thing about portal is it can easily be finished in a weekend (or even a single night), making it very accessible to someone who is willing to try a "videogame" but not willing to put a ton of time into the experiment. I really hope this pays off big time and starts gathering more steam (pun unintended) so games can be pushed in a more meaningful way towards education/educated discourse. tldr: go abbot!
  9. I wish there was a big mod scene for guerilla, the reconstructor sounds awesome but i feel like there could be so much fun stuff added to that game if there was a good/easy toolset to use. alas it was designed with console gamers in mind i think the next time I play guerilla I will set out to destroy every single building in the game...
  10. i was thinking of a Starcraft ghost actually when the Spectre was first mentioned in previews. it turns out they were more like judge dredd but not nearly as cool.
  11. forgive my question, but exactly is the difference between DT and DR, don't both of them reduce the total amount of hp taken off by the attack? ie: attack does 7 damage if DT was 3 the monster takes 4 hp of damage (because the first 3 points of damage didn't overcome the threshold) if DR was 3, the monster also takes 4 hp of damage (because it reduced the amount of damage done by 3) i assume that I have this wrong, but i need more explanation plz k thank you!!
  12. you never know.... edit: i should hope the 2 man "party" comment would be sufficiently illuminating of the seriousness of my statement. a 2 man party D&D game. D&D party. 2 man. 2. man. party.
  13. nwn oc was the best rpg ever. all the character depth of torment, the charm of fallout, and the best darn combat ever seen in a 2 man party game. truly a titan amongst crpgs.
  14. so i take it this is NOT a game club then? maybe someone should start one. maybe it will be me, but not now, maybe in a few weeks. also: i just realized that we do sort of have game club threads everytime a new game is released that we all play on release, but this would be for older games
  15. in my neighborhood/larger social circle, mmo's are considered much more nerdy than p&p games. i take it that is not so in other places/with other groups? ive never been to any convention for either type of game so i dont know what the crowds are like at such gatherings.
  16. im playing earthbound off and on, very cute little game so far. im also playing some starcraft2 online with a friend, and I'm also playing FF8. i gave up on the longest journey again. I have a feeling it will still be in my backlog in another 5 years...
  17. i like the idea of a quest compass that just points you to the right town, but not the right person IN town.
  18. oh snap i forgot about hordes of underdark, that game was actually pretty good. WAY better than vanilla NwN
  19. i bought 4e the day it came out, so did my friends, within a year we were back to our homebrew 3.5 which we all enjoyed much more. but we really did go enthusiastically into the new game. It isnt a TERRIBLE game, but it was a huge step backwards imo (or maybe a step sideways is more apt) so yeah im not really surprised it was a fast seller, 3e was a great improvement for many players over 2e, so i think many were hopeful about 4e... I still have hopes that maybe 5e will strike the right balance between 3 and 4, but I definitely won't buy any more 4e books after having effectively wasted about 100$ on them during the first year.
  20. wait, is this like a game club, where everyone plays the game during the week and posts their thoughts on it as they play? or is this like a youtube lets play where one person plays and narrates the experience for others to hear/read? also: does this forum have a game club? cause I could see that being rather fun... or crazy, depending on the level of involvement of certain posters....
  21. that doesnt seem right to me. how does one person saying 2 lines take less space than two people saying 1 line each?
  22. D&D should have pursued a "this is what you play when you want something more sophisticated than clicking a mouse button" instead of trying to emulate mouse button clicking. 3.5 edition is better than 4 by miles. even 1e is miles better than 4e (i never liked second edition so i choose not to speak on it, we went from 1e to 3e to 4e for ~1 year before going back to 3.5e)
  23. i think bioware is on a huge incline not decline... neverwinter nights and jade empire kinda sucked, kotor was pretty good, mass effect was pretty good, dragon age was very good, and mass effect 2 was great, of course, when you put baldurs gate in the mix then biowares quality looks like a roller coaster ride... which means we're headed for another dip... so by my awesome math dragon age 2 and mass effect 3 will suck bioware is now on a huge decline!! (see what i did, i did it good)
  24. I love Cyberpunk 2020. I think its one of the most fun tabletop rpgs around, its also retardedly easy to get killed in, most games start with the pc's rolling up several characters as they get torn apart so quickly... i never really tried shadowrun because after starting with Cyberpunk it just looked a little too cheeseball. then again, i love battlelords of the 23rd century and that game is super cheesy too so what do i know...
  25. P: No! Thats impossible!! D: search your feelings you know it to be true P: No! it can't be!!!! - Transcript from court appearance. this is how all my cases turn out
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